UK and Italy in Court Because of Angela

There was a court case In High that overruled the foolish and evil schemes of those who tried knocking out Angela.

The UK Locked in Bed with the Italian EU

Back in 2017 when Mädel made her offer to work in her sphere of economics for Sovereign England and – being an expert in financial bankruptcy – for the orderly dissolution of the UK, she understood pretty quickly that the Italian Illuminati had an agreement of their own with the UK to steal her work so they could use it to repair the EU and perpetuate Babylon inclusive of the Antichrist’s kingdom. Having been in Italy on holiday, she knew they were after her work but couldn’t get their hands on it.

Adding to that, they had sent agents to England demanding information on EU bankruptcy and how to solve it. They wanted this all for free and without conditions and contract, and they also praised ‘the queen’, becoming very concerned and upset when she and I told them we work for the Fair Lady and not for Humpty Dumpty with whose servants they had an agreement.

So in 2017, when she made her offer and they turned her down, she also offered to set up the Administration in England to manage the declaration of bankruptcy of Italy on condition the Italians surrender to the Fair Lady of the British Isles.

The local council, who were locked in bed with the Italian Illuminati, came out demanding she hand her work over for free and that I her Hun go and creep on my face in the street and climb up chimneys of houses belonging to Italian agents, which I refused to do.

Later, in 2018, when my sister and her friend Alexandra were making their work offers to Germany, the Italian ‘founding fathers’ of Europe gave instructions to demand I pay money to HM revenues – an impossible sum, because I had refused to climb up chimneys, and then they ordered the UK to send me a death sentence and dry my accounts out.

This is how bad it got with the whoredom between the UK and Italy!

A Court Case Higher Than Them

Years earlier, however, I had been informed in a vision of another court case, this time involving Italy and the UK in relation to Angela. In previous Party prints I have mentioned how in a vision she had been knocked over by the UK Antichrist in Italy and that later, in a Communion, I was informed by a heavenly Lawyer that the Italians In High had made a court case in Heaven against the UK.

This is something I did not tell HM Revenues when I phoned them seeing that these people take orders from those who pay them and only repeat what is on their script. Like henchmen usually do, they are given orders to fire on the target, and providing they have been supplied with crack heroin and promised their usual wage, they will just blindly fire.

It was within this context that Angela left for Mexico in 2019, leaving her brother in prison, and as a Hun who served in Normandy, it was my duty to see to it that whenever they turned up in the street or elsewhere in public offering me a five pound note, I make sure to humiliate them. My maxim was: I confronted them in Normandy and lived to tell the tale, I’ll do the same here but better.

Who to Obey?

It was Alexandra who explained to me at the time that Italy was supposed to obey the Italians In High, not strive to be ‘the founder of Europe’ dragging eastern European countries into Babylon too. And they were not supposed to make a pact with the UK Antichrist either.

Similarly, she explained, England cannot be sacrificed to the Italian Illuminati who, within an agreement made with Whitehall, were intent on replacing the Fair Lady and English Child with the descendant of the Tanner’s son.

From a spiritual perspective, the court case was between the Italians In High and the English In High, because each side had a case against the earthly powers that be: the English against mortal Italians spinning the EU tapestry, and the Italians against mortal fools shoving their UK of the Tanner’s son onto other nations.

Mädel was fully aware the UK wanted to sell her work off to Italy in return for Italy declaring the UK legally binding, which would have meant the Antichrist being invincible and the Kingdom of Jesus Son of God being silenced off while the powers-that-were slept in bed with their Italian godfathers.

If we consider that the police uk swear allegiance to the kingdom associated with the second Herod, we needn’t be surprised that Mädel asked me years ago to remove all the bugs from her bedroom where she did her studying and kept her files on economic matters.

At War Against Zion

In yesterday’s article The Heavenly Marriage Angela Works for, at The Party we wrote: “chosen from small, Angela works for Easter and the heavenly Marriage, not for Moloch and crucifixion”.

With the Italian empire-builders on one side and the UK Herodian kingdom on the other working together, neither the Italians In High nor the English In High were going to accept this unholy marriage which led to Angela being targeted wherever she was. And so, when the UK and the Illuminati sent their pack of nasty tools along to infiltrate Germany too, the German Holy Mother reacted accordingly.

In that same period as Italy and the UK tried it out on the Germans – which was not long after my sister and Alexandra had presented their work offers to Germany, Theresa May and the UK parliament were doing their best together with the Italian ‘founding fathers’ of Europe to perpetuate their marriage and used Ireland as the designated victim on whom to inflict their unholy union, and in so doing give a lesson to many nations as to who is in power and defines the agenda – and that certainly wasn’t going to be any Holy Mother and Child.

Angela Was Right

Had my sister filled in the Irish flag years ago when Whitehall was in bed with the Illuminati, her work would have been flung to the dogs by the second Herod and his partners in Italy. The way she did it, however, means the Irish can better understand why it is important to spiritually decide beforehand whose side one is on.

The Italians had leaders who slept with the UK Antichrist, but no Spiritual Mother is ever going to accept these people shutting down and taking over. The road of a Lady In High will always lead to Christ’s Church and Her Marriage will always be with the Holy Father.

The Thug Who Went to Hell

In yesterday’s above-linked edition under the chapter When UK and Italy slept in a bed, it is written:it should be obvious to anyone that they were furious with her for threatening their marriage and were out to take dire revenge, for Angela worked for the Fair Lady and Child of the English Folk and the Marriage in Heaven with the Holy Father”.

And yet, when the Thug launched his demonic attack, he did go down to Hell and failed on every count thereafter, and so the Hun could not become a prisoner in the soul of the satanic ones, just a POW in body.

Satan never releases a prisoner whose soul has been chained, and consequently the Irish will never be freed by the UK-EU marriage bill. My sister fled to Mexico and I took her place in prison, and Alexandra’s exorcism, in conjunction with her contacts with the German Spiritual Mother, is closing the door on Satan’s brood and exposing what they did.

Without Angela, the bugs are not going to give anything in relation to the empty frames she left because they have no access to her regardless what they falsely claimed to the contrary and what false promises they made (he said he would join us!), which leaves the Irish with the aforementioned marriage between the ex-UK and the EU governing matters concerning all of Ireland, with Wales remaining a principality of the Antichrist.

Victory Is Sweet …

In fact, after they had sent HM Revenues and then the Thug, brother Hun, who had been in Normandy and had rebuffed them in England, was pleased to have done his part and achieved something he had not managed on the Normandy beaches.

On Her part, when they sent their pathetic bag of tools to infiltrate Germany, the German Holy Mother inflicted on them what they well deserved and had their ridiculous Moloch crucified in England!

What can one say to the delusional man who, while swearing an oath of allegiance to the Antichrist, imagined a Holy Child would join them? When they sent HM Revenues and the Thug, their true colours were patently evident and we all know who they always were working for: the ones they swore allegiance to.

In the meantime, the German Mother is getting the Hun physically out of the prison and with him Mädel whose own work could not be bugged or otherwise obtained. It’s just a matter of waiting for the Germans to turn up.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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