Verrat an der deutschen Kirche

Given the opportunity to betray the German Holy Mother and Child in return for a British passport, I chose instead to go to prison in Angela’s place, while she fled to Mexico.

Ich kehre wieder

These were Angela’s words on leaving Germany for England when she was very small. Refusing to renounce her German identity and turning down any attempt at forcing a British one on to her, it was evident to the British that she evaded all their attempts at subduing her to the worship of a human person residing in a palace.

In Angela’s eyes, however, she had worked for the English Church and, largely, for the Scottish, and needed to get back home to the regions where the Rhine flows. She never had a contract to renege on Germany, to worship a private family or to go to prison either.

Their attitude towards her was prejudicial and counter to her nature. It’s a known fact that you cannot acquire British nationality without swearing allegiance to a private person, and this, for young Angela, was out of the question.

Hiding Behind the Curtain

Meanwhile, in Germany, some people in high places chose to hide and sit it out in silence. Working for their EU and NATO empire, which, as we all know, are one and the same thing, they chose to sacrifice the German Church, similar as to the decision taken by Italian governments which, in the past, decided to trade off the Italian Church to the British and their cult of private family worship.

In our last Party edition Trenta Sterline Britanniche, commissioned, along with several other recent prints, by the Santa Madre Italiana in person during a communion event, we find this phrase written in Italian: “Ecco il denaro con cui avete cercato di comprare l’Italia!”.

Thirty British pounds represent the thirty silver pieces which Italian agents at institutional level working for the State received in return for selling to the British the foundations of the Italian ecclesia, something, however, they could not succeed in accomplishing as the Italiana intercepted the betrayal in order to make it null and void.

When Angela, along with Alexandra, applied for a work contract in Germany, the only response they eventually gave, albeit in person here in England, was: I don’t know what you are trying to tell me, with the assurance that the British police had been given full permission by the German State to shut down the German Church. So!

A Contract

On arriving in England with Angela following Serbia and Italy, I sought a work contract that would enable me to fund her future studies here on the English and the Scots and assure the promotion of her work once completed. Unable to obtain this, I found myself later in the position of having to turn around the pram with the English Child to the direction of Folkestone, leaving the light tower church to my back.

By this time, Angela’s work for the English Church was accomplished, but when she did finally go to Mexico and I arrived in Folkestone following her indications, without any documents and no contract to go by, the English Child was abandoned as an orphan would be. Angela was in Mexico, the Fair Lady of Britannia had been betrayed by the British, and so the German spiritual Mother came and took the English Child to the German house in the land of the Rhine, from where he later was taken to the heavenly one.

It was in fact at this time, in autumn of 2021, that the Rhine Scroll of Jerusalem that had been given to the Mexicans for safekeeping was assigned back to the Germans.

And then the Battle of Chivasso took place after Britannia had tried taking the Italian Scroll in Italy.

No Orphans

Angela needs to return to Germany, and even to go to Switzerland she must first be in Germany. In fact the train to the land of the Swiss departs from German land. I do not wish any further ordeal for my sister Hun and don’t wish to have to deal with another situation whereby she has presented work, and this has been detracted or otherwise silenced off by order of the State through lack of a contract.

In the case of the Scottish Child, one of the last commands the Fair Lady gave me was to protect him from those who would swoop from high and sacrifice him, such as trying to get Scotland to enter the EU and submitting to NATO or to an Antichrist king.

As a result, unless the German contract is signed for Heilige Mutter und Kind des deutschen Volkes, I’m not even going to start, otherwise it would only mean people trying to snatch Angela and force onto her some agenda or other, something that I, having duty of care towards her, cannot risk.

A Wise Mother

Any attempt whatsoever at separating German Holy Mother from Child will be rejected from the start by the Hun, and so, in this respect, much depends on the founding contract. On her part, the German Mother did not hold the English Child to ransom in Germany, but assured his eventual ascent to the higher house. What she did keep, though, were the two empty frames of the Irish and the Welsh, which are hanging in limbo near the Rhine river.

You would think that surrendering unconditionally to the German Lady would be a natural occurrence considering she took the two blank spaces while the Fair Lady Britannia was in Italy trying to get the scroll of another after losing the one of Jerusalem. And because she saved the English Child who the defunct uk State, under Boris Johnson, had left exposed in order to claim that Sovereign England was a fake, who else would possibly save the Irish and the Welsh for whom Angela has never worked in the first place?

Being blonde, the German Mother is the new Fair Lady now, although for me that was nothing new, but it is a revelation that I can make to the Irish and the Welsh who didn’t know.

The Italiana

From the day the controversy broke out in Italy between her and the Lady of Britannia, the Italiana promised me that she would confront la giovane Britannica in England and in Italy, showing me that one day the Celtica would turn up in Italy and would be tracked down while trying to get away west.

However, the young Fair Lady had shown me that she would resist her Italian adversary, but the only problem was, she depended on me in a situation of conflict of interest concerning Angela, who had worked for the One, and then for the Other.

If the British hadn’t drawn out the death sentence on me and then left me for dead in England in 2018 and the following years in order to Dresdenise Germany, I wouldn’t have opened the Trojan Horse. But they did, and so I then committed to what I have owned up to, and in communion I was witness to what happened later in successive events.

In what followed, the German Mother crossed over to England, and so too did the Italiana, both allies, and One saved the English Child, while the Other …

All the Irish and the Welsh can do is surrender to the German Holy Mother who also took their empty frames, because otherwise they’ll have nothing from Angela. And from me they cannot get anything because I wouldn’t know even if they dropped gold bars in front of me. Without Angela here, I cannot help them, and guaranteed she won’t come back other than to Germany.

Here is tonight’s Party presentation.


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