It’s a Miracle!

Over Sovereign England

Today the Hun has activated an It’s A Miracle defence screen of Sovereign England by using coordinates that were given to him. This shield is for the protection of Sovereign England against enemies both within and without. This happened on the 5th of May 2022. Jesus Christ is the rightful King of the English Folk.

Sovereign England is Mädel’s country and Alexandra’s too, and Herod’s servants have tried banning them from their own nation and tried stealing their work to sell off to foreign powers such as the Italian Illuminati.

Readers at The Party will be aware that the ex-UK henchmen and women of Herod have been trying to torture information out of the Hun concerning the Welsh and the Irish which he cannot give them. They keep claiming that his sister Angela is a liar and that she gave her brother information on the Welsh and Irish flags which she never did, other than that they are empty!

Here is tonight’s Party dance.

Going Back Home

The Hun with a crooked finger is currently picking the prison-gate lock in order to get back home to Germany and has recently declared Winston Churchill dead and gone: see our Party publication English and German Victory.

In Demonology, Winston Churchill is a chief god in the pantheon of Sheer Evil worshipped by ex-uk circles. Having declared him as dead and gone is a deed the Hun owed to Mädel who is compelled to leave her own country owing to the stench of the unburied uk carcass over which are still hovering demonic entities and evil ghosts.


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