Standing up for the Fair Lady
Betrayed by the uk institutions working with the Italian Illuminati, the Fair Lady sought America.
Useful Information for America
Tonight, The Party is giving some essential information for the United States of America to understand the situation whereby the Fair Lady requires care for the Irish Holy Child.
The truth of the matter is that, while Angela has an empty frame to fill in representing the Irish church as of its origins, the Spiritual Mother of the British Isles has been betrayed at an institutional level by people in uk working for foreign powers.
Officially, the secret police say they swear allegiance to their queen and cannot allow the Reign of Jesus, God’s Son, to replace that of the Antichrist, thereby giving the impression they are ‘only’ obeying their oath of allegiance. However, they were also working for some foreign entities based in Italy and across the Adriatic Sea who in turn were involved in EU and NATO agendas and an attempt at ‘selling’ the Holy Spirit.
The Antichrist in Italy
Representatives for these foreign entities based in Italy requested the uk to target the Fair Lady by never promoting Angela’s work, thus making it impossible for my sister to continue her studies. To achieve these aims, they targeted Angela’s brother too. Specifically, they shut Angela and her brother out of the Light Tower Church of the Fair Lady.
In Autumn of 2018, they sent an explicit threat from HM Revenues, and then they made their attack in early 2019, when the uk secret police warned me and Mädel, who was sitting next to me, never even to think of mentioning again the Spiritual Mother of the British Isles. I took this to be an explicit threat against my sister die Hunnin, whose work in England had already been targeted in public some years earlier by the local authorities with insult and satanic graffiti.
Later that year Angela left England in a hurry before they could arrest her. She had already been targeted in Italy after our return from Serbia, and the people involved in this were from the uk. In 2019, Alexandra warned my sister she was in real danger of being knocked down once and for all.
The Itinerary
Angela’s work started in Valjevo, Serbia, but she was betrayed by people on the Rotten Floorboard and someone sitting in Belgrade who together lied and deliberately sabotaged her mission while working for the Italian Illuminati, who in turn were in bed with the uk.
They betrayed the Serbian Mother and Child, who, however, later came and showed Angela that her future work would lead to England and then to Germany. This has been explained at The Party and need not be repeated here as all is perfectly clear.
Bowing down and worshipping the uk’s queen was never an option, but to the contrary was specifically forbidden as Angela works for the Kingdom of Jesus, God’s Son.
Unable to succeed, they are holding the Irish Holy Child to ransom. For them, aborting this Holy Child is not a problem, they have too many vested interests to cover up and would rather sacrifice Holy Child instead.
Projecting Into the Future
In our last Party page Alexandra’s Work for the Future, the following statement is made: “No pay for the uk secret police on Alexandra’s back should be forthcoming”.
The same applies to Angela, for we cannot have a situation whereby they are paid so that she cannot work!
When we were staying in Italy for a while, sister Hun tried contacting people, and I know for sure the secret police from the uk did something there while working together with the Italian Illuminati that was designed to make her work fail.
Later they did the exact same here in England when she presented accomplished work of hers. Then they went on to attempt infiltrating Germany with Beelzebub and Moloch in 2018. We are at War against the bugging institution of Bletchley Park, and it so happens that neither sister nor brother Huns have ever surrendered to them. Those people will not achieve victory over us. We will not surrender!
Concerning the Irish Holy Child, it is a question of whether the USA will stand up for the Fair Lady and make a contract with the Hun who represents his sister Angela’s interests for future research into the foundations of One Irish church.
Here is today’s Party melody.
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