Why the Hun Is Waiting for the Germans

Once the Germans turn up to sign a work contract, we'll be back to work again!

From England to Germany

In today’s Party post, the Hun is explaining again why he is waiting for the Germans to come to England to sign a binding work contract with him.

I carry a diplomatic bag on behalf of Alexandra who is waiting for the Germans to sign her offer for work. It has been made clear here that Mädel cannot stand the stench and wants to get the hell out, she is English and has nothing to do with what others call the UK, or with people who keep turning up in public hurling reference to the Welsh and the Irish at her. The same goes for me, and in fact neither of us can understand their point as we both share no relationship to them and are not in their country either.

Mädel was insulted and told to get lost in England in 2017 after making a work offer here, and I the Hun was systematically shut out of English society from the start when I turned up here by people working for the UK and Italy, for NATO and the EU – for foreign powers. Neither of us have any reason to be here and neither of us wish to stay here. And most importantly, we will never surrender to Italy, to the Irish or to the Welsh no matter how much the UK leftovers keep trying. Neither of us has a work contract with those people or with anybody else here in England and have been starved of income and any possibility to work.

Irish Disputes

Problems and disputes on the island of Ireland are self-inflicted and have nothing to do with English Mädel and the Hun and neither of us have a clue why people keep turning up punishing us on account of other people’s problems that are alien to us.

The Hun wears a Wehrmacht uniform at home and sometimes out in the street, in particular when others wear a poppy, and he cannot understand why people keep turning up flinging Irish problems at him which do not concern him personally or Mädel who is English. Those disputes between Irish are not part of our life and we do not understand why they should be inflicted upon our daily routine or why we should both be hated and punished because of it.

HM Revenues

HM revenues was unleashed on the Hun and told him to go to Hell and declared him dead too. On his part, he told them to go to Hell and rot! Clearly I am hated here for very personal reasons or non-reasons, I cannot understand why nor do I even care!

German Holy Mother

I do care for the German Holy Mother. She has offered English Mädel work in the Wirtschaft and the English spiritual Child made his way from the Cornerstone in Folkestone to his younger spiritual brother in Germany.

Here is today’s party dance.

England’s Defences

The Party has avoided touching the so-called ‘UK’ with a bargepole for many months now. However, considering that the so-called ‘UK’ has jeopardised England’s survival by attracting threats of nuclear strikes, yesterday I the Hun went up to Western Heights and activated the spiritual defence system against weapons of mass destruction that sister Hun set up underneath the English Red Saint George by way of two empty spaces. These are buffer zones to protect my English girlfriend’s country!

I did this for Mädel and Alexandra who are both English and for the English Child so he has a Country to come back to.


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