Delusional Ideas That Do Not Work

Once a dream is spent, it’s time to move on! This was true for Mädel in England, the same rings true for Germany and its EU membership.

I Patiently Waited

While Mädel is giving lessons in a private school on the need for Germany to leave the EU and NATO, Wolfgang says the German parliament is still waiting to see what happens.

When the British establishment, following the referendum on EU membership in 2016, torpedoed Mädel’s plans for Sovereign England and the prospective special trade alliance with Mexico, they then promoted all-out war in Europe between the Russian and Ukrainian armies.

This situation has nothing to do with the peaceful intentions Freundin had in mind and which were orientated to the west. England’s prosperity, she had reasoned, depends on the Gulf Stream from Mexico, not the icy blast from the east.

After patiently waiting and seeing how her dreams were deflated by the British Tory party and its Whitehall cohorts and witnessing how she remained without work in England, I then grasped the moment and said Mädel, you failed here, it’s time to go to Germany.

And this is why she’s working in Germany preaching against EU and NATO domination over German land and soil. Once Freundin has managed to achieve her aim, that should pave the way for my return to the Land of the Rhine followed by Angela Hun who is waiting in Mexico.

Here is today’s Party tune.


While some people at State level in Germany are still waiting for the EU balloon to lift up again after inflating the bankrupt state of affairs with more fake-money gas – such as the EU pandemic recovery funds that are released from a ventilator in Frankfurt, the British are waking up from forty-two months of Boris Johnson’s delusional promises, which, at the time, were calculated on the Chinese Belt and Road initiative dating back more than a decade to Cameron and Osborne.

This plan, for any who are unaware, was sent down to the bottom of the ocean by Uncle Sam, who deemed it incompatible with western ideals. However, The Party, in its previous version had already openly denounced the sale of England’s economy to a foreign State, but the pages were later all taken down – although the copies remain in our archives, some of which have even been reprinted here in 2021 for clarity.

Before going, though, the Tory party managed to bring down Mädel’s alternative, which, as seen, was based on a special trade relationship with Mexico, a country – contrary to the EU and NATO empires – with no expansionist aims in Europe and that does not demand allegiance to an expensive and belligerent military alliance.

Winston Churchill II

Alas Whitehall, after pretending to be for what they called ‘Brexit’, decided to kick off full steam for EU and NATO expansion into Ukraine, which in turn led to a war in Europe. This would not have happened going by Mädel’s Sovereign England plans as the attention would have been directed west, not east.

Readers may be aware that Boris Johnson had boasted about his strategy skills and his intentions to become a second Churchill. This conflict of interest led to the current confrontation in Ukraine, when all it took was to state in public: the EU and NATO do not bring prosperity but bankruptcy, Communism and war.

In fact the European Union commissars who no-one among the public voted for are the new Politburo wielding authority, and NATO is the new Warsaw Pact. The only term to truly define an EU commissar is dictator.

As for Boris Johnson who was elected in order to ‘get Britain and Northern Ireland out of the EU’ three years after the referendum on EU membership, if Theresa May had not committed Treason and deliberately sabotaged that referendum’s results, there would never have been a reason to even consider listening to Boris Johnson’s show in the following years.

Needless to state, as he and Theresa May are from the same party and were in the same government, the whole act of sabotaging the referendum result from June 2016 was planned with the intention of placing Boris Johnson in 10 Downing Street.

That Was Then

Then one day Freundin, who had stood looking while being rubbished off, eventually received the personal invitation from the German spiritual Mother to go to Germany and take up her place there in the Wirtschaft as corresponding to her skills and status. That was when my plan devised in Aachen started to blossom, I had waited long enough for Mädel to achieve success in England, and secretly knowing she would fail, I was finally able to declare her English restaurant a failure.

With Meitene’s (Latvian) Community Chest cards all gone, her Hun left one more surprise for the British: on realising that for them he really was dead, he left them his last five pounds. He deemed it sufficient for a ceremonial coffee at his own expense, as is custom in Germany!


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