The Fair Lady and America
The uk will say to America that the Irish Holy Child is a hoax and the Fair Lady too.
In today’s Party edition, we’ll be looking at how the Fair Lady depends on America to help Her overcome the demonic ones who are trying to overthrow Holy Mother and Child of any nation. The uk secret police of Whitehall in all their forms and versions are trying to replace the Holy Trinity with their perverted cult to which they swear allegiance.
The United States has been called upon by Angela to stand up for the cause of the Irish church. We know who the people are from whom she fled in order to escape being locked up in a cell and tortured. We know these people are trying to trace down the Holy Child of a nation to confine him to Hell. We also know their master is the second Herod who wants to inherit a human kingdom and prevent the Kingdom of Jesus, Son of God, from coming.
La Santa Madre of Mexico
When considering how to deal with this institution and its agents, the USA should look at the example given by la Santa Madre Mexicana: when Angela fled to Mexico on the last day of August 2019, that same night a vision came to me in which I followed her there. In this communion, the Mexican Holy Mother sent Her Army In High to fight the uk that was in pursuit of Angela. In that same vision, I also saw the Fair Lady, as narrated in our Mexican Events here at The Party.
The German Lady did this too when the uk sent their agents to Germany in place of Angela and Alexandra: She sent Her Army out to fight them!
There is absolutely nothing which Herod Antichrist’s secret police can obtain from Angela. They are liars, their sole intention being to replace the Holy Mother and Child of any nation with their satanic cult and their own kingdom. They want to lock my sister Angela in a prison, something they have been trying out ever since she went to Serbia.
UK and Italy
The uk secret police and the Italian Illuminati fathers of the EU will be tripping each other up running to America explaining how one tripped the other up in Italy and in England and that Angela must never receive any funds to continue her work. They will try dictating to America that it is better to let the Irish Holy Child rot and perhaps in ten years to look in again.
I the Hun have explained what happened: the uk and the Italian illuminati slept in bed together, one side being allowed into Italy to knock Angela down there, and the other later being allowed into England to try shutting her down.
Whitehall sold, or gifted, the Light Tower church at the castle to the Italian godfathers with whom they lay, imagining in their perverted mind to have sold or given away the Fair Lady as a payment for services in bed. Such was their intention, even though it was a building they sold. But in their evil mind it was the Fair Lady.
They and their Italian Illuminati were working with a client state across the Adriatic Sea and someone sitting in Belgrade, and they all agreed that die Hunnin must be silenced because she works with Holy Mother and Child.
Angela Said: They Are Liars!
Angela however negated their claims to the Holy Spirit, which she said are unproven. According to her, you either believe them by their word, or you don’t, but they have nothing to go by other than their word. She didn’t believe them! Instead Angela went and received the spiritual church calendar from the Serbian Holy Mother in Valjevo where she had gone from the very start!
These people also broke their given word and tried humiliating my sister, causing me extra and unforeseen expenses after being promised an income to fund her research. This turned out to be a lie on the Rotten Plank used as a hook to sell the Holy Spirit in order to enter Europe, even though it was impossible to do.
Angela said again then: They are liars! She always returned to Valjevo instead.
The uk secret police, applying their “no-funds” and “you are liars” policies, until very recently had nefarious plans to send Angela and her brother to Italy by way of coercion and from there force them to submit to their clients across the sea, who in turn would have dumped us both upside down into a swamp out of sheer hate towards her.
Failures Running the uk
These are the enemies the USA is dealing with when it comes to the Irish church and its origins: people who at institutional level – including the local councils – betrayed the Fair Lady while in bed with their Italian masters who made sure Angela went without funds for refusing to submit to the insane worship in their queen and thereby to the kingdom of the Antichrist.
Someone in Italy sold their own people to the uk, and later, the Tanner son’s kingdom tried selling the Fair Lady to Italy in return for them supporting the uk – the kingdom of the Antichrist, and these are the exact same people who are attempting to abort the Irish Holy Child!
They will try explaining to the US why the Hun has to remain in prison and Angela must not be allowed to return to her brother unless to be locked up and silenced in a prison – remember they still are convinced that she needs no funds and need not do any studies. Being evil beyond comparison, this is how they explain their cowardly betrayal, by betraying even more.
Believing Satan-uk or the Fair Lady
In our last Party post The USA and Ireland, the following statement was made: “The United States has been chosen! Angela says the Fair Lady needs the USA, not when it’s too late, but now!”
While going down in the sinking sands, the uk agents cannot explain how they can actually get their hands on Angela’s Irish frame when she herself has not, and cannot, fill it in. She needs to go to Germany first and, as far as the Irish frame of the Fair Lady is concerned, she will need a contract with the United States of America, as recently presented here at The Party.
The Irish Holy Child needs assistance. Looking on and believing the demonic ones whose intention is to either let him rot in the hour of need or hand him over to Satan, cannot possibly be an option. Therefore, the Fair Lady has chosen America!
Here is today’s Party presentation.
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