The Transfer Agreement 2.0
“Whatever it was the British promised the Germans and the Italians, it sure wasn’t them who carried out the transfer.” (The Hun: Teutonic edition, Germania.)
The Church Comes First
Whereas Mädel has a history of failing in her attempts at offering her skills – something we have seen both in England and in Italy where she had once gone on holiday, my sister Angela cannot afford to fail.
While going without a restaurant means inheriting bankruptcy, debt and generally becoming paupers, going without a national church is not an available option. And such a church needs to be in spiritual communion with heavenly Jerusalem and the Temple of Zion where the Son of God administers to the nations.
Knowing that the German Scroll* is the founding plan for the Church Under the Full Moon, I needed to convince Mädel that if Prosperity in England means being locked up in a prison and handing over to the uk Tory party and Whitehall the keys to the economy, then something is wrong.
Firstly, it implies that the City banking elite and their politicians will perpetuate their reign and make sure the German Mother fails together with the German Child.
I Chose to Be Just
Being fair, I left a bell on the door for the English to enquire about Freundin if they were serious, but I shut the door with a lock to prevent agents entering and secretly setting up bugging devices. But within time I did more than that and shut down her dreams for an English restaurant. This came about by way of a transfer, whereby I opened the lock on the Trojan Horse.
Secular matters are but temporal, I reasoned, therefore they are limited in time, and Mädel’s time in England came and went.
Here is today’s first public Party tune.
Hence, in virtue of the Transfer Agreement existing between German Lady and Italiana to which I was party, after carrying out the deed, I declared to Freundin For this reason you must go to the Promised Land of Germany, and I will follow you in due course.
The reason I gave was that time ran out and she had failed not once, but twice in England. The ensuing transmigration of Prosperity was irrevocable, and it enabled the German Lady to come to Freundin and make her an offer. It also led to the Italiana’s victory over Britannia.
In my reckoning it was in Angela Hun’s best interests, for she never wanted to be English. And so, at the time of the transfer, my reasoning was Who am I to change die Hunnin’s mind?
The Power to Act
I the Hun did this because the possibility had been given me to bring it about. This was not different to when the British had the possibility to send the Thug, call Angela a liar and declare me dead: not because it made sense, but because they were able to. It gave them a sense of power that no-one else had. Sie taten es einfach weil sie es konnten, nicht weil es Sinn machte.
In fact, knowing they had the power to do so, he had out of premeditation said: I will attack!, and the next day he came and did it. But spiritually he was (read: they were) hit back. It was the action that followed up on the will to commit the act: he planned and did it, and also received the consequences. Then they declared me dead, saying no money for you, you’re a nobody and Angela is a perpetual liar! Spiteful, cruel, cold-blooded and calculated, as over Dresden!
When, at some point thereafter, on seeing that the key to Prosperity had been given me on account of Mädel, I thought: This is for England!
Then I remembered the British were out to bring Germany down into ruination, to bring down Italy too, that they were hell-bent on shutting down Angela, and it didn’t take long for me to remember the Trojan Horse that had been set up for that precise point in time when Prosperity should be offered again from Heaven.
They already had their chances, flung them, and, as far as I was concerned, would do the same this time too, flinging Prosperity down the drain, simply because they could.
And so the thought came to me This can’t be for England! This could go to the Italiana … Britannia’s adversary, but friend of the German Mother!
Cool and Calculated
It was not out of anger, something one could repent later when it’s too late, but a sane and meditated decision of mine, and so too was the deed that followed. In accordance with the Transfer Agreement, I applied the one and only law available in my mindset: This is for Germany, for Italy, but not for England! It came because of the Trojan Horse being at my disposal in England, and so I am required to act accordingly.
Mädel’s fortunes had to be reversed and with them those of England, she would have to go to Germany in order to open a Wirtschaft, the sun will rise over Germany and it will set over the British Empire. Knowing I had the power to do so, I said I will Hun them!
And today’s second public Party presentation.
*During her one week visit from Mexico in 2021, Angela explained that this is also the Jerusalem Scroll that has been assigned back to the German Folk with seal of guarantee.
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