On Selling the Light Tower Church

Once done, whether or not it failed, the deed cannot be undone.

The Fair Lady

Readers at The Party have by now gathered the uk worked with a foreign power to try imprisoning my sister Angela, and within this context received orders from Italy to lock her out of the church which they knew she used as her location reference.

Their aim was to sell to Italy – and from there across the Adriatic Sea, the Holy Mother and Child of the English Folk who Angela was working for and to replace them with fiction, something to do with selling the Holy Spirit in order to enter Europe.

In return, the EU, whose fake-money-creation policy was run by Simon Magus of Italy, would recognise the uk as a kingdom in place of Sovereign England of which Jesus, the Son of God, is the rightful King.

We know this is the case. On one occasion my sister had publicly portrayed the Fair Lady in writing and with a presentation of her Church at the Castle, but the local council flung a pot of paint at her work and smeared satanic graffiti over it. They then gloated over the deed for approval from their Italian patrons.

They Said: “Alexander Is Dead!”

In 2019, Angela had not received a reply from Germany to her work offer of the previous year and her brother had no savings left to fund her research. Neither of us had any money to pay the entry to the Fair Lady’s Light Tower Church at the Castle, and the uk kept sending Irish people attracting attention to themselves, making hints, but never saying what they actually wanted.

Angela asked for access to the church she always referred to as being of the Holy Mother of the English Folk – and also of the British Isles, but die Hunnin was told it was all a lie and that she was only trying to attract attention to herself.

Angela presented to an office which she knew was working for the secret police a sheet of paper on which was written Angela and Alexander and asked for free entry to the church at the castle. They told her that Alexander never even existed and crossed my name out with a black pen, and then told her to be gone and to stop lying.

Sister Hun had gone directly to people she knew were the direct henchmen and women, the ones who press the trigger, and this must have irked them, bringing on in their chip-operated disk (brain?) an impulse of even darker revenge.

Fleeing to Mexico

Previously I had always entered the grounds at the castle as Alexander, this being written on the pass which I paid for with my own money, and likewise Angela entered by her own name. The Holy Mother had never come to me in communion demanding I cancel my name or that my sister change hers. When, however, I turned down the Thug’s offer to receive five pound notes in return for renouncing Jesus Christ, the secret service of the uk hated me to death and told Angela to her face she was lying when even mentioning me.

This is when she finally fled to Mexico after receiving funds from Alexandra.

In theory, Angela could have returned to the castle only if she had accepted being called a liar who has never achieved anything, whereas I could have done so if I accepted my name being cancelled and renounced Jesus the Saviour and called the Fair Lady who Mädel is loyal to ‘a liar’. Mädel, as we know, is English.

Superior Masters and Their Hunched Minions

Clearly, the hunched and twisted agents of the uk secret service that I learnt to recognise in the street, about a head and shoulder smaller as they walk by in groups, had been told by their superior Italian masters that the Hun, who towers over them as they proffer some pre-scripted abuse, would humiliate himself. I didn’t!

Having always used my own money and name to enter the Fair Lady’s church and paid Angela’s entry too, I wasn’t going to be humiliated. I had used up all my funds for my sister’s studies, private school and accommodation, and she too had no intention of humiliating herself.

The humanoids did claim to their Italian masters to have ‘sold the church to them’, although I believe their overlords, being acquainted to matters of civilization, ignored them, knowing that a Holy Mother cannot be sold by way of a building.

The Cornerstone

The Party has narrated how, years earlier, the English Holy Mother, in spiritual Communion, got the Hun to turn around along Folkestone Road the pram in which sat the English Child, meaning we were now heading in the direction of Folkestone.

The Child eventually made it to the Cornerstone and from there to his spiritual brother in Germany, and from here to the higher house in Heaven. Having been the one who turned the pram around and later, at the orders of my sister Angela, gone to Folkestone to discover the statue of the Fair Lady, I was also given in communion to testify how the English Child was carried to the Higher House.

When the distorted ones found out, they must have been very angry lest their masters in Italy also got wind of the later events, but I believe these already knew that simply selling a building to them was not the same as selling the Spirit.

Here is tonight’s Party presentation.


Having been misdirected by Herod’s police already – see the events referencing The Collision along Folkestone Road, the Italian masters, superior in intelligence and of human stature, will have realised that their little, crooked minions were useless.

I’m not sure if their original intention was to tell their twisted ones to leave the Hun to rot if he refused to climb a chimney and renounce Freundin’s Fair Lady, but they failed to make a plan B, whereas I did have plan B: Germany.

Trying to Infiltrate Germany

Whose idea it was, after having used them first in Italy and then in England, to infiltrate Beelzebub and Moloch into Germany in 2018 in place of Alexandra and my sister, is unknown to me, and Alexandra said it doesn’t really matter at this point as they were in it together to fool the Germans.

The German Holy Mother, on seeing these two entities turn up in Germany, took action, and it was within this context that the English spiritual Child went first to Germany before going on to the Higher House, for he needed to defend his spiritual brother from these demonic forces.

Alexandra has made clear that, in order to prevent the twisted ones from worming their way into Germany, she has to have first a binding contract before travelling there and starting her own research. This includes an initial upfront payment in gold to cover expenses and pay out the Hun for helping her with the Exorcism.


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