Key to German Church, Key to Italian Church

The State cannot be above the national Church, nor should any foreign state be allowed to shut down the sovereign Church of the folk.” (The Hun’s declaration to Mädel after shutting down the English restaurant.)

It’s Either Yes, or No

In the period of the previous version of The Party, which got shut down in 2019, the German State didn’t give a written reply to the requests from Angela and Alexandra to carry out their studies in Germany – which would have included work for brother Hun too, yet it was made clear that the German Holy Mother and Child of the Holy Trinity are the recipients of the intended research, with reference to the German national Church.

The only reply that came over a year later, with continuous reference to the British police, was “I don’t know what you are trying to tell me!”.

In recent Party prints it has been explained that I was on my own in the street at the time she approached me and didn’t think of asking the lady for a written, official statement, something Alexandra would have immediately done.

The British establishment had declared War on German Mother and Child and within the course of events declared me dead, thus depriving me of any form of income while they were secretly trying to force Angela to hand over to them written research on the Irish and the Welsh.

Angela’s reply to that was, remains, and always will be: No!

Self Defence

In the autumn of 2021, the German Mother launched a spiritual military operation against the British with the intention of spiritually delegitimising them. Either shortly before or shortly after losing the German Scroll in Mexico in that period, the Lady of the British Isles, as described in previous pages, waged War on the Italiana and took the Italian Scroll, but in Chivasso she was confronted and defeated.

When Angela departed for Mexico on the 1st September 2019, behind her she left a completely renovated and clean English House, but with her also went the Rhine Scroll, and if the British with their 42 months of Boris Johnson were going to go down while trying to exchange the English House with the East India Tea Company, this didn’t entitle them to take down Germany and Italy with them.

To make sure the British in their rage didn’t take down England and Germany, the German Mother saved the English Child in Folkestone and brought him to Germany, from where he later ascended to the higher House in Heaven. The Italiana did her part for Italy.


The original Latin name for Chivasso is Clavasium, with evident reference to the term key. The city’s coat of arms, as occurred to me the other day, is comprised of two keys, a red one on a white background, and a white one on a red background. The sound of the English word key in the first syllable of the name Chivasso may just be an ominous coincidence. Or maybe not …

In the 10th February 2022 edition Alexandra Exorcist Explains a Dream, the particulars concerning the name origin of Chivasso presented today were unknown to me, but at the time Alexandra explained how the event in which I had been spiritually present in that city demonstrated an alliance between Germans and Italians in High. This unity of power prevented the British spiritually possessing the key to either the German or the Italian Church.

Based on spiritual communion, Chivasso is the place where the alliance between the German Lady and the Italiana saw the final end to British attempts at domination in these countries’ ecclesial affairs.

German Move

The German side won in Mexico owing to two factors:

Firstly, the Rhine Scroll had left England at the same time Angela left on the 1st September 2019 and had been given to the Mexicans In High to safeguard.*

Secondly, the demise of the English-Mexican alliance that occurred when the British threatened to arrest, interrogate and bug Angela.

This is when Britannia immediately lost the alliance of the Mexican Santa Madre, who replied with one resolute NO!, and the German Scroll passed to the German Mother, whose claim to this scroll was now uncontested owing to the East-Wet road which, in virtue of its passing through North Camp, connects Mexico directly to the Rhine.

Italian Move

The Italian side won at Clavasium not only because the Italian Scroll had never left Italy in the first place, but also because Freundin’s restaurant had been shut down. This was to prevent Angela returning here seeing that Mädel, going by the law of Prosperity over Belgium, could only move east to the Land of the Rhine if she failed in England. And so, with Angela unable to come back here, what would Britannia be doing with the Italiana’s church foundations?

The Italian scroll is fashioned from work my sister had researched and intended publicly presenting in Italy in the Name of the Italian spiritual Mother after our return from Valjevo. The Italiana was not going to allow the key to the Italian national Church to be taken away and trafficked over to the British, not in a divine form, nor in a human one. That Italian work had never come through the Lady of the British Isles and was never written or presented in England, but only in Italy.

One of my lines of reasoning on activating the Trojan Horse had been: Als sie nach Mexico ging hinterließ die Hunnin ein frisch dekoriertes englisches Haus, und wenn die Briten meinen sie könnten das versauen, was zum Teufel haben sie bei den Deutschen und Italienern zu suchen?

The Birth of a Church

At that time in Italy, it was Angela’s birthday and she requested we present her research into the Italian Church in public domain with the intention of obtaining a contract to continue the work.

Sitting in an armchair at table – the one which I habitually used, Angela looked up at me as I went to congratulate her and said Oggi è il mio compleanno. Tu mi hai fatto un regalo? Each sentence she spoke twice.

Immediately I understood. My sister had just completed her work on the foundation stone of the Italian Church and wanted me to help her present it, but she warned me there and then to be aware that Italian agents were out to ruin her birthday.

The very next day we departed with her written text to present it somewhere – we hadn’t decided yet where, possibly in Turin, and we took no address with us nor had we made any preparatory search for possible people to whom we’d go. It’s likely we’d have gone from one place to another to enquire. At any rate, it would have gone into public domain.

But Italian State agents, aware of this and not having a clue where we were heading – and therefore unable to get there before us to commit sabotage, appeared and stopped Angela and her brother just as we left the house, and, with a menacing expression, they demanded we hand over the written work.

Therefore the Italian State, by way of its secret services, knew beforehand and were determined to prevent us evading their net of censorship, for they can only operate if they already know our destination. And this is exactly how the British secret service operates too. The Italian State hid Angela’s research away and remained silent ever since, and this they did in collusion with the uk establishment.

We have seen in our pages going back to November 2022 that the Italian spiritual Mother has publicly denounced the rogue secret services for betrayal to a foreign power and asked me to expose them publicly.

Secret and Foul Agreements

In Germany’s case, even though the German State knows, an official Yes, or No, never came my way, and instead the British declared me dead. But the German-British alliance by way of Moloch in place of Angela has already been rejected by the German Mother.

So that’s an official NO on Her part to British infiltration in Germany and to any claims that the British will ‘traffic over to Germany’ in someone else’s name the fruit of Angela’s work. This rejection of infiltration in German affairs came about within the spiritual military operation against the British, who tried cancelling the German Holy Mother from Angela’s vocabulary while attempting to bug her.

The idea that Germany is going to get work from Angela and then remain silent is not on the table.

Firstly, she cannot possibly do the research in German land in the first place while all funds go to Bletchley Park & Associates and her brother sits in a British prison in her place.

Secondly, it simply won’t happen! A national Church presented and then placed in Hell is not an option, regardless what Government uk Bond claimed to the contrary and notwithstanding the dreams of the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ to go on building their failed European empire called the EU and who identified Angela as their enemy.

Concerning Angela

In our most recent Party page If It’s Not in Angela’s Interests, I wrote: “unless it’s in the best interests of my sister Angela, it’s not going to happen!”.

Here are four essential points:

One, she doesn’t work with the State agents who are funding themselves to steal her work.

Two, she won’t do any more research without an official State contract whereby her brother is a free man with the means to fund and protect her and the State cannot sabotage or steal the fruit of her studies.

Three, her accomplished work will be published in her own name alone and dedicated to the relevant Holy Mother and Child of the Holy Trinity, and it will not be secretly taken, scrubbed, corrupted, and renamed with someone or something else’s name.

Four, on her spiritual calendar is written From Mexico directamente to Germany!

Here is today’s Party presentation.

* Back then, Alexandra told me to write down every single aspect of the Mexican communion while it was still fresh in my memory, explaining that many essential messages are included in the detail and that these will become clear over time. Only several years later did I learn that the pages in a folder, which in turn was in a bag that the many Mexicans took, were the Rhine Scroll. I never saw these pages and their content because Angela and I have never started our work for the Rhine Church Under the Full Moon.


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