Half a Union Flag

Half a union flag is not a complete union, and this the Fair Lady of the British Isles was aware of. Angela listened to Her and behaved accordingly.

Herod’s Lying Police

Current and future generations of people will be aware of how the Antichrist’s institution was unable to give to the Irish and to the Welsh Angela’s version of the union flag after having tried exchanging her for themselves.

After giving fake promises to the effect they would ‘save Italy’ through a spy network of bugs, they did not tell the world that it is Angela my sister who in the Spirit got knocked down by the Antichrist in Italy, and that he then drove off back to ‘the UK’ – the Italians had let him in and allowed him to do this.

Logical questions arise when considering Angela’s experiences and why she fled to Mexico to escape being locked up by Herod’s uk police.

What was Angela doing in Italy that Herod II came and knocked her over?

Why did the Italians open up to him?

What where the Italians trying to cover up and hide away?

Did they make promises to the UK, and did the UK make promises in return to their Italian bedfellows?

Legitimate Questions

These are legitimate questions which Angela herself can answer: she went to the Sanctuary of the Mexican Holy Mother to escape Herod’s torture. As for Herod Antichrist, he knows not how to explain to the descendants of Adam and Eve why he is unable to wrench from Angela her union flag. She didn’t colour in the two empty frames, he cannot imprison die Hunnin and force her to hand research over to him, and so Herod proves to be a demonic liar along with his investigators and prison guards who swear an oath of allegiance to their master – and lied to Italy as well.

Not having ever commenced her studies into the two churches to which the two empty frames make reference, she left no possibility for Herod’s henchmen and women to cancel out of existence the Fair Lady whose road leads to Christ’s Church and not to a uk police station swearing an oath to their own god and that person’s kingdom.

Satan’s Kingdom

The Archfiend’s police tried exchanging Angela with themselves, but unable to incarcerate and bug her, they have been exposed as liars who are now cowardly hiding in their dung. Their other achievement is to have declared her brother null and void while holding him in prison as a hostage in an attempt at forcing sister Hun to lead them to one or other national church. They would then claim a victory and hide her research away in a coffin while they get paid for their ‘investigations’.

In our last Party edition Trying to Sell Holy Mother, we stated: “No-one can ever sell the Holy Mother of a nation – unless they sold their own people”.

Herod’s investigators made vile promises to Italy, but there they allowed the Antichrist in to target Angela. Now they wonder why the very people to whom they opened the gates cannot help them. Satan doesn’t help people find their way to Holy Mother and Child and does not work for national church foundations, instead he tries to possess church foundations and consign them to Hell.

Crucified Moloch

Considering Moloch as being recruited by Herod Antichrist in Italy and in England and then sent to infiltrate Germany in 2018 in place of Angela, we need not wonder why the German Holy Mother had the beast sentenced to death and crucified.

This way, its master Beelzebub cannot turn up again in Germany either, for Satan without its ‘saviour’ Moloch is a fake father with nothing to offer in place of the true Saviour who is Son of God.

This should also serve as a valid lesson to the Irish and to the Welsh not to believe satanic liars who are unable to fill in the union flag of the Fair Lady who works for the Kingdom of Jesus, God’s Son.

Had Herod’s police managed to take the union flag from Angela with four coloured frames, they’d have been rewarded with another Thirty Silver Shillings for their satanic deed and would have then hidden the work away and contacted the Italians to uphold their promise, saying In return for you further recognising the UK, we can torture and bug Angela for you!

And then the next nation, and the next...

To Hell

If we take for granted that Moloch’s destination is Hell, then we can also rightly understand that the German Holy Mother is not surrendering, and this means the Second Herod is on his way out. 

Here is today's Party melody.

The Party has interest in making sure his investigators and prison guards are exposed to the entire world for current and future generations to grasp that Angela works with the Holy Spirit and this cannot be redirected to Satan. Once this is clear, the descendants of those who were in the Garden of Eden will know why the Serpent Satan was exposed from the start, so soon as he made his appearance.

Failing to expose the Adversary would be a crime against humanity. Being the common enemy of Mankind, he is the enemy of Angela, and she sought sanctuary with the Mexican Holy Mother.

Binding Agreement

Angela’s future work can only ever come about following a binding agreement that it will be promoted and published nationwide in the land of the people she works for – after it has been made possible through adequate funding.

Before this can happen, Germany needs to sign an agreement in England with Alexandra, on whose behalf the Hun carries a diplomatic bag. Alexandra does not work for Herod’s police, and so contacting or fearing them is a waste of time, for their word is a lying hoax.

Here is today's Party dance.


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