The Rhine and Spiritual Jerusalem

Angela is waiting to go back home to Germany where she cannot be imprisoned by the uk secret police.

Foundation in Valjevo, Serbia

Today’s page at The Party will again bring into evidence the necessity for Angela my sister to return home to Germany and dedicate herself to the German Holy Mother and Child.

According to the Serbian Lady, Angela needs to be in Germany and study the scroll pertaining to the Church under the Heavenly Full Moon. If this truth had failed, all that Angela did in Serbia would have been thrown to the dogs.

Ever since she started her research in Valjevo on the origins of the Serbian Church, Angela’s achievements have been progressive, one phase of study leading to the next. Her travels and schooling have always been funded by her brother and no state or entity has ever contributed.

At the start, Angela had spiritual contact with the Serbian Holy Mother and Child, and the foundations of her work are based in Valjevo, where she wrote a manuscript in Serbian that got stolen on the Rotten Floorboard. However, she kept the blueprint of her script in a beeswax copy that she concealed in her jacket pocket and this could not be taken, because they didn’t see it.

She used this blueprint to continue research in England for two national churches while in spiritual communion with the Fair Lady, spiritual Mother of the English and of the Scots.


Never having been baptised by a mortal person, Angela received from the Serbian Mother the spiritual church calendar on her first visit to the church in Valjevo dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica.

She never submitted to any self-professed holy father and always refused to go to Belgrade once she found out they were out to humiliate her. They had lied to her brother regarding funding which they then reneged on, and on her part she returned to Valjevo instead where I afforded her accommodation.

After returning to Serbia one last time at Easter and travelling back to Valjevo like a homing dove, Angela fell one more time through the Rotten Board by the Adriatic Sea, I with her.

Angela was not abandoned by the Spiritual Serbian Mother, who came to her and to her brother in Italy promising Angela would one day go back to Germany to work for the German Holy Mother. First, though, she was to move to England, and this came about where my sister presented the foundations of the English Church and of the Scottish.

As is evident, die Hunnin built progressively upon foundations, adding her research to previous work she had successfully accomplished in Serbia, and Angela’s path was shown her by the spiritual Mother of Serbia: from Valjevo to England and then to Germany.

In England

On completing all her work in England, Schwester Hunnin applied for a work contract with Germany in 2018. Her brother, who cares for her, needed funds for her studies there, and Angela needed to make sure that her research in Germany, once complete, would be also promoted at national level and not hidden in a coffin.

The uk secret police, operating for Whitehall and Westminster, sabotaged her offer, no doubt fooling Germany with fake promises, and sent the Thug and an army of agents with the intention of locking Angela in a prison to get her to secretly reveal to them whatever they decided to take and manipulate and then hide away.

My sister, however, decided they were taking nothing from her and fled to Mexico instead, and her brother ended up in prison in her place.

According to the secret police, Angela is a liar and there is no Spiritual Mother of the English or of the Scots, for they intended exchanging the Fair Lady for the person they swear allegiance to and serve. They also called the German Lady a liar, claiming Angela invented everything, and they sought to punish her brother who had always stood by her and funded her schooling, travels, accommodation, studying and research.

The Next of Kin

At The Party I have revealed the fact that Herod Antichrist’s servants cannot achieve the impossible, for without travel and research and accommodation, Angela cannot work, and she will not do so in prison anyway. Hence her recent decision, made known here on Party space, to designate the United States of America as the next of kin of the Irish and responsible for making a future work contract with her on their behalf, in as much as it concerns her future studies on Irish ecclesiastic origins after she is back home in Germany.

Such contract would involve guaranteeing that her work on the origins of One Irish church would be promoted once accomplished, affording in advance any payment for expenses for both Angela and her brother who cares for her interests should she require it, this only likely to be the case if brother Hun has not sufficient available funds of his own.

Neither she nor I want any revenues from the book once published and promoted, it must bear her name alone as authoress and be dedicated to the Fair Lady – the One whose Light Tower Church Angela was locked out of.

The agreement should be made discretely and without public view, as this will assure Angela’s ability to study and research without lights shining on her and without the prying eyes of Lucifer’s agents who want to hide her research inside a coffin and let it rot.

The Irish Bus Driver

In one or more previous editions, it has been explained on Party space how the Irish bus driver, who for the occasion represented the Irish, was unable to bake a loaf of bread inside the English House, for I held the baking tray, not he, and the person who has the ingredients and does the baking is Angela, who wasn’t there.

The obstinate belief that the secret police who sent the Demonic One can help the Irish cannot lead anywhere, for they are lying, not sister Hun.

The same applies to the Welshman who represented the Welsh: taking orders from, and working for the Thug will get him nowhere! So long as the Welsh believe the agents who instructed the son of perdition to hurl abuse and try taking over on Herod Antichrist’s account, they will receive nothing of Angela.

America Helping the Fair Lady

This is not about helping the Hun, apart from me benefiting from a prisoner exchange and being able to get the hell out of here and back home to Germany – where Mädel will be waiting for me after she will have departed from England with Alexandra prior to my departure.

As for my sister, this contract with the USA for a future period after she is back home in Germany has to do with Holy Mother and Irish Child for whom Angela would like to dedicate her care. As her brother, it’s my duty to represent her interests.

Here is today’s Party melody.

Germany Helping the German Lady

This is Germany’s duty and I am still waiting to sign a contract on behalf of Alexandra here in England that will enable me to receive special travel documents to Germany and receive from Alexandra my outstanding wages in gold bars for helping her perform the Exorcism that exposed the second Herod Antichrist.


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