Understanding Spiritual Jerusalem With Angela
The heavenly Altar of Zion has a road of its own that cannot be altered by human decisions.
From England to Serbia
Readers of our publication The Party have gathered that Angela Hunnin went to Serbia and took the spiritual church calendar in a church in Valjevo dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica. She talked a lot about the Serbian Holy Mother and the spiritual connection was evident.
On my part, I had been shown by the Serbian Mother in a vision to always listen to my sister Angela, for she is chosen and my duty was to be present as she guided me and to carry out useful errands, as well as accompany her owing to the fact that she was far too small to travel alone.
From Serbia to Germany – and England
On our last return from Serbia after we had gone there at Easter, we stayed for a while in Italy, and it was here that the Serbian Mother came to me in a vision with my small sister as they reached a house in Germany that was known to me.
In this vision my sister sent me a sheet of paper through the room as the Serbian Mother and the German Lady talked together. On this sheet appeared three times the name in Serbian meaning small girl, and the reference was to Angela herself and her two best friends, of whom much has been written at The Party.
The Serbian Lady in Person showed me back then that Angela will one day need to go to Germany and work for the German Holy Mother and would be joined by Alexandra and Anglia – also known as Mädel.
In a separate vision, the same Serbian Lady revealed to me that Angela would also be going to England for the Fair Lady, and this is the country we came to first: England.
England and Scotland
Again in this same period before leaving from Italy to England, the Fair Lady revealed to me that Angela would be researching for the English Child and for the Scottish Child and that it was my duty to inform people they must be nice to the child on whose train they either are, or are about to board, and to care for him. And this is what I did, in England, when my sister completed her studies. Her spiritual eyes can see a lot more than mine, and what she told me corresponds exactly to all that was made clear to me by one or another Lady In High.
Now I am sitting in a prison, and the UK worshippers of a kingdom-past informed the Germans I was dead and took all my Red Cross parcels. I never received a penny and could no longer work, for they said that what I owed them – which I didn’t – was so much, that I deserved to die for it!
They demanded one thousand eight hundred pounds of me, but I had spent all my money financing Angela and going out with Mädel.
Decent People – and Not So decent
In the past, I had tried my best to promote Angela’s work in England, for the English Church as for the Scottish. One day I promoted in public an art work of hers dedicated to the Fair Lady, but the local authorities flung a pot of paint at it and smeared satanic graffiti all over the work.
Generally they detested me and I had seen friendlier faces and heard friendlier words coming our way from the other side of a battlefield in Normandy – people with whom one could have sat down and enjoyed a glass of wine once the shots and cannon roar had died down.
These here, though, had made a cult out of absolutely ignoring the English Child and the Scottish, of being nasty, and of lying in bed with Italians up at the council or at the detectives’ station and guiding through Italian agents and placing them in a strategic position to open up broadsides at the Fair Lady and try to cancel out of existence all and every reference to one or the other Child.
Going by what I had seen in the vision at the Train Station where the two trains were, each with a Child on board, it was the exact opposite of what I had expected to encounter once my sister were to complete her work.
In Italy
Of-course I was aware that in Italy Angela had been doing work largely unknown to me and that a certain person from the UK in a vision went and drove his car against her, knocking her down. She told me herself shortly after we got here they were in bed with the Italians and said we must never betray the Fair Lady.
Across the Adriatic Sea
In a vision in England years later, it was the Fair Lady in Person who showed me they were also operating with a state across the sea from Italy, one I knew of very well, as that is where Angela and I had fallen through a rotten plank every time we somehow ended up there. And those same people actually had an evil influence over Belgrade, as we found out one day on going there and being lied to and humiliated.
But we know about this, they were paid by the EU and wanted to enter NATO – and all that, and betrayed the Serbian Holy Mother and Child.
My sister and I were fully aware they had a hate-issue with her in particular and wanted to prove a point: they wanted to ‘prove’ she was a liar all along and they would have achieved this if she and her brother were sent there from Italy with little or no money to then be sacrificed. This time we’d have both fallen into a swamp though.
The local council would have been lying in bed with their Italian bed-mates and watching it all happen while declaring: the Fair Lady of the British Isles too is gone now, and all that work we hid away and ignored, it’s all gone down the drain!
In those years since we came back to England, the Italian founding fathers, together with their bedfellows in Whitehall, were busy getting one eastern European country after the other into the EU and at the same time celebrating one jubilee after the other of the Tanner’s son and his descendants. This probably explains why they hated the two lads on the trains at Priory Station and were instead building upon their own altar to Satan and Moloch – who they later tried infiltrating into Germany in place of Alexandra and Angela.
The German Mother
This is when the War broke out between the German Lady and the local council, Whitehall and their Italian masters. For the Antichrist from the UK had knocked down Angela in Italy where they had opened the doors to him, and the UK in turn had opened the doors to the Italians, one side joining with the other and dancing to the downfall of each and every Lady In High and Her Child, each building up their own empire. But the Antichrist was not going to get away with sending Moloch to Germany in place of sister Hun and Satan in place of Alexandra.
To avoid being locked up and tormented in a prison by the same Moloch wearing monkey boots who had operated both in Italy and in England, my sister Hun got away to Mexico and I took her place here in prison.
As a good Hun, I reminded them that the fault was entirely theirs when they ran up the beaches in Normandy to take over Europe, and if I and my company had been able to deal with them there and then, they would not have needed later a Brexit to get the hell out of Europe – they’d have already done so back then!
If it wasn’t for that shell from Uncle Sam that came and took my bunker out, there would have been no reason to have a Brexit.
And Back to Angela
While my war was essentially to rectify the wrongs from Normandy and bring down Winston Churchill using a strategy devised and explained to me by my sister Hunnin, her enterprise was to proclaim Jesus, Son of God, as the rightful King of the English Folk, and to do so in the Name of Holy English Mother and Child. She did the same for Scotland too.
We needed each other and our aims were complementary: I helped her and she helped me. Now I am sitting in a prison, but the Hunnin made off to Mexico and the English Child went from the Folkestone Cornerstone to Germany to join his spiritual brother and since then has been taken to a Higher House in Heaven, to which I personally can testify.
I Am Not Sorry
If I could turn back and do it all again, there would be no hesitation in mind and soul. Every penny spent by me for my sister’s travels and studies was the fruit of my own hard work – not one penny came from Humpty Dumpty or the people who despised the two Lads on the trains at the station.
My sister Angela never betrayed the Serbian Holy Mother and Child, she never betrayed the Fair Lady, she did not betray the Mexican Santa Madre and she will never betray the German Holy Mother either.
Huns don’t betray, and Mädel, who is English, likes me and is looking forward to moving to Germany knowing that the German Lady honoured her skills and offered her a dignified place in the Wirtschaft.
In our last edition entitled: The Hun Would Not Have Come Back, I wrote: “there was no way I’d have left Germany if it hadn’t been for Mädel who asked me to return to her”.
As for Alexandra, who too is English, she once explained to me: What you did then was your duty, you were in the army and there was a war on. You obeyed diligently orders and what you could not achieve at that time, you achieved here in England!
Here is tonight’s Party song.
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