Working With Angela Hun

In today’s Party edition I’m presenting some more aspects on how it is when working with Angela.


When out and about, Angela adapts to the customs of the people whenever these are acceptable, wears local costume and gets on with her own business. Owing to her ability at having spiritual contact in a way that others do not have, she avoids drawing attention to herself in a way that could harm her dedication to carrying out research and her prospects of success.

Needing to travel and have access to books and documents, she relies on her brother to accompany her and help out in many manual tasks. The content of her work is what counts in my sister’s opinion and consequently she does not want to have more than her name as authoress on her books and the dedication to the Lady In High and Child she has worked with.

God, says Angela, not can be seen by many people, and Holy Spirit not seen either by them, and never can be possessed!

Her view is that the Holy Spirit comes from High, from Heavenly Zion where the Holy Temple is, and can only be received accordingly, but not given by human beings from whom it does not originate.

Not ever wanting to be paid for her work, she only requires the expenses necessary to carry it out, and these can be quite formidable if the person funding it is her brother, as we by now know.


Brother Hun has had the impression in past occasions that he is vulnerable to blackmail by the ‘authorities’. He knows his past is not as clean as a white sheet coming out from the laundry, but the Hun can say for himself that never has he withheld from his sister all the support he could possibly give.

Whether selling his 24-carat golden cigar case, his 22-carat gold lighter, the gold chain that once hung around his neck, his gold coin collection or his silver Reichsmarks, or spending the savings of long hard work that often started at nine in the morning and ended at nine in the evening – no matter, it was always available for Angela whenever she needed it for private school, for travels, accommodation and shopping.

Whatever the blackmail is against the Hun, it should not be used in an attempt to pervert his sister’s work. She is an honest person and I have never let her down. Angela has never been baptised by a mortal person and never goes to confession because she hasn’t done anything wrong.

The Hun’s Confessions

As for her brother, the only time I tried confessing something, the confession box fell down and the priest staggered out and called for an exorcism. I had confessed to having been in Normandy, and as he was about to bless me, I added we were higher up and facing the sea. Through the wire netting I observed his expression changing and the words he was uttering suddenly faded away.

What of it!

I changed my ways on account of Angela and passed over to England to bring down Winston Churchill, for she had shown me that he used bluff and fakery as his main weapon to fool people and to fool entire armies and that all this could only be appreciated if we actually were in England to see it for ourselves.

And I didn’t mention my role in the Luftwaffe in 1940. What I saw then from above and later from below were two very different realities. In 1940 I was flying far too high to see the detail and only learnt what is really in the heart of Whitehall when dealing with them with a pair of feet on the ground.

My greatest punishment was to have been declared dead and placed in a prison, but this I did for Angela who escaped to Mexico. I was only allowed to follow her in the spirit, as seen on our pages dedicated to the Mexican Events, but then the body found itself inside a dead-uk prison cell.

Here is this evening’s Party tune.

The Other Half

In our last page Half a Union Flag, dedicated to Angela’s unfinished work, The Party wrote:half a union flag is not a complete union, and this the Fair Lady of the British Isles was aware of. Angela listened to Her and behaved accordingly”.

If I had one only wish, it is to be exchanged in a prisoner-release programme and get the hell out of here back to Germany in return for the other half of Angela’s union flag which the German Mother has wisely kept in the form of two empty frames.

Should this fail and were I to die in prison, then may Angela’s union jack only be half there! In this case it should be the only oblong union flag in the entire world, and hopefully they will remember the Hun by what they did to him!

That said, if they continue flying their own version of the union jack, there is no mention of the Welsh in it, whereas the Irish cross is not recognised in Ireland as their own!

At least in Angela’s version they each have a frame, but Angela ran out of crayons, and going by the Treaty of Priory Train Station, I had no obligation to spend any Reichsmarks for new ones. Angela didn’t even know which colours to use anyway and said: One child and one child make two, not four!

My understanding was that she simply obeyed orders from the Fair Lady who the UK tried selling off to Italy and from there across the Adriatic Sea.

Sitting in Prison

If my prison sentence has served to save the Fair Lady of the British Isles from being sold off, then in my view I should be counted as an asset to Her. But if they had imprisoned Angela and forced her to fill in the two vacant frames, the Fair Lady would have been sold off to their Italian masters in return for a UK, and Angela and her brother would have ended up falling into a swamp somewhere – never to be seen again.


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