A Prisoner Exchange: a Hun for the Irish

Release of Prisoners

In this article I am looking at the possibility of an exchange of prisoners that would involve me receiving special travel documents from the German Embassy as part of a contract enabling me to go home, and in return my sister Angela, once she will have travelled from Mexico to Germany, doing some research into the Irish frame of her union flag.

In our 10th May 2022 publication UK and Italy in Court Because of Angela, in the chapter Angela Was Right, we wrote: “had my sister filled in the Irish flag years ago when Whitehall was in bed with the Illuminati, her work would have been flung to the dogs by the second Herod and his partners in Italy. The way she did it, however, means the Irish can better understand why it is important to spiritually decide beforehand whose side one is on”.

The UK always worked for itself, that is, for its own kingdom dedicated to the person they swear allegiance to, and its established powers always sought to betray and cancel into oblivion the Fair Lady of the British Isles.

They Only Lie and Cheat

Mädel, who is English, made sure they never got anywhere near her work, because she never worked for their kingdom, and as we know from previous posts, she asked me to remove all the bugs from her room which they had installed while spying and trying to steal her work.

These people only ever lied when they made false promises, they could never get to her grain, they hated me like the plague for tossing their bugs out and laughing at them, and swore dire revenge.

As a Hun who was in Normandy I made nothing of it, for sister Hun had already uncovered their strategy, which was to bluff others into believing them. Meanwhile I understood why they managed to trot through Normandy while most of our army was waiting at Calais and Boulogne, because our High Command had been bluffed by them into believing they had fleets and armies where there were none.

They Lied to the Irish

The UK was never going to allow the Fair Lady of the British Isles to guide the Irish to one Irish Church in Christ as of its foundations, but they wanted to bug my sister Angela into revealing to them the relevant information in order to bury it under the ground in a sacrifice – alas she never did any such research.

In the above-linked article, it is written: “Satan never releases a prisoner whose soul has been chained, and consequently the Irish will never be freed by the UK-EU marriage bill”.

Should the Irish choose to believe in Angela who worked for the Spiritual Mother of the British Isles, then the one truth mentioned in the phrase above needs to be taken into account, that the uk worshippers of a defunct kingdom – from whom my sister fled to avoid being arrested and tormented in an HM prison – will never free the Irish, and the uk police are only intent on serving the one who they swear allegiance to.

They work to bring about one thousand years of the kingdom of the Tanner’s son counting from the year 1066, for they are not on the side of the English Army that stood and fought at Hastings. For them, sacrificing the Irish is but a necessity in a chain of actions they need to undertake to propel the kingdom of Herod II to victory.

The Hun Is in Prison

Angela Hun never surrendered, but I her brother had to take her place in prison, for so it was written in her script. This I did willingly while knowing what I was doing and there are no regrets. She came back last year in Autumn for a week to visit me in prison and gave me instructions to repeat her 2018 offer to Germany which had been made in the previous version of The Party.

When the police turned up to arrest her she was already gone as Alexandra informed her beforehand using her capacity to eavesdrop by way of mind power – against which exists no law. Spiritual communication is something not even bugs can deter and it is superior to all and everything they had to offer from their sack of cheating tools.

Well if the Irish decide it is better to be released from the chains of the defunct UK and from those of Whitehall’s bedfellows the EU, then the Hun could be released from the HM prison where they interned him and travel on home to Germany, in particular because the German Holy Mother so happens to be in possession of the two empty frames of Angela’s union flag.

The Hun Survived

The Irish will be aware from other Party prints that I refused to climb up a chimney and be set on fire and that in revenge the UK sent HM Revenues at me demanding impossible sums of money and then left me for dead.

Being a hard man, I continued to fight on to bring down Winston Churchill, while Mädel declared she will never surrender Sovereign England. I helped her raise the English Flag over her castle in England, and now she wants to join me in Germany where I need to help Angela fill in the Flag of the German Holy Mother.

In conclusion, if the Irish are interested in Angela working for the Fair Lady again and carrying out research into the foundations of the Irish Church – of which there is only one going by the one frame dedicated to the Irish in her union flag, and also decide to abandon the marriage bill concocted by Whitehall-Westminster between the UK and the EU founding fathers, then we could be talking of a prisoner release of reciprocal interest between Mädel and Alexandra’s Sovereign England, the Huns’ German affairs and the Irish.

It is not convenient for the Irish to remain imprisoned by an unholy marriage between the Antichrist and the Italian illuminati nor for the Hun to sit in prison, and the German Holy Mother does not want Babylon in place of spiritual Jerusalem.

As for Mädel, she made an agreement with the German Holy Mother that suits Sovereign England and Germany. On my part I fought Winston Churchill again and won!

Here is tonight’s Party march.


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