How a Country Leaves the EU

Britain showed the whole world how you don’t leave the EU, Mädel is now waiting in Germany with good knowledge on how to do it better.

Economic Recipes

Today’s article at The Party will present some principles on how a country quits the European Union regardless what this or that commissar elected by no democratic means says to the contrary.

When, in early 2017, Mädel made her public offer in England at The Party in its previous version, offering to bring about the orderly dissolution of the UK into sovereign countries and an economic solution to the bankrupt state of financial affairs plagued by public debt, the authorities knowingly turned her down, although they did demand a manual from her explaining to them how to use a magic wand to solve state bankruptcy, for free and without any contract.

This all happened around nine months after the June 2016 referendum on EU membership, and the incredible manner in which they scoffed at her willingness to implement the orderly departure from the EU, and instead replaced her with the ‘EU divorce bill’, speaks volumes as to their attitude!

Mädel will not give away her economic recipes for free and without a binding contract – she doesn’t work for nothing, and there will always be preconditions attached to any agreement.


Later in that same year of 2017, considering that the Italian Illuminati had sought to subtract a manual of hers some years earlier while we were on holiday in Italy, Mädel made a public offer on Party space, offering to set out the state bankruptcy proceedings Italy required in order to turn the page towards a new era, and to set up the Administration in England that would make this possible.

The precondition to this was that the Italians would recognise the Fair Lady as the spiritual Mother of the English Folk and cease trying to impose foreign founding fathers and godfathers over England and therefore over other countries in general. Unconditional surrender to the Fair Lady would have implied precisely this: no more meddling in other countries’ affairs and no more attempts at trying to take over the destiny of other nations.

Italy chose to ignore her and instead went on pushing the EU agenda, all the while keeping its own totally bankrupt status.

Doctor, Cure Yourself!

What can one say to Italian founding fathers who want to dominate other nations while bankrupting their own? Physician, heal thyself!

In our recent article Mädel Has Gone to Germany, I wrote: “Whether Italian founding father or City banker attempting to grab her work by stealth, or troll demanding a ‘fully costed’ catalogue in writing for his master, she never allowed them to get near her work”.

The exact same principle applies as much to Whitehall and Westminster in London and their associated institutions as it does to Italy: If you don’t like my Freundin and turn her down, that’s too bad, but don’t ever think of taking her work by stealth! Whether you manage to cure yourselves or instead rot, is of little concern to the Hun who knows just about nothing of how to help you! Claro?

In fact, the above-linked page goes on to state “It was I her Hun who promised to give them something fully costed, and I assured them it wouldn’t be a manual”.


In the above-mentioned article, dated 6th July 2022, The Party announced Mädel’s departure from England and her arrival in Germany, where she moved together with Alexandra and now waits for me to join her.

This means she is preparing to help Germany quit the EU once it becomes apparent that the commissars failed long ago in their attempt at creating a new empire, and that the situation is getting always worse and never better.

Freundin’s main principle is not different to 2017, as seen in our last Party print Waiting to Return Home to Germany, where it is stated: “A nation cannot abandon the Holy Trinity in its own likeness”.

Being of divine origin and unique to a nation, the Spirit of the Holy Trinity cannot be taken away from one nation by another, or sold to another or otherwise traded off.

We have seen this when describing how the Serbian Mother refused to be sold off to Italy or to the EU or to any person or institution when She came in vision to my sister Angela and also even to me while we were staying in Italy following our last return from Serbia. She showed us both we would be working in Germany for the German Holy Mother!

Germany Cannot Be Sold Off

The Holy Mother is unique to a nation, as too is the Holy Child, and betraying them is to betray one’s own nation. To go to War against the Holy Mother and Child of another folk, is to wage War against that people!

Long before she moved to Germany, Mädel reassured and promised me: Sovereign England, she said, has never gone to War against Germany, and as far as I am concerned, never will!

Knowing that I came back to England out of love for her, Mädel, on seeing how the uk treated me as a subhuman and sought to cancel Sovereign England after turning down her work offer, moved to Germany out of love for her Hun.

She did this to prevent Westminster’s ‘divorce bill’ being imposed on the German Folk, thus preventing the present and future generations from ever believing that Theresa May ‘married Germany to the EU’ while ‘divorcing the uk from the same EU’.

In reality, the uk died on the last day of August 2019 when Angela departed for Mexico, and the German Mother, on her part, had Moloch arrested in Germany, sentenced to death, imprisoned in England and then taken out of prison the very next morning and crucified!

Reciprocal Interests

When I told Freundin of this vision, which came about earlier this year and is narrated on Party space, she replied that it was in the reciprocal interests of both Germany and England, because Moloch’s reign of terror will come to an end precisely in England.

The uk had gone to War against the German Mother and Child that are In High back in 2018, and being already dead in the year 2022 anyway but still infested with wraiths in corridors of presumed authority, the uk had no power to apply satanic terror again on the German Folk. Those times being over, the German Lady made clear that the Evil Spirit imported from Italy to England and then set loose on Germany has no more efficacy, for the evil minds behind Moloch are operating in uk institutions that are deceased.

In Conclusion

The City establishment in Britain made a shambles of Brexit, the Hun looked on as they went from one disaster into the next, and just as Boris Johnson was about to throw down everything, turn and run, Alexandra and Mädel left England for Germany.

Here is today’s Party song.

Angela is waiting for her brother to receive special travel documents from the German Embassy enabling him to move on to join them, then she too can return home to Germany.


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