The UK Selling the Irish and Fooling the USA

Angela cannot be imprisoned, not even if EU and City dictators claim otherwise.

City Prostitution Offers Abortion of Irish Church

Readers at The Party will be fully aware that those who slept in bed with their Italian masters who call themselves the founding fathers of the EU, also tried exchanging the Holy Mother of the British Isles in return for their insane worship of the Antichrist. They tried exchanging Sovereign England for the ‘uk’, and they are trying to sell the Irish off in exchange for this defunct kingdom.

In our last publication UK Abortion of the Irish Church, we wrote “Herod’s secret agents attempt aborting Holy Child of any nation”.

Under the chapter The UK Abortion Attempt of the Irish Church, it is stated “Herod’s secret police agents, on their part, pay themselves with public funds in an attempt at aborting the Irish Holy Child, so the Fair Lady depends on the United States of America to help Her”.

The UK – EU Agreement Over the Irish

It shouldn’t be hard to understand that, after sabotaging Alexandra and Angela’s respective requests for a work contract with Germany in 2018, Whitehall and Westminster worked with the EU to impose a diktat over all of Ireland that leaves the EU commissars and the ‘uk’ in command and prevents Angela ever doing her intended research into the Irish church foundations.

The secret police under orders from Whitehall declared the Hun owed them an impossible sum, threatening to inflict tens of thousands of pounds in fines on him when all he had left was five pounds in his bank account.

While we don’t know what these people promised to ‘give Germany’ in return for recognition of Winston Churchill and Humpty Dumpty's kingdom, we do know they were working on behalf of their Italian masters to bug Mädel and demanded she send in a ‘fully costed’ manual on economics, but failed.

With a demented and contorted expression on their arrogant face, they sent a one thousand eight hundred pound fine at the Hun, which he refused to pay, then offered him money for worshipping their queen, which he refused to accept. They then declared him dead.

So what!

Here is today's Party tune.

And the Same for Germany

Within this same context, they presumed to force Germany into an ‘eternal bond with the EU’, the Northern Ireland protocol being nothing less than the submission of Ireland and of Germany to a dictatorship of EU commissars and establishment thugs sitting in the City.

Selling the Fair Lady and selling the German Lady and selling any Holy Child out of the arms of a Lady In High was what the uk secret police got paid for while sleeping in bed with their Italian founding father masters.

Had these people managed the impossible, namely to get Angela to research the origins of the Irish church in prison and with no funds and unable to travel anywhere or even to buy quill and ink (remember these people are not only sheer evil, they are also arrogant and demented), they would have hidden her work away in a coffin after cancelling all reference to Holy Mother and Child and made sure it did not interfere with their worship of the uk Antichrist and with EU dictatorship of a group of commissars sitting in Rome.


After falsely accusing one US president of being elected by way of Russian collusion, the uk establishment then went on to depict another US president as ‘falling asleep’ during meetings with representatives of other countries.

The truth is, the USA has fallen asleep for far too long in allowing City scoundrels to dictate the agenda. Having identified Angela as someone capable of working with the Holy Spirit, they thought they could lock her up in a prison and torture her into handing them over work for them to manipulate in a way that promotes their agenda.

Busily intent on trying to abort the Irish Holy Child and exchange the Fair Lady for their vile and satanic antichrist cult, they’ve tried hanging on to power and have been selling dung to the USA. Clearly the Irish Republic is not allowed to have a work contract with Angela as the UK and EU dictators do not allow it.

Which leaves only the United States of America to sort this issue out.

In Normandy

Back then, stationed above Sword beach, we could not understand how a rabble got into Normandy to march through Europe while a superior army remained pinned down just two hours drive further north with dozens of divisions and hundreds of Panzers and all the heavy guns.

Those who then fooled us are the same people who later fooled the whole world, and they are intent on fooling the US into believing secret service lies designed to keep Italian founding fathers and their City clients in power.

Angela is the one who got behind this already when we were in Liguria, when the Antichrist-uk came along throwing her work upside down. She explained to me then how they operate: through fooling the world!

She’s the one who found out from the start after we got to England that they’re in bed with the Italian founding fathers – and it isn’t really clear who the masters in bed are between the two: the EU or Babylon the City.

She also figured out pretty soon that the institutions were planning on deporting us to Italy and from there across the Adriatic Sea to a common client of theirs and of their Italian godfathers, where someone had tried selling off the Holy Spirit in return for ‘entering Europe’.

The German Holy Mother

In 2018, these uk secret police, under orders from the City banking scene and Whitehall, attempted replacing Alexandra and Angela in Germany with Beelzebub and Moloch, and as we know the German Holy Mother is at War against them!

She showed me not long ago the two empty frames of Angela’s union flag hanging in limbo, and Angela’s decision at the conference the other day is that the USA are responsible for her future contract regarding her research into the Irish church origins, which would come about in the Name of the Fair Lady and not in a prison run by secret police, and after the Hun has returned to Germany.

The alternative to this is uk abortion of the Irish Holy Child, and that is fact not uk fiction! Angela does not work in a prison while denied freedom and funding, nor could anyone do research in this manner. The Holy Spirit does not become enslaved, and this basic truth is still denied by the Whitehall secret services and their godfathers in Rome!


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