Love Is Stranger Than Hate

Hate can be planned, carried out with spiteful brutality and designed to destroy not only the morale, but the very Spirit. But Love can do unpredictable things whereby hate falls through a trapdoor and the Spirit flies away to new pastures.

Background in England

When brother Hun was declared dead in England, this was on account of hate against his German sister die Hunnin. Having received the spiritual calendar from the Serbian Mother, she stood up and challenged the human holy fathers who claimed to be the ones from whom the Holy Spirit comes to the world.

She also challenged the British monarchy, saying that the true English Church – the origins of which she researched in England, has only one leader, and that is Jesus, the Son of God, and she made clear that this Church was founded some one thousand years before the advent of Henry VIII.

The official British version is that Angela is a liar and that “the English Church is irrelevant”.

At the time, Angela said Britishes not can do that to English!

On my part, I published her work on a website of mine to make sure it does not get cancelled.

Brother Go Folkestone!”

From Mexico, Angela, who had left behind a fully decorated English House in sign of completed work, informed me when to go to Folkestone, and this has been amply presented on Party space, for, obeying orders, I had turned the pram around along Folkestone Road.

It was not before the English Child was saved by the German Mother at the English Cornerstone that Mädel moved from England to Germany, when she was certain the British had failed in bringing spiritual ruination upon the English Church.

She was always a best friend of sister Hun and had chosen her German brother, and where true friendship is, even in hard times love will prevail over hate.

The Germans, she said, stood by the English Child to the end until he was safe in God’s House!

Here is today’s first Party song.


The official British stance regarding the English Child immediately put into question Angela’s presence in Valjevo, Serbia, and her studies on the Serbian Church through which came her matrix for all national churches.

At the time of her studies there, she had already received the spiritual calendar from the Serbian Holy Mother – in the church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica – and had spiritual contact with the Serbian Child.

For all that die Hunnin fell through the Rotten Plank even after Easter with her brother at her side, the Serbian Mother came to us in Italy assuring us both that we had not failed in Serbia, for Angela had committed herself out of love, and She out of love assured my sister that one day she will return to her homeland.

The Serbian Mother promised that Angela’s dedication to Serbia would bear fruit and bring with it success for Germany, for it was not hate that was to prevail over Serbia, but love and loyalty to Serbian Mother and Child.


After retuning from Serbia to Italy where I had rented a villa in Liguria, the Serbian Lady showed both Angela and me that before going home to Germany, we’d be going to England in order to build upon the foundations established in Valjevo.

This is why the German Lady later showed me in England that the original road from North Camp to Dover extends to Rheindahlen where the Huns’ family originates from by way of Limburg and Sachsen, for She wasn’t going to be robbed of her Church, the success of which depends on my sister Angela.

A Good Friend

This is where Freundin comes in again. When I shut her English restaurant down, I knew she had a reason to be dismayed, but I did it out of love for the German Holy Mother and Child, and She in due course came in communion to England and offered Mädel her rightful place in the Wirtschaft in Germany.

Mädel proved to be a good friend, for she had had her chance in England and failed once, in 2017, and understood that having a second chance here was not in the pacts. Going by the Prosperity over Belgium law, if she didn’t make it in England, then she’d succeed in Germany. I the Hun knew this and, being faithful to the German Mother, made a decision that would redefine destiny!

Putting away any animosity, she decided to drop her dreams in England and relocate to Germany, where she is currently working to bring about an end to EU communist domination in German land.

Mädel could have hated me, but she chose instead to see the love and decided to accept the German Mother’s offer.

No, Not for You, Tommy!

Of-curse I don’t know precisely where she is and the details of how she operates, whether teaching openly or in a veiled fashion so as not to reveal her face and therewith her identity.

For obvious reasons Wolfgang is making sure there is no British infiltration into her affairs, which he says would be unconstitutional. Mädel is doing nothing wrong and she says it’s the democratic right of the Germans to question the EU and its legality as no-one in Germany ever voted to join the European Union or ever voted for its commissars who make critical decisions with no democratic consent.

Not having voted to join the EU, the Germans do not need to vote to leave it either, as, according to her, the EU is not based on German constitutional laws in any shape or form.

Importantly, she isn’t working for the British but for the people who sister Hun and her brother belong to. This is in the course of nature, for we decided that Freundin is an asset our German Mother deserves!

Here is today’s second Party song.


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