Winston Churchill at War Against the German Holy Mother
They took Europe by storm, but an even greater storm was to strike back!
Angela Hun Takes up the Challenge
The Party has made mention of the UK police commander who, in the vision, lied and claimed the English Child would join them, this being a forewarning to me never to believe the UK police. No Holy Child would join those who work for Winston Churchill, the father of NATO and the EU.
Having been in Normandy, and more importantly having been instructed by Angela, the Hun was by now aware of the fallacy and deceit in the words of those who bluff their way through against a superior force, something they had done in Italy in 1943 and in Normandy in 1944.
We have given reference to Angela’s stay in Italy and mentioned how she was active there in her own way and how the UK was aware of her presence in Italy. In our last edition Winston Churchill Tried Taking Over in Italy, we wrote: “Proclaiming the liberation of many nations in the name of Winston Churchill, the UK wielded its influence around the world”.
This wasn’t just brother Hun’s War, it was Angela Hun’s War too, for she had been betrayed in Serbia owing to the rotten floorboard and then knocked down in Italy by the Arch-Enemy of Mother and Child In High, and, after all this, she came back to England to serve the English Holy Mother and work for Her English Holy Child.
After Selling the Light Tower Church
We have seen that the UK sold the Light Tower Church in the name of HM Revenues and deprived me of any form of financial income, thus locking me out of the Fair Lady’s Church at the Castle. Now they were at War against the German Holy Mother in their attempt to consign Her Child to Hell, for they said: The Church under the Full Moon must never be!
We have seen how they sent into battle the Demonic Thug hurling abuse at the Holy Trinity and demanding worship to their commander in chief, the one they swear allegiance to. These are the people I confronted above the beaches in Normandy, and they were now offering me five pound notes if I worshipped their commander! However, not before threatening me with wiping out my chance to ever earn an income again.
They were telling me that the only work I could do was to climb up to the top rung of a ladder at the level of a chimney on a rooftop and stand on it with a bucket in one hand and a tool in the other to fall down and break my neck.
Satanic Abuse
They were calling Angela a liar and shouting she had never worked, that there is no Holy Mother, no Child, no Saviour, no Holy Father, only their commander who they wanted to force me to swear an oath of allegiance to.
We have described at The Party how, in a vision a few days later, I saw the same Demonic One going upside down to Hell as if struck by a blow.
At the time when I turned their offer down, I did not need to think of Normandy or even remember how our own superior army had been locked down just several miles up the coast owing to Winston Churchill’s bluff. All I needed to keep in mind while Mädel was sitting at my side calm and collected, was my promise to her never to betray the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk so dear to her.
And to remember my sister Angela and all she had accomplished, and Alexandra and her proven faith and loyalty to the Holy Trinity. And to remember the Fair Lady and Her English Child. That was all!
Being the weak link in the chain who their commissar had called a third world foreigner and who they had always knocked out of English society, I had just received a sentence demanding the payment of money I neither owed nor had. But giving in was no option.
And, as I had refused to accept their last chance to go to the council who was involved in the trap that had been set up and were ready to revoke the HM sentence and dish out a Thirty Shilling payment, their last words were: We will throw you and her out on the street!
It bothered me not!
Prior to the Satanic Attack, Alexandra and my sister Angela had made clear their intention to dedicate themselves to the German Spiritual Mother and I had presented their work-offers at The Party, inclusive of the need for binding contracts.
The Demonic Ones in the UK shut this down, but they went a Lady In High too far, for the German Mother did not surrender!
Once the Germans have signed a binding work contract with Alexandra for whom I carry a diplomatic bag, Angela will return from Mexico to Germany, so, as the Serbian Mother had shown me many years ago.
Here is today’s Party song.
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