Winston Churchill Lost His Nerves

Unable to Cope

When Mädel was going to school, the Italians who knew about her had sent the police to do investigations and traffic her work over to the founding fathers of Europe, as they style themselves. Working for the UK, they swore allegiance to their queen, to Winston Churchill and to Italy and got a nasty surprise when the Hun found all their bugs and flung them out.

Here is today’s Party march.

After she made her offer to work in early 2017, the investigations broke down, Winston Churchill could not cope with it, they were not paid for this and had wanted to bug her instead. They swore blue in the face to their Italian masters that this cannot be and she was a liar!

Completely losing their nerves, they drove down the street flinging insults at Mädel and the Hun, then they stomped off and said Right, the Hun must die, he is dead!.

The Hun laughed and replied They even claimed Prussia was dead but we fight on in the dark to final Victory!

They sat there to see what will happen, expecting Mädel to cry tears and send them her cooking manuals saying Please, please, give my Hun some five pound notes and grant him asylum in the UK.

What happened instead is that Freundin is going to Germany after the German Mother offered her the rightful place she deserves.

Very Angry Indeed

The Party has explained that the Italian masters of theirs were working together with a client state and a den of liars who had claimed to have sold the Holy Spirit to the European Union and NATO, when in reality they sold their soul!

Enraged that “something so trivial” as the Holy Spirit could get in their way, the investigators working for their queen shut down Angela and Alexandra in England so they could do no more research, claiming that police investigations are in course, and their investigations led Angela to flee England so she could get back to carrying out her own studies.

However, she needs her brother out of prison, but instead of this, the incidences of close encounters in the street increased. Unknown people suddenly jumping out from behind bushes of from hidden angles in a street-corner pleading with the Hun that the Irish and Welsh must follow the English around, that Ireland is one island and some such things.

But Mädel, who is English, told me she doesn’t want them following her around.

Do This in Memory of the Hun

Wringing my hands and putting on a distraught expression, I began explaining to these lost souls that they were on the wrong side of the battlefield, that whereas Freundin is English, Angela is a Hun and she left them two empty frames, one for the Irish, one for the Welsh.

What about America and Australia? Many Irish there! they cried.

That’s too bad!, retorted the Hun.

They called the Hun a third world foreigner, to which he replied Good!

After suggesting that if I applied for asylum in the UK using the proper channels and was prepared to glorify their queen I could even receive some five pound notes, I felt compelled to remind them who they are, saying I know that you are not English at all so you don’t get to raising your crest in my girlfriend’s country.

With a grin I then looked them in the eyes and said Take these two empty spaces and share them among yourselves, do this in memory of the Hun!

Here is our last post for today!


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