Mädel’s Future Plans
Mädel never will betray Sovereign England no matter how ‘the UK’ claims to be alive when it isn’t.
She’s English
Today The Party is looking at how Mädel will be working in the future when she has moved to Germany. Readers will be knowledgeable of her English identity and her loyalty to the Fair Lady, the Spiritual Mother of the English Folk, and how she took it very badly when they flung offence at her owing to her Faith in the Holy Trinity.
Freundin will never allow the satanic ones of ‘the uk’ to get to her work anywhere, just as she never allowed them to bug her in England and will never renounce her dedication to the Holy Father and Holy Mother of England. Sadly, there were servants of the Second Herod in England working for the EU and for a kingdom which they claimed cannot end but must go on and on forever. These tried stealing her work with the intention of reverse-engineering it to fit their demonic agenda.
No Italian Founding Fathers
Having been offered by the German Holy Mother the position that corresponds with dignity to her skills, Mädel is looking forward to helping Germany once we are there.
Here is today’s Party song.
Obviously, she will not be working for the EU – the failed empire the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ were building in their quest to claim paternity over many nations.
It is clear that the German Spiritual Mother did not offer Freundin this post so that her work can be bugged by Satan and handed over to Italy for the ‘founding fathers’ to mend their empire in return for exchanging the Kingdom of Jesus, Son of God, for that of the Tanner’s son.
Mädel understands and speaks Italian, but the idea she would allow the Thug and his circle to steal her work and sell it to the Italian Illuminati in return for these exchanging Sovereign England for the Tanner’s kingdom, was as diabolic as it came. According to her, Italy cannot find prosperity by making a pact with the Antichrist to whom his servants swear allegiance.
Good Friends
Freundin was very upset when they hurled abuse at her in 2017, and yet she always remained faithful to the Spiritual Mother and Child of the English Folk and never surrendered.
Angela Hun and her brother, who are waiting to return home to Germany to work for the German Holy Mother, always stood by Mädel and promised her we’d never allow the uk to bring down the Fair Lady of England. We told her the German Mother had left the road open to us back home, the one from North Camp to the Rhine, and that She would not be fooled or give in to the Antichrist and his kingdom’s fakery – contrary to Italy.
Angela and I had told Mädel that, if the uk tried a dirty one on the English Holy Mother, the German Lady, knowing that they tried selling off the Holy Trinity in England and would attempt doing the same to Her too, will get us back to Germany with absolute certainty. At some point, we assured Mädel, the Satanic One will be exposed for what he is, always attacking Holy Mother and Child of any nation!
Angela Shed Some Tears
Angela, as we know, fled from Sovereign England to Mexico where Herod II’s servants have no jurisdiction and cannot lock her up in a dark cell and bug her. She shed some tears on departing on the last day of August 2019 and said Brother can follow in spirit, but must remain behind in body and sit in prison for a while. He always good to sister!
While I could no longer go to the Light Tower Church which the ‘uk’ said it had sold to Italy when sending HM Revenues at me, however Alexandra prevented Mädel and me from sleeping under a bridge. The local council was furious because they wanted to walk past and take photos of us sitting under a bridge and send them to their Italian masters of the EU with whom they always slept in bed. Instead I raised a finger to them in salute while strolling through town in my Wehrmacht uniform.
If those people thought Anglia would surrender and work for them, they quite rightfully had something else coming their way!
Here is toady’s first Party march.
Angela Hun Was Right!
When she made her plans before coming to England after Serbia, Angela had told me that once we could see from up close what the UK had to offer, we’d understand that it was all a hoax and nothing more, just as it was when they gathered a cardboard fleet and a paper army in 1944 to fool Germany.
Similarly, in order to invade Italy in 1943, they had fooled the Italians into believing the landing would be in Greece, thus causing divisions to be pulled out from Italy and sent to Greece. When the Antichrist knocked Angela down in Italy, who knows what they fooled the Italians with!
This strategy I explained to Mädel, showing her how they always bluffed their way through, and I assured her that my sister Hun knew how to deal with the matter! In the end, after the uk tried bluffing Germany into submission in 2018 with their hoaxes and fakery and offering a ‘divorce bill’ to the Germans and the Irish, the German spiritual Mother offered Freundin a place in the Wirtschaft.
And here is today’s second Party March.
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