Preparing to Travel to Germany
Before leaving England, I have prepared the adoption certificate for Whitehall, Westminster and the local council to be taken care of.
Luftwaffe Map
Using the Luftwaffe guide of London, I should find my way to the German Embassy using the shortest possible route in order to collect special travel documents to Germany when the work contract is signed on behalf of Alexandra.
Mädel as we know shall be leaving England separately with Alexandra after being offered a place in the Wirtschaft by the German Mother. She has again thanked me for never betraying her to the stupid people who exchanged her for Satan and Moloch who they imported from Italy with the intention of stealing Freundin’s work and whoring it off.
These uk people, I assured Mädel, must go to their Italian godfathers who are legally obliged to look after them. When the Italians took the oath to care for them, the uk was adopted by Italy after their grandfather crashed over England during the Battle of Britain.
Mädel has expressed in many ways her gratitude towards me on account of my having fought for her and prevented her England being sold to Italy by the kingdom of the Tanner’s son.
The separation of England from the uk is expressed in Angela Hun’s union flag, where England and Scotland are distinct and free from foreign ownership.
As for those swearing allegiance to the Tanner’s offspring, there was no alternative to the adoption certificate I handed out over their head assigning their upbringing and education to Italy. Having testified to seeing their grandfather go down over England and identified their godfathers, I signed the adoption papers.
The underlying thought in my mind was that in Italy their mental status can be properly assessed by their adoptive parents who, as their legal godfathers, have the duty to prevent them doing insane things such as sending the Antichrist to knock Angela down.
Playing With Matches!
Next time they should try doing something insane, they won’t be able to run away to ‘the uk’, which is no more, and indeed their Italian adoptive parents are morally responsible to keep them from playing with brimstone in the first place.
It’s my view that chemistry sets shouldn’t be given to minors to mess with, and what their grandfather did when teaching them to play with fire was so wrong! Giving the local council, Whitehall and Westminster cordite and matches to play with was irresponsible on the part of their grandfather.
After transferring from the Luftwaffe to the Wehrmacht in 1944, I saw with my own eyes what this leads to. And later, I saw how they knocked my sister down in Italy where I was offering her accommodation and all living expenses in my house.
This is why I gave much thought before signing the papers, for having seen how their grandfather met his destiny, it was not in my intention to see the worshippers of the uk kingdom running amok again. The Italians, I reasoned, will have first-hand knowledge at their own expense on how to keep them from harming themselves and others.
Being able to speak Italian and having been to Italy on holiday, Mädel was worried those uk orphans from Whitehall could end up messing around Mount Vesuvius and blow Italy up, but I assured her the Italians will be very careful next time to use discipline having seen how they lost Angela.
When I saw her in a vision being knocked down in Italy, many questions entered my mind, but not long thereafter my sister only said to me Brother, must get out of here and to England.
That’s when Angela showed me in Liguria how the uk’s grandfather Winston Churchill operated, the one I brought down in England to Mädel’s eternal gratitude.
Here is today’s Party dance.
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