On EU Communism and the ‘Founding Fathers of Europe’

Once an empire has failed, it’s time for it to go. Inventing fake credit is not a virtue but a means of cheating in order to hang on.

Freundin’s Lessons

While Mädel is giving lessons on Germany’s need for freedom from the Communist EU commissars who no population ever voted for, and while the German parliament is looking from behind smokescreens to see whether they can visualise a picture out there on the field of reality, destiny takes its path.

Whereas the spineless Tory party left behind a ‘divorce bill’ proclaiming that the uk was married to the EU, Freundin is making clear that Germany has never celebrated a marriage with the ‘founding fathers of Europe’ but has been sleep-walked into a false dream of prosperity that turned out to be a nightmare run by Communist illuminati.

In our last publication Delusional Ideas That Do Not Work, we find the statement: “once a dream is spent, it’s time to move on! This was true for Mädel in England, the same rings true for Germany and its EU membership”.


As we know, EU and NATO expansion go arm in arm: where one arrives, the other comes with it. Currently, this double expansion of EU Communist domination has ignited a war in Europe, precisely in Ukraine, a land with a long history where the topographic attributes have sometimes changed – or remained intact such as the numerous cities in the south bearing names of Hellenic origin.

During the course of history, borders in eastern Europe have come and gone, but it was in very recent times that almost entire populations were removed on the grounds of their ethnic identity, precisely under Stalin, someone who neither Russian nor Ukrainian would want to associate with. These forced movements of people started in the 1930s, before the outbreak of WW2, and mushroomed in the years immediately following that war.

We know that Stalin had a best friend, his name was comrade Churchill, the one who personally travelled to meet with him during the war to plan the ethnic removal of populations and the changing of boundaries. But whereas Stalin departed, Churchill lived on, precisely in the corridors of Whitehall and Westminster in the guise of his successors. And it was he who then flung the torch of fire into Europe and started another war, in the name of EU and NATO expansion!

This Is No Gospel!

Regardless which hype the EU commissars are preaching today, it is not the word of the Reign of God. It’s the word of economic bankruptcy at state and at private level, of share-market and house-price speculation and false promises, all backed up with unending fake-money circulation by way of credit pumped out of thin air from central bank ventilators in the US, the City and the EU.

While dishing out this fake credit, they do so as if it were manna from Heaven. Yet contrary to the celestial manna, they place it all on the public debt, and they do this claiming that the current and future generations will pay it off, even in a society where the indigenous birth rate is way below the number of people passing away.

To have an idea, the British public debt today is between three and four times more than it was in 2010, that’s about 250% more, and around seven times more than it had been in 2001, which is an increase of 600%.

Some Figures

By comparison, today’s gross domestic product, which is the medium used to calculate a country’s financial viability in relation to public debt, has increased by about 25% compared to 2010, and by around 33% when matched with the year 2001. These figures, although an approximate calculation, are more than sufficient to render the notion that the increase in national debt is way out of proportion with the increase in economic output.

This disproportionate ratio of public debt over economic production in Britain and Northern Ireland came about during the period of Britain’s EU membership when allegedly ‘all was well’, and it did not change at all after Britain left the European Union but instead continued to increase along the same catastrophic lines.

An identical situation can be shown for almost all other western countries in the European Union, for some more than for others but generally in the same entity of magnitude: their GDP has increased by tens of percent since the start of the millennium, but their national debt in the same period has gone up by hundreds of percent.

Ventilator Money

We have seen from the above figures that the advent of fake-credit circulation, known as quantitative easing, abbreviated with QE, and repeatedly used since 2008 and 2009 in the US and in Britain respectively, and then in the EU too, has caused the public debt to balloon out of all proportions.

In theory, this and future generations are supposed to pay these sums back in order to balance the books and prevent the US dollar, the pound sterling and the euro from crashing – something which would happen if cash or credit were circulated without being backed up by something, whereby ‘something’ can also be public debt.

In reality, the amount of taxable work hours and income needed to service and pay back the public debt has long passed any semblance of reality and also needs to be shouldered by indigenous populations that are constantly decreasing in numbers – making it all the more difficult, as two people from the younger generations need to pay back the inherited public debt of three people from the previous generations.


Adding to all the levels of local and national officialdom in administrative sectors, the EU brings with it an extra added sphere of government and bureaucracy where national decisions are handed over to other hands to sort out collectively by way of the Communist Internazionale. This means a whole new army of commissars (commissioners) along with members of an alien parliament in Brussels and bureaucrats working in EU offices are being paid with public salaries and pensions. At least these could have been doing a decent day’s work in the fields or in places of production such as used to be found at the watermill, the windmill, at the dock of a port or in a workshop.

Sadly, instead of pulling a cart of apples to the market or to the cider press, they too are riding in a car driven by a chauffeur and have an office with secretaries. They then make decisions that normally would have been made at national or at communal level, while those employed in the national and communal sphere are still there and are still being paid, along with the armies of secretaries working in offices ticking boxes and pushing pens while signing off sheets of paper printed from a computer.


Then we have the army of generals running NATO and making plans to back up EU expansion with brute force. And finally we have tens of thousands of men dying on the battlefield where people with similar names and speaking similar tongues are fighting each other.

According to Mädel, who once had dreamed of a special trade relationship between Merry England and Mexico, this is where Germany’s membership of NATO and of the EU should end. Now that war is raging in Europe in the name of EU and NATO expansion, it is time to end the Communist attempt at taking over the destiny of many nations.

Being peaceful at heart, Freundin teaches that saying NO! to the Commissars will either bring them knocking on one’s door with armed men bearing arrest warrants, or cause them to pack their bags and seek new employment at the job centre.

In her view, the more people stand up and say NO!, the more likely the latter will happen. Once they are shown the way to the gates by the public general, all they need do is pick up their bags and depart to seek work elsewhere, such as on a farm or at the spindle in a factory.


Mädel’s identity is protected by Wolfgang, I do not know of her location or participate in her intellectual work in Germany. The present page serves to highlight her enterprising character and to make clear that she could not be shut down by the British establishment.

Her restaurant in England only ever served a meal when once she received a personal invitation from the German Holy Mother to relocate to Germany, and on one occasion later served coffee for a group of people drinking at the Hun’s expense after he realised they had actually declared him dead. Freundin is now preparing the basis for a Wirtschaft in German land where she is by invitation, as described here at The Party.

The choice for today’s Party presentation is entirely mine and reflects my sole personal state of mind. If the soul surrendered to atheist Communism, it would die with Communism!


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