When Germany Leaves the EU
Tonight I am writing about Germany’s imminent departure from the EU, an event that will come about when the commissars’ communist organization based in Brussels has collapsed.
The Wirtschaft
Mädel is already in Germany after moving there very recently with Alexandra as reported here at The Party. Having patiently waited till the uk establishment was done with, Freundin was happy to accept the German Holy Mother’s invitation to relocate to Germany in order to receive her rightful place in the Wirtschaft.
Here is today’s first Party presentation.
At Party space we have explained how Mädel was turned down in England by the uk and how she made sure Whitehall could never lay their hands on her work policies – which she didn’t even reveal to her Hun.
On my part, I knew the German Mother had left the door open for me, so I had promised Fräulein she needn’t worry if they heap abuse here because I’d get her to Germany. Equally guaranteed is that before long I’ll be joining her once the Germans come and sign the work contracts with me here along with the special documents enabling my return to the Land of the Rhine.
Mädel knows where Germany’s priorities lie and can offer the economic skills required to manage the new era following the downfall of EU Communism in the German Mother’s Land. Her ability to work for an alliance with countries that Germany needs to trade with is made possible owing to the invaluable friendship she has with Angela and Alexandra. Their own respective work in ecclesiastic matters is of fundamental interest to these very same countries.
While the presumed uk festers inside a bubble of delusions after turning down all that she offered, Mädel will make sure that Westminster, which made a pig’s ear of Brexit, cannot interfere in Germany’s sovereignty, nor the Italian Illuminati for that matter – or Byzantium.
The day will never come when Mädel exchanges Sovereign England for a uk, she said she can wait till the bubble has gone and is in no rush in that respect. However, her loyalty and gratitude to her Hun means she will never subdue Germany’s interests to another. We both consider each other special and help one another achieve our ambitions in the Name of the Fair Lady and in the Name of the German Lady.
Only complete fools in Whitehall would have told Mädel to her face that I do not exist and offered her some five pound notes in return for a manual on economics. It so happens she told them all the money in the world could not pay for her Hun.
In the last Party post Waiting for the USA to Sign a Contract, I made this statement: “Angela works with her brother and only he can sign an agreement on her behalf”.
Regular readers at The Party know that Westminster demanded Angela hand them over a manuscript on the Irish church while claiming her brother should climb up ladders on high buildings for five pounds.
Later they told her he had fallen down from a rooftop and was dead, that she never saw him in the first place and should knock all memory of him out of her head.
Angela didn’t believe them and replied he was live and well even if they informed Switzerland he had passed away.
Being her brother, I was aware already in Italy that the Antichrist uk had targeted Angela owing to work she was doing there. In Liguria, she had established spiritual contact with the Russian Holy Mother after our return from Serbia, and it was there that my sister went with me to Corso Imperatrice as we walked west following the afternoon sun.
In a communion event not long after this, I arrived by train in Alexandrov. Evidently someone had tried cancelling my name and claimed I no longer lived, but in another communion in that same time, the Russian Holy Mother assured me they had lied. Standing in front of me next to Her Russian Son, She said in English with a Russian accent: You can stay with us! After all, Alexandrov is not Byzantium, and She, the Russian Mother, is Empress within Her own right.
Selling Out to the EU
In Party pages we have explained that selling out to the EU is not an option, it is the reason why Angela went back to Valjevo where she had started, and the reason why the Serbian Mother went to Her Russian Spiritual Sister in a Communion event just days before Angela went with me to the Russian Church in Liguria where I had rented a villa by the sea.
Those were the days before the uk managed to dry my funds out and before they sent the Diabolic Thug at me and Mädel in England following the drivel from HM Revenues which I ignored. They are the people from whom Angela fled to avoid being locked up in a cell in an attempt at converting her to uk pride and taking her work away to barter if off under a different name.
By Video From Mexico
Last night Angela used her video connection to talk with her brother. We conversed for quite a while, I sipping some aged Napoleon brandy and telling her they have all gone.
With the tears running down her cheeks, Angela looked back at me and said Mädel English and now she actually gone! Brother not can stay England without Mädel, he go Germany and she find Wirtschaft, invite Alexandra and many Germans and welcome him home!
Here is today’s second Party tune.
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