Before Returning Home to Germany

It started off as a re-enactment with a fuss and commotion over Brexit, but then it became deadly serious.

From Re-enactment To Reality

Back in 2019, I the Hun wanted to get my own back one more time at the Castle for when the UK had told my English girlfriend to get lost in 2017 and then went about insulting her in the street.

Being the last time I went there, and using some financial reserves to pay the entrance ticket – as by now I had no more income, I strode up in occasion of an exhibition on wartime Britain. A re-enactment was taking place representing Wehrmacht soldiers confronting British soldiers in Normandy. The re-enactors were wearing uniforms from that period and various types of weapons were on display.

Later in the afternoon, people were invited to attend a Brexit demonstration live on air which was being transmitted from the WW2 High Command post at the Castle.

Until that point I had been wearing civilian clothes as a spectator, but when I climbed the steps to the High Command platform overlooking the sea dressed as a German soldier, things turned uncanny, for I had changed into my own Wehrmacht uniform.

From D-Day to Brexit Day to Hun’s Day!

At this point, the D-Day show was over and British people were supposed to be cheering for Brexit. There was a commotion going on up there above the sea on the White Cliffs as a group of ladies dressed in WW2 RAF uniform sang some song from the 1940s called ‘Bluebirds over Dover’ and people were lamenting the fact that ‘Brexit still hadn’t happened’. But then the Hun was seen approaching them in German attire and with steel helmet on head.

It was at this point when some of those present realised who I was. On my part I recognised some of them as being associated with the local authorities. They had wanted me to be present because they still believed I would hand over to the UK manuals and manuscripts they wrongly perceived I could get from Mädel.

As the presenter – unaware of my sudden appearance – was talking live on radio into the microphone and the others stood there in silence staring at me, I solemnly declared I the Hun was there in Normandy! I told you back then, when your fathers were jumping down into the salty water and rushing up the beaches invading Europe, to turn round and go back home. If it hadn’t been for Uncle Sam who opened fire on my bunker just then, you wouldn’t need to be standing here now wailing and crying about a Brexit deal or no-deal!

Winston Churchill Throws a Tantrum

One of the councillors threw a fit and called me a traitor, to which I replied This castle and all that is around it belongs to Mädel and I her Hun shall help her raise the English Flag here in place of your ridiculous nonsense!

The man stood there and, backed up by one or two other councillors, flew into a rage and started shouting something about his queen being the head of the government, at which I laughed at him and replied You might have sent your ridiculous HM Revenues at me, but Mädel will never hand her work over to you. Being English, she works for the Fair Lady of the English Folk, not for your Humpty Dumpty!

Turning round, I descended the steps from the High Command at the Castle overlooking the sea, walked across the lawn and marched all the way down to the medieval exit gate. This was the last time I went to the castle, whereas Mädel had stopped going there in 2017 after they went around insulting her.

Bletchley Park Gone Wrong

When I came to England, Mädel, who is English, believed in the Fair Lady of the British Isles and Mother of the English Child, while I was loyal to the German Mother. We agreed from the start that we’d always respect each other’s Faith in a national Holy Mother and Child.

I had wanted to humiliate those silly people who had gone about trying to bug my English girlfriend as she was going to school, the same ones who later had come out insulting her once she had left school and made her first work offer. I considered them to be involved with investigations whereby the ‘investigators’ could never bug her and also could never find any evidence that a Fair Lady and Child existed.

Mädel and I both knew that idiots cannot see the Holy Trinity, that they cannot see God, and this was also known to my sister Angela. We also knew they were working for the Italian founding fathers of Europe to whom they wanted to pass her work on, and so we figured out that Brexit was a plan B after plan A had gone down the drain.

Castle and English Flag

The Walls Are Listening in

Having been in the Wehrmacht, I was aware that Bletchley Park had boasted about how they bugged officers who were prisoners, but I hadn’t believed it possible that stupid people would come to the conclusion that, because they cannot bug God they have a reason to come out and claim He doesn’t even exist, not Him nor anyone else in the Divine Hierarchy.

Going Home to Germany

With great satisfaction I will be leaving England and returning to my homeland in Germany, and Freundin is coming too – the one who they turned down and insulted because they could not cope with her Faith which they could not see or bug.

Yes they did try something out on my Faith as well – which is also in the German Holy Mother, but as a good Hun I made sure to exact a heavy price on their UK arrogance!

I am glad to know that Freundin can help the German Mother when it comes to Germany deciding to quit the EU as she is the expert in economic cooking policies, the person who the UK belittled and sought to humiliate.

Ha-ha, I the Hun humiliated them at Mädel’s castle in England!

Here is tonight’s Party march.


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