The Rainbow That Crossed Over

Such an event would be lost here, so I’ll transfer it!” (The Hun: Teutonic edition, Germania.)

Reality Not Fictional Promises

Readers at The Party are aware that brother Hun represents the interests of his sister Angela when it comes to defending her from hoaxers. She does the work, I make sure it doesn’t get stolen, adulterated or simply hidden away. Either that, or she doesn’t start the work at all.

I am also responsible for guaranteeing a valid contract inclusive of funding that enables her to carry out the research and to have it promoted in due course. And then I’m responsible for personal security and have been recruited in this sense by the German Lady for herself as well as for Schwester Hunnin.

Here is today’s Party march.

Shutting down spying operations is one of my security missions, and in this sense I have also been of great value to Freundin, who, when in England, had a problem with bugs in her room. It was in this vein that, when one day the Rainbow over England appeared and Freundin was wondering whether I’d help her have another go at opening a restoration place where her dishes can be served, I remembered my duty towards security.

The Sign of God’s Alliance

The two rainbows over England to which reference is made in earlier Party posts from 2022 appeared later and are from the German Mother, as is made clear in the relevant publications, whereas the one I’ve been writing about here and in the more recent posts came earlier. For clarity, let’s call this one the English Rainbow, and the other two that followed the first and second German Rainbows. The English one, which came first, appeared at a precise point in time when I was in a precise location on Eastern Heights, and it was meant for Freundin in England.

The first German Rainbow that followed, as written here in our 19th January 2022 publication God’s Rainbow in Heaven, became manifest when I was walking along that exact same stretch of road in precisely the same spot where I had previously encountered the English one, exact to the metre. On my part there had been no premeditation, no timing, no foreknowledge.

As for the second German Rainbow, it has been presented in our 14th February 2022 edition Mädel Waiting at the Lantern. This one came as I was walking on Western Heights in the place where I had been a short time earlier with Alexandra when she revealed to me a message from the German Lady concerning North Camp.

At The Party I’ve also made reference to the double rainbow which appeared a few months ago – the last one of the series. This served as confirmation of the alliance between German Mother and Italian Mother, hence we’ll call it the German-Italian Alliance Rainbow, as there were two at the same time.

Leave That to Me”

In our last Party print The Transfer Agreement 2.0, I wrote: “Whatever it was the British promised the Germans and the Italians, it sure wasn’t them who carried out the transfer.”

These people, I assured myself, are trying to get Mädel’s recipes and sell them off to Italy and to Germany, just like they are trying to hack into Angela’s work and do the same.

When the English Rainbow appeared in the sky with some sun and a sprinkle of rain, and knowing that the British establishment was only capable of trafficking over to Italy and to Germany the work of others, my conclusion was Das kann ich selber tun!

After all, I thought, the agents get a one hundred percent share in the funds and I’m told to climb ladders or am simply declared dead, and this state of affairs is going to end!

So while the Italian State had its infiltrated agents in England working with the British to get the achievements of others secretly handed over to them, on my part I made use of the Trojan Horse in order to make a transfer, and this was done by the Hun personally.

It’s quicker, cheaper, requires no bugs and is legally binding, I had concluded.

As it came from High, I decided it was better to redirect Prosperity to the Italian spiritual Mother as recipient, with Herself and the German Lady being the beneficiaries as per alliance.

If this went to Mädel in England and mortal state-agents prone to Perdition bugged her, I argued, I would bear responsibility for carelessness while carrying out my duties!*


Among the results of the transmigration of Prosperity, we have: the blonde German Lady becoming the new Fair Lady, the English Child stranded at the Cornerstone in Folkestone being saved by her, the two empty frames of Ireland and Wales ending up in Germany, and the Italiana not only intercepting Britannia in Italy as she was in the act of taking the Italian Scroll out of the country, but also rendering null and void the Thirty Pound Agreement that had been stipulated between British and Italian spy networks.

Adding to this, Mädel received the invitation from the German Mother to relocate to Germany to open up Wirtschaft and subsequently she moved there with Alexandra.

Meanwhile, the Italiana made clear she wants Angela – after she will have returned to Germany – to eventually get back to working in Italy too in order to continue her research into the origins of the Italian Church, the foundations of which she already discovered and presented in Italy before her move to England, as attested to by the Italian spiritual Mother in person.

And another consequence of the English Rainbow that crossed over is that the Italian spiritual Mother demanded the Italian State cease its secret activities with the uk and look into the rogue agencies that actively prevent Angela from continuing her research both in Germany and in Italy.

*At the time, the Thug had already launched his attack using HM Revenues for artillery cover, Angela had already fled, and officially I had been declared dead.


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