Spreading the Word in Germany

The Hun has no work contract with Britain, full stop!

A Letter From Germany

In a recent letter come to me by S-mail, Alexandra says Wolfgang is looking into Angela Hun’s case. Currently in Mexico, she is waiting to return home to Germany to commence her research into the origins of the German Church, and she needs her brother to show her a signed contract with Germany on her behalf enabling him to receive special travel documents out of England and on to German land. Only then will Angela herself also return home.

Only an office at state level in Germany can make such a contract possible, and Wolfgang is looking into the case. He wants to find out why the German state has thus far declined to contact the Hun in England, especially considering that the uk establishment in all and any of its forms cannot give Germany what only Angela can, but who refuses to do so unless with her brother at her side in deutschen Landen.

Wolfgang therefore has started to spread the word that Angela cannot return to Germany to start her work for the German Holy Mother and Child because her brother is sitting in prison in England at the orders of the uk secret services and police who are only out to cover up their own failures.

No Contract

According to Wolfgang, it is evident that I the Hun do not have any work agreement whatsoever with Britain, that they have never offered me one nor ever had any intention of doing so. Also, he knows that what they define as ‘work’, ie climbing up ladders, has absolutely nothing to do with the work the Hun has been trying to achieve, and they know this full well.

Wolfgang’s conclusion is that the uk has been lying to Germany and making fake promises that cannot be kept, and continues making false promises that are meaningless and worthless.

Alexandra and Mädel have both made abundantly clear to Wolfgang that the Hun will not lift a finger for Britain and is waiting to walk out of the prison status he has been reduced to so that he can get back to work, in Germany, with his sister Angela first and foremost, who cannot and will not return until her brother is free and in Deutschland!

Here is tonight’s Party dance.

A Rogue State

In her letter, Alexandra states that Wolfgang has fully understood that in the Hun’s eyes, the uk is a rogue state with null legal validity attached to it. Similarly, he understands that in Mädel’s opinion, the EU too is a false entity that is about to come to an end as an institution, regardless what anyone else’s opinion might be and how different it might express itself.

In the last Party page How a Country Leaves the EU, we find “Britain showed the whole world how you don’t leave the EU, Mädel is now waiting in Germany with good knowledge on how to do it better.”

As a result, Wolfgang is also looking into Italian state interference in German sovereign affairs, whereby there appear to be secret agreements between Italian state offices and those of other countries to sabotage Angela Hun’s work, with particular reference to ‘the uk’.

Finally, Alexandra writes that in Wolfgang’s estimation, the uk secret police are operating way beyond their means and have surpassed their expiry date and need to be exposed in Germany for what they are: a hoax!

Consequently, he is putting the word around that Angela has been forced to flee in order to escape prison and her brother is currently being held in her place in a prison cell while the uk secret police are going about lying to Germany.


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