An Den Reichswehr Hosen

If this plan fails, the next one won’t, for so it was shown me!

A Leaf From the Hun’s Diary

In today’s Party page I’m looking back into some historic events that I wrote in my diary and have been reading while sipping from a mug of coffee and cream and waiting to leave. Today’s Red Cross parcel hasn’t come through, just like yesterday’s and the previous day’s hadn’t, and the same for many a day going back in history as I sit there adding a linear mark on the wall counting my days in prison.

Mädel thought she had been offered a place in the Wirtschaft by the German Holy Mother and is wondering whether the Germans have run after the Italians instead for a bout of fake-money credit from Simon Magus who currently sits in Rome dropping ‘money’ from a helicopter into people’s bank accounts. He used to run the European Central Bank and apparently learnt to fly a helicopter there and to invent impressive amounts of digital false money.

Meanwhile, to our diary!

Under a Bridge

Two years after Angela and I arrived in England following our stays in Serbia and later in Italy, my sister had completed her studies into the foundations of the English Church and then into the origins of the Scottish Church.

Diary entry: I am called upon to attend a meeting where apparently I will be offered some financial income.

Until this time I was using my reserve of silver Reichsmarks to fund Angela and it was getting nigh time I received a new source of revenue if she was to do more research involving travelling and studying for one or other national church. The silver coins had always fetched a decent value, but there were not that many left now.

On turning up at the appointment, instead of a personal meeting I had been expecting, there was a group of people. Somewhat perplexed, I wondered if this was a ritual, and then, as we sat there, I on one side of the table and they all on the other, a man looking directly at me says You will be sleeping under a bridge unless you go find work.

Normandy suddenly came back in my memory, but all our items had been stored in our Panzer Attila, and this was parked in a camouflaged area near the Rhine, and so I kept my calm. Then someone among the crowd drew attention to himself by asking me where I am from. I informed him I’m a Hun, and he told me he is Welsh.

I thought to myself Angela has just finished her studies into the origins of the Scottish Church, I published her research on my website, and may-be I missed something.

Not One Penny

But the offer to sleep under a bridge remained the only one available they had. A few days later, I saw this same Welshman walking past me in the street holding a small child in his arms. That were the first and last times I ever saw him.

A thought crossed my mind: Are they trying to tell me something? And only a short time later, someone else arrived and spoke to me about he having a small son in Wales who speaks with a Welsh accent.

So! I thought, and thinking further, the question in my mind was Why should I sleep under a bridge or go and clean chimneys?

When I had presented Angela’s work on the English Church, some people on a local council forum had targeted her work with insult, as too did some others elsewhere. Then she had added her research into the Scottish Church.

Angela my sister does not sleep under bridges and she does not work inside chimneys, and I had been funding her work with my Reichsmarks from Germany which had been kept in a biscuit tin for Wehrmacht Kekse. These were my earnings from then and had been my last financial reserve after spending my more recent savings on her travels and studies in Serbia and on our later stay in Italy.

And these people were not offering one penny for her to do further studies, and on top of that their version of a contract with her was that her brother should sleep under a bridge!

Not One Word!

When I finally got round to telling Angela what they had just offered us, she replied Not can! No write one word for Welsh! Only needed look after English child on train and Scottish child on other wagon. 

Looking me in the eyes, she added What they think brother get down from train and climb inside chimney and bring down sock and chocolates for Christmas?

Until this time, I had never withheld any of my savings for Angela’s travels, research and general expenses, her private school had been fully funded by me, and I assured her I had enough Reichsmarks from the war to keep her funded for a while.

I was shocked, and the only time something comparably near had happened to me was when a shell had hit my bunker overlooking the Normandy sea with written on it: Made in the USA!

That was a friendlier stroke of destiny, I thought, to what these here have just offered me!

My sister and I were in agreement she was not going to climb up a chimney to do work into anything Welsh, and that neither should anyone.

Here is today’s Party dance.

A Holiday in Italy

In the following page of my diary, I then read about my next decision, and this was to have quite an adventure attached to it.

Diary entry: Mädel wants to go to Italy to see Rome and Mount Vesuvius. Actually I think it was Pompeii and something to do with ancient Italian houses and restaurants from two thousand years ago and equipped with original cooking vessels.

It was at this time that Mädel approached me and, having heard from sister Hun of what they had offered me, declared she was prepared to go to Italy on a holiday – if I accompanied her, and see if there might be some interest in her cooking recipes, for she knew Italian and had been studying economics too.

Only later did it dawn on me – a long time later, that Mädel had wanted to help out financially so that I could continue funding my sister. Only, knowing I had always pulled out my wallet for Angela, she hadn’t wanted to tell me this directly lest I felt indebted towards her.

As things stood, it appeared to me that she simply wanted to pass a holiday in Italy, and willingly I pulled out some remaining savings from a coffee pot and we departed, for she was still rather too young to travel alone.

What happened in Italy we know, I don’t need to repeat it here, and as previously explained, she came back to England and returned to school, whereas I went north to Germany. Angela I had left with a purse of silver Reichsmarks to fund her private school, while Alexandra, her other best friend, had already assured me there would always be enough for my sister should she ever run out of funds.

Plan A and Plan B

From our previous Party pages we know that Mädel wanted me back in England, that I left my castle on the Rhine and set out, crossed the Ardennes, passed through Brussels and Flanders and saw prosperity undecided whether to actually go to England after all or return back to Germany, and that I then landed again in England.

This time, though, I had brought two plans with me: Plan A, and Plan B.

If Mädel has better fortune this time, I thought, then that’s A.

But if she manages to get into trouble like last time when we were in Italy, I promised, then Plan B comes into action and I will return to Germany with her and there she will get to know what a word of honour is.

For the case that Plan B should be necessary, I took Opa’s Reichswehr Hosen with me, for I would offer them a Treaty that would surpass even that of Versailles in 1919 in terms of dynamics, implications and humiliation.

Mädel still planned on going to private school for a few years, and I knew that on completing her studies she would be making a work offer.

Should she, on leaving school, make this offer and get turned down, I had solemnly decided when making Plan B, then I will make an offer, and I will be wearing Opa’s Hosen from 1921 when he served as a cavalry captain.

And should they turn this offer down, stated Plan B, then they will only have themselves to blame!

Post Scriptum

As we know, things went the way they did, and the German Holy Mother made an offer to Mädel to work in the Wirtschaft in Germany.

I the Hun knew the German Lady had left the door open for me, She had told me so and shown it me in many ways, and this is why Freundin is moving to Germany, because I promised never to abandon her should things not go her way here in England!


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