Avoiding Bletchley Park in Germany
The choice is between Angela Hun or Satan.
Angela’s Security
In our Party pages we have made ample reference to the ex-UK’s attempts at exchanging Angela for Moloch, and Alexandra Exorcist for Satan by way of infiltration. These are the same entities they used in Italy and later in England, and we have seen there was an attempt at infiltrating them into Germany in 2018.
It is essential that die Huunin is allowed to carry out her work in Germany without these demonic entities turning up in her place and fooling the Germans. Being assets of Whitehall and the Italian Illuminati, these diabolic manifestations must be forbidden from appearing and trying to trip my sister Angela up.
When the Germans sign the contract with Alexandra, she will be going to Germany with Mädel separately to avoid being tracked by the dead-uk agents, whereas the Hun requires the guarantee that Germany will not reveal his presence to these alien agents once he is in Germany. Angela needs to work in peace and will only return to Germany if this is guaranteed. She doesn’t want her identity being blown and the Antichrist coming along knocking her down, she doesn’t want Beelzebub and Moloch showing up and trying to take her place and telling people that she is a liar.
Here is today’s Party dance.
Disappearing Off the Radar
Unless brother and sister Huns have the assurance their trail is lost to the Antichrist and to the Italian Illuminati and that their agents are not going to turn up calling them liars as they have hitherto been doing, there is no chance Angela’s work will even get started. Then she’ll simply stay in Mexico.
Those swinish people sent the Satanic Thug in January 2019, we all know what they are, agents calling Holy Mother and Child liars and making it impossible for Angela to do her work while deliberately hiding away that which she has achieved.
She needs to work in peace and tranquillity and her brother needs to have access to all the expenses necessary for her studies and travels, accommodation and all shopping. Those people are not going to imprison and bug her, and unless there is the absolute guarantee they will not be following her around in Germany and destroying her prospects of research, the whole offer is off!
That said, the exact same applies to the Irish and the Welsh: if they want to replace Angela with Moloch and try exchanging Alexandra for Satan, then they can also go to Moloch and Satan from Hell and to the Diabolic Thug as well and ask them to do Angela’s work!
Should this not be clear, the Hun is dead serious!
If you want Satan and Moloch in place of Angela, then go to Satan and Moloch, but you won’t get Angela!
Unless the uk-agents and their Italian Illuminati accomplices are taken off the case and Satan and its little swine are removed from the chessboard, there is no need to even bother showing up: not the Germans, not the Irish, not the Welsh. Then they can go to the Demonic Thug who called Angela a liar and ask him to work for them!
The Scroll
In The Party’s last publication Angela and the One German Church, we wrote: “The Scroll to the one German Church is for Angela to study, it was uncovered in Germany many years ago and her work is to read its instructions”.
If anyone really believes that the Diabolic Thug, Satan and its little pig are called upon to do this in place of Angela while getting paid for bugging her, calling her a liar and somehow imagining to steal her work and hide it away, then they know who to go to in order to sign a work contract, but it won’t be with Angela, and her brother won’t be helping Satan.
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