A Video Conference From Mexico
One problem could finally be sorted – for a distant future.
The Background
Today The Party is giving notice of a conference that took place in which Angela participated from Mexico, brother Hun from prison, and Mädel, who represented England and is waiting to get the hell out of here to Germany.
As readers know, we are all moving once the Germans have signed in England the work contract with Alexandra, who couldn’t be present today at the conference owing to other obligations. When we move to Germany, she and Mädel will be going separately, followed by brother Hun, and then sister Hun, who will be travelling from Mexico.
In today’s video conference, once we had the computer apparatus and connection set up, sister, brother and Freundin talked about Angela’s possible future work on Irish church foundations.
The Topic of Discussion
Putting forward my case, I lamented that the uk bugs keep following me about everywhere and sending people out from behind high-street shop doors, bank entrances and garden walls saying “I am Irish!”, or, “we’re Irish”, and sometimes, “I am Welsh!”. Only for it all to kick off again the next day with “We are Irish”.
Here is today’s first Party tune.
Mädel put forward her case explaining that she was also accosted by clowns in the street making gestures at her and suggesting she could send a manual to 10 Downing Street and perhaps receive some fivers. This obscene proposal and similar ones are disgusting, she said, and on one occasion told them she’ll send her Hun out next time to deal with them.
It Became Serious
Angela, listening to our complaints, became annoyed, and said What want Irishes bullies of brother, he not can! Sister tell brother bring map of Cork, he bring corkscrew and bottle of wine!
Embarrassed, I shed some tears, Mädel looked at me and smiled, then Angela started laughing and this triggered it off, and we were all crying with laughter.
At some point we became recollected after I had introduced a bottle of schnapps and brought on a glass of port for Freundin, while Angela was still wiping the tears from her cheeks.
The Circumstances
Eventually Angela spoke up and said Queenie’s polices say England not can without Ireland, they hate brother, and he not able to!
Mädel looked at me with compassion and nodded in agreement, I looked down at my Wehrmacht boots and said nothing, but then Mädel spoke in my defence and said Well we all knew that he thought Dublin was a Viking town in Iceland, but Ireland is hardly any of his business!
Angela then made a decision and proclaimed Irishes live in North America, brother, when he in Germany, say sister hablar with big uncle in America about Irishes contract.
According to Angela, all expenses and travels and laborious research that should involve a proper study of Irish church foundations could only be settled with Uncle Sam in the USA, the one who lights cigars with fifty dollar bills.
The Irish Destiny
During the course of our conference, we all agreed that the demented little ones working for Bletchley Park made some false promise to someone about getting a script out on the Irish that should be hidden away out of sight, but didn’t manage to live up to their promises – not least because Angela fled and her brother was told he didn’t even live.
Dried out from all funding and declared dead, the Hun couldn’t understand what the hell they want of him, whereas Angela doesn’t like the idea of living in a prison and being denied the means of study and travel and then having a bug looking in over her shoulders.
So we agreed that one day, in the future, should the USA want to fund Angela to do proper research into Irish ecclesiastic foundations – after she has returned to Germany and initiated her work for the German Holy Mother, then we might be able to get a contract up and running.
Luft Post |
Adopted Ones
In our recent print Preparing to Travel to Germany, I gave the following notice: “Before leaving England, I have prepared the adoption certificate for Whitehall, Westminster and the local council to be taken care of”.
This adoption certificate means that all matters concerning “the uk”, minus Sovereign England which is Mädel’s homeland, are to be considered responsibility of Italy.
Under the chapter Luftwaffe Map, I explained “Mädel as we know shall be leaving England separately with Alexandra after being offered a place in the Wirtschaft by the German Mother. She has again thanked me for never betraying her to the stupid people who exchanged her for Satan and Moloch who they imported from Italy.”
During our video conference, we forgot about the Welsh pretty much from the start, for which I apologise, but we did find a solution for the Irish problem – for some time in the distant future. This we will leave for the USA to see to, however we will be in Germany and won’t be pushing the envelope too far on the matter.
I’m pretty certain Angela would have a fairly big expenses-sheet prepared for travels, research, accommodation and brother’s bills to present to the USA for an advance payment – in the future should the time ever come round.
Here is tonight’s second party tune.
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