Servants of Doom Fooling America

Angela chose the USA as guarantor for her future research into the Irish church, and the Americans should not even contemplate the idea of forcing her brother into staying in Britain.

The Irish

It became clear to every Party member that the uk, before sending Angela and me to Italy to a sacrificial offering across the Adriatic Sea, wanted to get the two empty frames of Angela’s union flag, and in particular they wanted her work on the Irish church which they would have signed off with Moloch who they had imported from Italy.

The text, manipulated and purged of all reference to the Fair Lady and to Angela herslef, may possibly have been made available once she was sacrificed and I was dead.

Knowing this from very early on, Angela had left two frames empty as a life insurance for both of us, and we all came to understand in Party circles that we depend on the Irish frame as much as the Irish church depends on Angela.

The German Holy Mother indicated something similar when she showed me the two empty frames in limbo in Germany somewhere behind her own flagpole with another white framed flag – the German one.

Being Exposed

Having been exposed, the servants of doom were found to be working for Herod Antichrist all the time. But that was actually the reason Angela escaped to Mexico in 2019, because she had potent enemies in Rome, Byzantium and at Buckingham palace calling themselves founders of one or other church.

Never having been baptised by a mortal person, Angela defied all which they preached, which is why Westminster wanted to consign her to the rack, and from there to the Inquisition in Italy and then on across the Adriatic Sea to be burnt at a stake by very angry people who invented a state and tried giving themselves a new identity while attempting to sell the Sacraments.

From Valjevo to the Russian Church

Angela had told me on the train to Belgrade, they liars, not can sell Holy Spirit, only take brother’s money and try sell baptism to Rome. Sister get down in Valjevo where started work, not go Belgrade.

This came about on several occasions, Angela getting down in Valjevo and not going on to Belgrade. Eventually, when we were living in Italy following our last return from Serbia, my sister took me to the Russian Church in Liguria. We were marching west following the afternoon sun along Prospect Corso Imperatrice.

According to the mighty powers that opposed her, Angela threatened the established order and the unholy alliance they were stitching together. She nullified the act of selling the Holy Spirit in return for ‘entering Europe’ (the EU) and replacing the Kingdom of Jesus, Son of God, with the uk kingdom.

Readers will have gathered she did not flee to a NATO or EU state on the last day of August 2019, but from one! And this may explain many things.

Here is today’s Party melody.


Based on recent Party publications, we know that Angela chose the USA as guarantor for the Irish Church in the Name of the Fair Lady. This means Beelzebub and Moloch from Italy and their associates from the secret police will never get anywhere near my sister and consequently cannot consign her to the flames.

Unable to lock her up, they’ll never get their hands on the work which to date she hasn’t started, and moreover they can never barter it in return for a uk. This means the Antichrist will have to go, not Angela!

Regardless what anyone in Britain tries telling the US to the contrary, there is not a chance in Sheol Angela is going to Britain instead of to Germany. She never received a penny from Herod’s servants but instead escaped them and did so to protect Holy Mother and Child.

They Worship Their Queen

I her brother deem the Americans capable of discerning the gravity of the situation and understanding the dire peril deriving from an attempt at forcing a person whose avowed enemies hate her to death. Herod’s people would sacrifice Angela and sell the Fair Lady if America believed them, all they need is to imprison die Hunnin to achieve their goals.

The fact of the matter is, that brood is getting nowhere near sister Hun or her future text on the Irish church. This text cannot come to be unless the USA has first made it possible by enabling her studies into the Irish ecclesiastic foundations, and these cannot start unless she is first in Germany and working for the German Holy Mother.

UK Tries Infiltrating Germany

Our last Party edition A Welcome Home in Germany, recounts Mädel’s words:

I like being considered German, as this means you can be free and return to your homeland”.

At The Party we made clear that Herod’s police falsely claimed a Holy Child would join them, and we pointed out they were lying. In reality they want to torture Angela in a prison, because she really does work with Holy Mother and Child.

Then they infiltrated Germany using undercover agents, but the German Lady made sure Moloch, who represents the uk secret police, was arrested in Germany, sentenced to death, placed in prison in England and the next morning taken out and crucified.

UK Seeks to Replace the Fair Lady

As for the Fair Lady and the Irish Holy Child, the uk secret police are her proven enemies as much as they are enemies of any Lady and Child In High. Therefore the Americans should not encompass the thought of betraying Holy Mother and Child to the uk of Herod Antichrist, regardless what they say or claim, because they work for Satan their father.

Those people are the Enemies of God, they will not be allowed access to Holy Child, and this is what America needs to understand: Herod Antichrist’s police will get nowhere near Angela!


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