Angela’s Prediction in England
Vorgewarnt ist gewappnet. Heeding the warnings and obeying orders prevented the Hun from loosing to the British policeman.
Secret Deal
When we arrived the second time in England from Italy, Angela quickly found out, by way of her spiritual contacts, that the British establishment had concocted a plan to secretly steal all her English research (which at that point in time she still hadn’t commenced) and then eliminate all reference to her.
Their plan for her brother was to make him return to Italy with no money to an agency that already betrayed the Italian spiritual Mother. Angela herself would have had to return to Italy with all her English research stolen in England while her Italian work had already been declared null and void by the Italian secret agency working for an EU-spouting government in Rome run by a ‘founding father of Europe’.
Angela’s Decision
For this precise reason, Angela, out of self defence for herself and her brother, made clear that the Irish and Welsh frames will remain empty, and that no studies into the Italian Church would be carried out in England.
As a result, the British policeman cannot claim to have stolen all her work in relation to the British Isles, meaning he could not conclude his ‘investigations’ (read: spying operations).
As for the Italian State, their agents cannot claim to have taken all her studies into the foundations of the Italian national Church, which, as previously noted on Party space, need to be continued in Italy, and this puts them in a similar situation to the British ‘investigators’.
Therefore, Angela remained steps ahead of both Italian and British spy services each working for their own government agenda and in cooperation with each other. At the end of the day, without access to her, they cannot bring to fruition their nefarious deed.
At War Against Germany
She was aware that the Italian and British deal was predicated upon transforming the Church Under the Full Moon into a Hell under the ground, and precisely this is what the German Mother had shown me in communion while we were in Italy following our last return from Serbia
In so doing they’d have knocked Serbia out too, bringing the Swamp to victory and invalidating Angela’s spiritual achievements in Valjevo. They’d have changed the times and the names on her spiritual calendar, and self-professed holy fathers of human origin would have tried replacing Holy Mother and Child of a nation.
Swiss Lady
What Angela told me concerning her prediction corresponded to everything the German-Swiss Lady had already shown me, that I would one day return to Switzerland with no British money. In fact, in order to get to Italy from England, one needs to pass through Switzerland. For Her it was important that I protect Angela, for in another communion she showed me that they were out to shut die Hunnin down.
Unholy Alliance
Within the centres of power located in Rome and in London, a festering urge prevailed to achieve the exact opposite of Angela’s intentions: they were not intent on promoting the ecclesial sovereignty of individual nations, but on demolishing national sovereignty altogether.
In their plan, the English would be exchanged with ‘the British’ (thus delegitimising the Scots, the Welsh and the Irish too), and the Italians would be exchanged with ‘the Europeans’.
Their alliance with Byzantium was designed to bring about the surrender of all existing national churches to the New World Order of one secret government, and all Angela’s work for researching the origins of national churches such as the English, the Scottish, the Italian, the German … would have been passed off as irrelevant and simply deleted.
As stated, the exact opposite of Angela, who they considered their enemy number one.
Indeed, one of the official spokespersons of the British establishment who boasted of contacts with Westminster and Whitehall informed me in public years ago that the English Church Angela had tried presenting was ‘irrelevant’. He did so on a public forum in writing with the explicit consent of the local councils and of Whitehall who he was employed by, and to the glee of the local commissar – also a Whitehall employee.
Going by this official statement of the English national church being ‘irrelevant’, the same would apply to every national church. This declaration coming from a known government agent would explain the betrayal against the Serbian church, the betrayal against the Italian church, and is proof that government organizations in Britain, Italy and the Swamp have been working for the demise of national church sovereignty and have declared Angela as their enemy.
“Serbia Must Go!”
By trying to bring down the German Lady and Child, by default these people in the secret agencies in Italy and in Britain had tried making the Serbian Mother and Child fail too, She having established the alliance Serbia-Germany in order that Angela’s founding work in Valjevo could be built upon.
Because she challenged the so-called holy fathers who claim to possess the Spirit of God, they intended preventing Angela from revealing in public what she knows about the Holy Spirit. These people hated her because she went to Valjevo instead of surrendering to those who opposed Serbia and who were in alliance with foreign powers intent on shutting down all national churches.
Byzantium Selling Out
In the last Party print Angela and the Spirit, Angela’s law from Valjevo reads: “Human bread and spiritual bread are not the same: one is from mankind, the other from God”.
All in all, the alliance between holy fathers of the Byzantine Empire and the founding fathers of Europe was considered too big to fail, and therefore, they concluded, Angela is the Enemy!*
The reason why I am sitting in a British prison is because these people want to imprison, torture and bug sister Hun, take her work away and then dispatch her so as to shut down every sovereign church in accordance with their agenda of demolishing all national sovereignty.
This is also the reason why the spiritual alliance between Mexico and England collapsed, because one of the official spokespersons of the British investigators publicly boasted they would do just that, and in so claiming, they immediately were at War against la Santa Madre de México.
The rest we know: the Rhine Scroll passed to Germany, and shortly after this, Angela came to visit us for a week and explained that this secret founding script which had been given to the Mexicans In High for safeguarding is in fact the Jerusalem Scroll.
Here is today’s Party tune.
*Going by the law of the Serbian Mother, and later of the Russian Mother too, a national Church cannot be under Byzantium’s interfering authority but must be completely sovereign and in communion with the heavenly Altar.
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