Alexandra Talks to the Germans
Fluent in German, Alexandra is making known in Germany the Hun’s case in England and that of his sister in Mexico.
Investigations Have Kicked Off
Tonight at The Party, as readers know, I’m on my own. However, plenty of letters are coming through via our S-mail service, the secret communications band we set up at Betchy Garden to read mail by computer without it ever being intercepted.
An investigation has been launched at the Bug station into how Alexandra and Mädel evaded them, and the MI11 are on the case in their combi-version. But it’s too late, and Alexandra has been revealing some more info to Captain Wolfgang in Germany.
He’s determined to get the Hun back together with Mädel and also to make it possible for Angela to return home to Germany – where we used to live when she was very small. He’s been made aware that one day, Angela should also be caring for the Irish Holy Child while working with the Fair Lady once she has a contract with America.
Here is tonight’s Party presentation.
Uncle Sam of America
It’s no secret now that Angela recently nominated the USA as the country on whom rests the requirement to render physically possible the travels, purchases, accommodation and the shopping connected to her future research into Irish church origins. Of-course this will include brother Hun’s expenses as I will be carrying out my duty of care towards her such as personal security and various errands.
Wolfgang reckons this would be a very detailed research as it may require tracing back the footsteps of the saints in the many Irish kingdoms and how they interacted with the native populations of Ireland. He told Alexandra that Germany could be an ideal base for Angela to carry out her research unhindered by political upheavals between the EU and direct rule from Westminster in Irish affairs, although going to Ireland and doing direct research there could also be factored in.
Having heard from Alexandra about the Fair Lady, he believes this Lady of the Holy Trinity going by the name of Celtic Britannia would fascinate the Irish, whichever their religious persuasion, and Wolfgang is convinced that Angela is an asset the Irish would not want to lose. He thinks America should just go for it and get the agreement up and running with Angela once she is back home in Germany – and has first started her work for the German Holy Mother.
Going Public
In Captain Wolfgang’s opinion, going public at The Party makes Angela’s offers of work legally binding, and seeing that she hasn’t got that many of them up at this point in time, but only with Germany and, separately, with the USA, she gives proof of a very refined attitude towards her work: only some at a time, and only with the relevant authority as guarantor for its promotion and publication once accomplished.
He hopes Germany will soon give Angela the response she has been waiting for to be able to join her brother in Germany and dedicate herself to the German Mother. This too is why he understands that her brother needs to sign a contract with Germany on behalf of Alexandra, receive the gold funding as upfront cover for expenses, and also the German documents necessary to return to the Country of the Rhine.
He’s fully aware that only an official office can achieve this, one at ministerial level. In this respect, he said, it’s necessary to make sure the Germans understand what it is that Angela is offering, and the Americans too.
There is no way, he said, they did not notice.
The Need to Work in Peace
In our last print Mädel Speaks German, I stated this truth: “A happy person, she said joy cannot be complete unless I am there too”.
Captain Wolfgang has promised to help keep Alexandra and Mädel’s location secret from Italian and British intelligence. He also pledged not to say too much about their aspirations in public in Germany as he understands that only a ministerial office can actually get the ball rolling, and that both Alexandra and Angela need to carry out their respective studies in a peaceful environment funded at official level and free from outside interference from otherworldly institutions.
But he asked Mädel: Did they really tell your Hun to climb to the top rung of a ladder placed against the roof of a four-storey building and to stand there with his arms outstretched, one hand holding a bucket of soot, the other a bucket of tarmac?
Mädel assured him they did, but that he refused, and that one day he came back home with a bruised leg after falling through a missing board on the top part of a scaffold, the hole having been covered with a sheet of thin tarpaulin.
Wolfgang enquired Who the Devil would have done that to him?
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