Latest Stand at The Party
In today’s print, The Party is making clear the final stance on future events.
To Germany
After Alexandra and Mädel have moved to Germany following a binding work contract signed in England on behalf of Alexandra with the Germans, I the Hun will follow, and then Angela from Mexico will move to Germany too.
Here is today’s first Party march – die Deutsche Heilige Mutter gibt bekannt.
In order to prevent in advance any uk infestation following us to Germany and targetting Angela, trying to knock her down and turn her work upside down, Angela has decided to get the facts straight on the Irish.
As mentioned in our recent Party edition A Video Conference From Mexico, in order for her to ever carry out research into the origins of the Irish church, intended as one church of one nation, there would need to be a binding work contract between the United States of America and Angela herself at official and constitutional level signed in Germany.
In order to prevent the uk secret police claiming her brother does not exist and never worked or did anything, the contract must be signed between the USA and her brother Hun who has the duty of care towards his sister Angela Hunnin.
Should her brother Hun not have sufficient funds for her to carry out her work into discovering the foundations of the Irish church – once discovered it will become Irish Church – then an advance payment will need be made to brother Hun going by Angela’s estimate.
No uk Secret Police – No Antichrist
Angela Hun refuses to work for any nation that denies her brother lives and deprives him of the dignity he deserves as her brother and carer. She refuses to work if Beelzebub and Moloch are infiltrated into his and her affairs, she will not work if there is an attempt at cancelling his name, which is Alexander.
She will not work if someone across the Adriatic Sea claims to have given the Holy Spirit and consequently tries passing her off as a liar. Angela took the spiritual church calendar in Valjevo, Serbia, and the Serbian Holy Mother had promised that Angela would move to Germany to work for the German Holy Mother.
A future work contract between the USA and Angela as mentioned above concerning her research into the foundations of the Irish church would be in the Name of the Fair Lady, the same One who is the spiritual Mother of the English Folk and of the Scots.
Nothing to Do With the Welsh
Angela made no mention of the Welsh during the recent above-linked conference and this is none of my business. She does not want the Antichrist coming along in Germany and knocking her over, and this means no Beelzebub and no Moloch showing up. These entities are spent projectiles that have been used in Italy and in England and must not be used again in Angela and her brother’s affairs.
No Prison
In our last publication The UK Selling the Irish and Fooling the USA, we wrote: “Angela cannot be imprisoned, not even if EU and City dictators claim otherwise”.
Currently, I her brother am sitting in prison in place of Angela who fled to Mexico, she will not work again until her brother is out of prison and in Germany once he has received special travel documents from the German Embassy based on a work contract with him on behalf of Alexandra.
The uk secret police told Angela before she fled that she is a liar and her brother never happened, and they locked her out of the Fair Lady’s Light Tower Church which they claimed to have sold to Italy.
The uk secret police tried forcing me to renounce calling Mädel, who is English, a friend, demanding of her that she call me an enemy instead. Mädel refused. And after trying to make her secretly hand over to the uk a ‘fully costed’ script on economics, they told her to go rot, as she refused to comply.
They also informed Freundin that her Hun was dead and indeed had never lived in the first place. Mädel replied that even if they cannot see the Hun, she can, and believes in him. She promised me never to work for anyone who denies my existence and calls her a liar for mentioning me.
Just because they can’t see you, doesn’t mean you are not there, she said to me.
Being a doctor, Alexandra assured me my health is fine after the uk secret police sent the Thug promising I would be found rotting in the woods and that Mädel would be flung out into the street. They wanted to whore her work off to the Italian ‘founding fathers of Europe’ who run the EU, but Mädel doesn’t work for parasites trying to leech off her shoulders.
When I had the flu in October 2019, Alexandra cared for me. And when others later got covid money for staying at home and I got nothing, she cared for me financially and made sure Mädel would not be sleeping in the street.
Back to the Irish
It’s up to the United States of America to decide whether Angela is a liar, and if the USA decides she is, then that means she needs no funds at some point in the future to do research into Irish church origins and no binding contract on the promotion of her work once complete – as it will not happen in the first place.
However, the uk secret police will not be handing anything that comes from Angela Hun over to a coffin, not least because she will not have given them anything to consign to Hell. That’s where the Thug went instead, the one they sent to call her a liar!
Angela will only come back if it is to Germany and only once her brother is first there, and only when Alexandra has first a signed contract with Germany of her own. Only then will Angela believe! She is cautious and avoids being arrested and tortured in prison.
The German Holy Mother is waiting for Angela.
Mädel has been offered by the German Holy Mother a place in the Wirtschaft that corresponds to her status, dignity, skills, faith and loyalty.
Here is today’s second Party march – die Deutsche Heilige Mutter gibt bekannt.
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