They Are Not Getting Mädel
Mädel is moving to Germany, we have an agreement and it satisfies both of us.
Not a Chance in Gehennna
While waiting to return home to Germany, I’ll keep Party readers informed that the people of ‘the uk’ secret establishment are still erroneously in the belief I and Mädel will be staying here and that one day she is going to work for them.
The truth is very different: I told Mädel very clearly that it’s either them or me, because I will never work for those people and I’m going home to Germany. No humiliation, I said to her, that I inflict on them is ever going to be great enough, save taking you, Mädel, away from them!
And Freundin understands this but only required of me to remember she is English, as too her mother and father.
We have agreed she can work for Sovereign England whenever she wishes, whereas I cannot bring myself around to satisfying those people who sent Beelzebub and Moloch at me from Italy and then the Thug, and later declared me as dead and left me to rot. Had it not been for Alexandra, neither Mädel nor I would have made it through.
And to think that Freundin made her work offer in early 2017 and they responded with the worst insult!
In Germany
The question for me remains how to get Germany to come sign a work contract in England with the Hun on behalf of Alexandra. This will enable Angela to return to Germany too within a short time of my arriving there. As for Mädel, it’s a case of Germany deciding when the EU is over and she can start her advisory role from her own Chancellery somewhere in the countryside in German land.
But those who insulted her here and humiliated us will never get anything from me! They worked for Italy and always called both her and me a liar and I will only ever humiliate them back! They only ever wanted to steal her work and treat me as a sack of dirt, and my only satisfaction in this respect is watching them expose themselves as the liars they always were.
They have sat there holding me in a prison no matter how much good will I have shown, and forgetting this is not an option! Should they rot, they brought it upon themselves.
Taking Mädel away from them is the greatest satisfaction I could ever achieve to get my own back on those people. There is no turning back on my decision.
The German Holy Mother
Whereas the uk bug-spy force had a satanic obsession with cancelling all reference to the Holy Mother of the English Folk, my Faith in the German Holy Mother prevents these people from succeeding in doing the same to Her while seated somewhere on their rotten arse in Bletchley Park.
Yet I have promised Mädel to always honour the Fair Lady of the English Folk in Germany and that I will never concede to anyone attempting to replace Sovereign England for the dead-uk. This was the basis for our agreement on which she is willing to move with me to Germany.
Spiritual Jerusalem is for nations descending from Adam and Eve and cannot ever be replaced with the Rotten Plank that claimed to possess the Holy Spirit while betraying Mother and Child In High of the Serbian nation.
If these people had succeeded to the bitter end, there would be no Holy Mother and Child, no Holy Trinity, no Holy Spirit. Instead of this, however, the Church under the Full Moon of Heaven shall prevail, but I will personally make sure that those who tried bugging Mädel and hurled offence at her and then locked me up in a prison while forcing Angela to flee, shall never manage to claim for themselves a victory.
They will not succeed against the German Lady!
The Contract
In our most recent page Preparing to Travel to Germany, I put to writing the following: “Using the Luftwaffe guide of London, I should find my way to the German Embassy using the shortest possible route in order to collect special travel documents to Germany when the work contract is signed on behalf of Alexandra”.
There is nothing Bletchley Park shall manage to prevent this, it will happen, it’s just a question of time.
Here is tonight’s Party dance.
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