A Dead Weight Sitting in Prison

A dead weight can bring down a ship, and the heavier the weight, the more certain its effect.

The Burden

Now that Mädel and Alexandra have both moved to Germany and I am waiting to sign work contracts in England with the Germans and receive special travel documents enabling me to leave, the Hun has become a negative asset on account of his being in prison.

Unable and unwilling to do anything whatsoever for the institutions of the land where he is in prison, his only desire is to see the prison collapse around him and have the responsibility placed squarely upon those who confined him to a cell to rot, and these are people with whom he has never had a contract or an agreement.

Here is today’s Party presentation.


Aware that these people have been trying to steal Mädel’s work on economics, he promises she will never work for them but to the contrary will do all she can to see the demise of their institution in its entirety. She does not offer them a solution either, and so the greater the weight sitting below the deck of the ship, the more likely the ship will sink.

This is what I am waiting for just to get out of prison with dignity and avoid ever being placed again in a cell and locked up. The idea that Herod Antichrist’s police can get away with keeping me behind bars is obnoxious in the eyes of the Hun, and the prospect that these people can even contemplate I would ever work for them is not of this world but only from their imagination.


With Alexandra and Mädel in Germany, the British army was on the run from the Rhine and, chased out by Wolfgang's people, heading to the coast opposite England. I the Hun in England sent all the ships and the boats in a different direction so they did not reach Dunkirk, and an army of Panzers caught up and blocked the escape route. Then the British army had to surrender to Germany.

The Hun did his part in England while waiting to get back home to Germany, and Alexandra and Mädel did their part in Germany to get the Hun out of here. Now a prisoner exchange would seem obvious, but instead of that, the German Holy Mother is keeping the two empty frames of Angela Hun’s union jack, as these are worth infinitely more than the rag-tag horde being held at Dunkirk: these can wait instead and languish in prison. They are in fact of no value to the German Mother, but two empty frames of the union flag are!


Having achieved my part in the humiliation of the British, and Alexandra and Mädel their part, I expect to be signing some work contracts with Germany here in England as made evident in previous Party prints.

In yesterday’s publication When Germany Leaves the EU, I stated: tonight I am writing about Germany’s imminent departure from the EU, an event that will come about when the commissars’ communist organization based in Brussels has collapsed”.

The German Mother in fact does not intend replacing the EU with a uk, but rather doesn’t want either in Her lands. So holding half of Angela’s union flag in Germany in the form of two white frames is the most secure way the German Mother has of getting the Hun back and Angela too, who currently is in Mexico where she sought safety from a uk prison.

Not having access to Angela means the uk police have no access to the two empty frames of her union flag in Germany, nor can they fill these in with colour. And with Mädel and Alexandra gone too, the uk police do not get to dictating the conditions or even participating in them. All they can boast of now is a Hun sitting in prison and being a dead weight as their ship goes down.


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