Deranged Investigators of the Second Herod
The Coming of the Second Herod was foretold in the Holy Scriptures, and also his departure.
Vorgewarnt Ist Gewappnet
Readers at The Party are aware that the Hun, needing to be sure that no ill befall his sister Angela, was warned in advance, before returning to England following our last journey to Serbia, that the Police would falsely claim the English spiritual Child would join them.
At the time I did not know who they were referring to, only that they were lying and their attitude towards me was one of foreboding. Alexandra carried out the Exorcism here on Party space, and based on the research that she referred me to in collaboration with the German Holy Mother, we found out they were not only after the English Child, but the German Child too.
It was the reason Angela fled England to Mexico, because those people had declared War on the German Holy Mother and Her Child in 2018, which we have explained here in previous publications.
While we always knew those people systematically operated a scorched earth policy to shut down all reference to Holy Mother and Child in England and that die Hunnin got out to avoid being caught by them and placed in a prison, we still needed to find out who their master was, and this we established as being the Antichrist in person, the second Herod.
Out to Dresdenise Germany
We have noted that these people guided through Beelzebub and Moloch from Italy and placed them in positions of direct sabotage at point blank range while working all the time with the Italian Illuminati. We exposed their plans to pack the Hun and his sister off to Italy and from there to drop them down a mountain in a place across the Adriatic Sea, they being hell-bent on this with a self-worshipping vengeance.
But the Hun had served in Normandy where he was higher placed and in an advantageous position to see how they jumped down and ran up the beaches determined to enter Europe and take over. In our 24th April edition The D-Day Catastrophe in Normandy, I explained how my sister Angela had made the plan to reach England and expose their bluff, for she had studied the Invasion of Normandy after hearing so many accounts from her brother and his comrades from that time.
Having been knocked down in Italy by the Antichrist who then drove off back to ‘the UK’, she had said We go England, brother and sister see beach from other side of sea, then brother understand why they fool whole world while he in Normandy.
She was referring to the fake fleets and armies of general Patten based in Kent.
The Same Old Bluff
They had lied to the German High Command claiming there would be an invasion around Calais, and similarly they had lied to the Hun falsely claiming the English spiritual Child had said he’d join them. But by then, Angela had informed her brother of their real intentions and also of their bluffs, and so I never believed one word they said.
What we know is, they want to make Germany believe they have to bow down to this kingdom-past called ‘the UK’ and depend on Herod’s investigators to ‘do the necessary evil’. Only, Angela is long gone and they never managed to get hold of her.
And this was why they wanted to send her off with her brother to Italy without a penny, no contract and a ‘you do not even exist’ notice. This was so brother and sister could be severely punished and then offered up one more time across the sea for some people who betrayed the Serbian Holy Mother and Child to prove a point: that Angela, who made the decisions when we were in Serbia, is a failed liar.
Only, to achieve this, they first needed to get rid of the English Child, and also his German spiritual brother. They could not achieve this, for the former crossed the sea from the Cornerstone in Folkestone and went to be with the latter in the German house, whereas Angela will not come back until her brother is out of prison.
She never worked with these deranged people, nor did the English Child, while the Hun wore his German uniform and never failed to heed the warnings and the words of the German Holy Mother.
Here is today’s Party march.
The Antichrist’s Failed Plans
In yesterday’s print Demons operating against the Full Moon Church, it becomes clear that, many years ago, the German Lady had already seen the den of impure spirits calling up the demons and attempting to exchange the Kingdom of Jesus Son of God for that of their master the Antichrist to then try to sacrifice Germany to perdition.
They have managed to interrupt Alexandra and Angela’s studies, but on her part, Alexandra, while working with the German Spiritual Mother, has managed to expose them for what they are, something akin to what Angela had understood many years ago after the betrayal of Serbian Mother and Child and the Antichrist’s subsequent visit in Italy.
At The Party we repeat that neither Alexandra nor Angela works with the Antichrist and therefore it is not in Germany’s interests to believe foul spirits, Moloch and the abomination which Herod’s investigators imported into England from their Italian Illuminati collaborators.
Those people swear allegiance to their master, and to say it with the Lord Our Saviour: You cannot serve two masters, for you will either love one and hate the other, or love the other and loathe the former.
Herod’s Boundaries
Herod’s servants sent the Thug to try to exchange the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk with their abomination, they were rebuffed, and yet they still go around making false claims. They did this after both Alexandra and my sister Angela had sought to work for the German Mother and Child. Their Antichrist has an evil habit of applying a scorched earth strategy around Angela and trying to knock her down, even crossing his boundaries.
Brother Hun, who needs to be vigilant towards his sister when she returns to Germany, has made clear to Herod’s servants who are lying to the Germans: I told you once, I told you twice, you are getting nowhere near Angela, she’s gone!
It was die Hunnin who had told him, In Normandy, brother on wrong beach, he not see the bluff!
The only way to stop them crossing over into other people’s lands and wreaking havoc was to take them down from within while exposing their handful of jokers: a rubber fleet, a paper army, wireless stations playing out jazz and Morse-code operators sending messages claiming massive things, when all they have to show is a haunt of evil spirits inside a room calling up demons and fooling the Germans.
This, as presented in the above-mentioned link, is what the German Holy Mother showed me years ago in England when sending me in a vision to that school.
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