A Welcome Home in Germany

The German Holy Mother had promised Freundin a place in the Wirtschaft owing to her status, faith and loyalty – all that was denied her in England.

Welcome Home

Tonight I am giving an account of Freundin’s reception in Germany. People refuse to believe she is not German, and when Mädel says she came from England, they assume she must be a Volksdeutsche Engländerin, and so they have welcomed her back among the greater Folk.

In one of Mädel’s letters, she wrote that after summing up the benefits of being liked by the Germans, she isn’t going to argue over her identity because I her Hun actually am German. As I have no official nationality of any country, she wants me to get out of prison and back home to where she is now.

I like being considered German, she wrote, as this means you can be free and return to your homeland!

This is the same as I had done for her on moving again to England from Germany where I had returned after our holiday in Italy. My reasoning at the time was: if it’s for Mädel, I’d even try becoming English.

They Offered Me Ration Cards

Alas, as we know, it never worked, the uk secret police shut me out of society and Whitehall was involved in all this. From the start when I arrived with Angela following her studies in Serbia, Whitehall deceived me and made believe I could be a part of society, when in reality I was sent on a wild goose chase and never became English. They made it impossible!

Readers will be well aware that Freundin never claimed to be British, she always said her identity is English. Anyway, she’s gone and is waiting for me in Germany.

Then they discovered who I really am and that I was working for the German Holy Mother. In January 2019, unable to control themselves any longer when I had told HM Revenues to go jump after refusing to climb up a chimney for the MI4, they flew into a terrible fury. They sent the Thug at me demanding I worship their queen in return for ration cards. I refused and ended up in prison.

Angela Said No

Angela, who had been working for the English Holy Mother, fled to Mexico later that year. The MI four-and-a-half were trying to get Angela to hand over to them information on the Irish Church to then cancel her name and place that of somebody else, and she said never!

The rest we know: she’ll only accept an agreement with the US to ever work with the Fair Lady for the Irish and on condition that her own name is on the book as authoress and it is dedicated to the rightful Spiritual Mother and not to a spoof. All this, however, is dependent on die Hunnin first being back home in Germany and having a work contract there with die Deutschen.

Bad Misunderstanding

Sitting in prison, I eventually told them everything I possibly could and confessed. There was no way they could get anything from me that Mädel never even explained in the first place to her Hun concerning financial bankruptcy, other than that the City should have been shut down in 2008 after the financial crash instead of circulating fake money and paying themselves bonuses.

She on her part had her residence debugged so they could not spy on her, and I of-course got hated for it because they felt I had locked them out to rot – which was true because she told me to!

Then they found out that Angela never told me anything about an Irish church and so I couldn’t secretly illuminate them on this either. The same applied to the Welsh.

But because they promised I’d be left to rot and made to endure their taunts, I confessed to having been in Normandy and, stationed higher up, watched their grandfathers landing on the beaches, and that prior to that I had been in the Luftwaffe and had seen England from above.

I told them I’d always be seeing them from higher up and they’d always be lower down, that the German Holy Mother will have the upper hand.

A Prisoner Exchange

Needless to say, only a prisoner exchange will get me out of prison now, for I forfeited the five pound notes they had offered me and made my confession. This was all they got out of me, apart from Alexandra’s Exorcism which I printed out here at The Party on her behalf.

In the last Party page When Are You Coming Home to Germany?, I wrote: “ In her letter, Mädel has declared her attachment to her new homeland and has asked me to get quickly out of prison so soon as I receive the work contract with Germany, not to hang around one day longer and just leave for what was always my home, Germany.”

Mother's birthplace

It’s Never Going to Happen Again

When Angela came from Mexico to see me for a week in Autumn 2021 after the presumed-uk had continued calling her a liar and continued insisting I do not exist, it was the most final end. Those people sent their agents out insulting the Mexican Holy Mother and they once again defied the Fair Lady – see our Mexican events, and I need to state that back then, for Angela, those people were dead! Just like they are for Mädel.

Angela, wearing Mexican dress, said: Spiritual Jerusalem is for Germany, full stop.

This is also what Alexandra explained to Wolfgang, he understands the situation, and he said this has not gone unnoticed. Wolfgang’s family fought two world wars against the British Empire and he has promised Germany will win this time and most finally: it’s for German Holy Mother and Child and the Church under the Full Moon in the Land of the Rhine.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


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