Mädel Speaks German
A happy person, she said joy cannot be complete unless I am there too.
A Message From Freundin
Yesterday I received news from Mädel, she spoke to me in German and is waiting for me to join her in Germany. Having taken up abode with Alexandra in a location that cannot be revealed here for security reasons – see Party reference to Beelzebub and Moloch of the Italian Illuminati and their little twisted ones of the uk secret police – she feels sorry for me that I am still having to hold out in prison.
Prison is not a place for you, she said, and I’ll do what I can to get you out of there!
Mädel told me about Wolfgang, a German army captain she got to know. A man of honour, he promised to help her get the Hun out of prison and home to Germany.
A comrade, he said, cannot be left to rot!
Wolfgang is from a family that fought two world wars against the people who are holding me in prison, and he promised her This War we will win!
He heard about my sister who fled to escape prison and torture. He knows now about Angela and her desire to return home to Germany to work for German Holy Mother and Child. He commented on the situation with these words: People who betray the spiritual Mother of their own nation won’t think twice about going to war against the spiritual Mother of another nation.
Captain Wolfgang said Germany is duty-bound to get Angela and her brother back home to the Land of the Rhine. He also knows of the situation from what Alexandra told him, and he’s taking this War very seriously!
People paying themselves to prevent Angela from being funded and able to work, he reasoned, are evil people!
He agrees with Alexandra’s view that they are parasites and lying cheats full of deceit who have no honour, and, having heard some of the details, reckons they should go running back to their Italian masters for whom they worked.
Left to Rot
Mädel told him how her Hun had a bad flu in October 2019 with only five pounds in his bank account – the same five pounds that had been there since the beginning of the year – and received care from Alexandra. And how, the following year and the year after that, everyone and their dog was receiving fantastical covid funds to stay at home, all circulated out of thin air at the City ventilator in the bank of England, all fake money spent as real money.
She told him how Italian agents imported into England were paid too with covid bailouts, while the Hun got just nothing. Wolfgang then showed Mädel some family medals from two world wars, and he promised the Hun would be out of prison and his sister would receive the funding she needs to start her new research in Germany.
It is just a matter of time!, he promised.
Wolfgang is German and he detests cowards, in particular cowards who go to War against the German Holy Mother and Child. He is also aware the uk secret police, working for Whitehall, called Angela a liar and that her brother perceived this at the time to be a threat to her life, as too did Alexandra.
Laughing Stock
In The Party’s last publication News From Alexandra in Germany, we can see that “Germany welcomed them with a warm greeting and everyone is laughing about Britain”.
While Italy is receiving 200 billion euro of covid restructuring funds in fake-money from the European central bank in Frankfurt, and the bank of England pumped out from a ventilator 900 billion fake pounds since 2009 to avoid declaring bankruptcy – most of it during the pandemic, the uk secret police pay themselves to keep the Hun in prison, and yet they could not get to Mädel’s work policies.
So they are venting their anger out on her Hun who they left to rot.
Wolfgang detests them. He said Angela must get back home to Germany, and for this her brother must be freed from prison!
Here is today's Party presentation.
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