When Are You Coming Home to Germany?

Today I received a letter from Mädel in which she writes that Germany is her new home!

Get Out of Prison!

In her letter, Mädel has declared her attachment to her new homeland and has asked me to get quickly out of prison so soon as I receive the work contract with Germany, not to hang around one day longer and just leave for what was always my homeland, Germany.

She recommends I tell everyone which encounters me that she has gone and is waiting for me. Speaking German, Freundin says everyone is convinced she is German going by her looks and attitude.

Because I’m not leaving here, she wrote in German, you have to come to me!

Not a Chance in Gehenna

There is not a twisted and distorted chance in the bottomless pit that she would ever work for Westminster and its Whitehall agenda, not now nor ever. This she made clear to me of yore, and I cannot understand how anyone in Westminster could have thought otherwise.

Hopefully I the Hun become for them more and more of a liability they just want to see go! This is indeed the gist of Mädel’s letter, as she considers these people to be failed cheats, arrogant and full of deceit.

You need to get out of prison! She insisted.

Now that she is in Germany, Freundin can help me get out, and I need to make sure they cannot follow me over there or get there before me with their Italian masters, and for this reason her location remains secret.

Die Hunnin

In The Party’s last edition Alexandra Talks to the Germans, the following case has been presented: “In Captain Wolfgang’s opinion, going public at The Party makes Angela’s offers of work legally binding”.

Sister Hun has contacted me too, by video connection from Mexico, and we discussed the latest events.

Your offers to work are legally binding, I said to her, and that is Wolfgang’s opinion, because they are in public on Party space, have been for a long time and have not gone unnoticed.

Captain Wolfgang had looked into the case after listening to Alexandra and going on what Mädel also told him. He’s aware that Angela wants to work for the German Holy Mother and Child and that the uk has hindered her, called her a liar and told my sister that her brother is dead and never was alive in the first place.

He holds these people for extremely dangerous and considers Angela’s needs for funding as completely legitimate and necessary for her future research. According to him, the people sitting in Whitehall and in Westminster should be declared mentally insane and the Hun should be given travel documents back home to Germany on account of his ties to Angela, who is German and works for Spiritual Mother and Child.

Two World Wars

Wolfgang’s family fought two world wars against those people, he says the uk-institution is at War against the Spiritual soul of the German Nation and only a special case presented to the German State can solve this issue.

There might not be a law upholding the German Holy Mother and Child as Angela knows her, he said, and for this reason the case of her brother needs to be made aware to the ministerial offices of Germany for special consideration so he can sign a proper, binding work contract that enables him to receive German documents and leave England to work with Alexandra and Angela.

Being of spiritual nature, he says, the case is special and unique. However, the fact that the uk declared the Hun as dead and left him to rot after calling Angela a liar is in itself sufficient proof that this is a special case going by current law.

He says they funded agents, and Italian agents too, to declare Angela’s brother as dead, they left him to rot in October 2019 when he had a bad flu, but later gave everyone and everyone else flocking to England from Africa and Asia free hotel residence, funding for free and Covid money – but nothing for Angela’s brother.

All in all, says Wolfgang, there is a case for priority attention on the part of the German state to get the Hun back home and in a position to work with both Alexandra and Angela – once she has returned from Mexico.

Mädel’s Input

During their conversations, Mädel also explained to Wolfgang that whenever her Hun had tried becoming a part of English society, he was systematically opposed and made to fail at both local and national authority level most probably on account of his family origins, and that they also called him a ‘third world foreigner’ to his face.

She pointed out this was owing to her, because he had presented in public her work offer in England in early 2017 and they instead demanded a ‘fully costed’ script of her policies, which he not only refused to give them, but could not anyway as she had never given him such a text nor ever explained to him the possible contents of one.

Because I remained loyal to Mädel and got hated in part because of her, she takes it as her duty to help me leave prison.

Those people, she told Wolfgang, have never offered the Hun a work contract and never offered one to me either, but demanded he climb up ladders and break his neck!

She also made clear to Wolfgang that they interacted with me in the street and with her, passing by in groups and looking one or the other of us in the eyes and dropping insults, or getting out of a car, dancing in the street in front of us and then driving quickly off while hurling insult at us in public.

Here is today’s party tune.


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