For One to Win, Another Must Lose

Angela has her requirements, and these include written contracts and funding. Failing these conditions, no work is forthcoming!

Evading the British

With Mädel having evaded the British and moved to Germany where they know nothing of her whereabouts, the danger of agents getting there before her was rendered ineffective.

Whereas she is able to carry out her activities in Germany without being followed, Angela to the contrary needs to do her research for the national German Church, and this will only ever be with her brother who offers personal protection and makes sure she isn’t ripped off, her work taken, hidden into oblivion and then, adulterated, signed off with another’s name.

Work Pending in Italy

The same of-course applies to her introduction on the foundations of the Italian Church which was snatched and hidden away by agents of previous Italian governments. This work needs to be continued in Italy and will involve extensive investigations which in turn require funding from her brother who will need an official Italian State contract.

This is essential, as Angela’s achieved accomplishments cannot and will not be made null and void, nor will the times in which this work came about be changed. Her work at any point in time was perfect and this has been assured by more than one Lady In High.


Whereas bankrupt states have been able to continue their funding operations through the circulation of fake credit, I did not have this possibility, and on using up my last resources and spending my last silver Reichsmarks, there were no financial means left and I was declared deceased.

In the last Party print On EU Communism and the ‘Founding Fathers of Europe’, I penned: “Once an empire has failed, it’s time for it to go. Inventing fake credit is not a virtue but a means of cheating in order to hang on.”

The ‘founding fathers of Europe’ running the EU are prolonging their failed empire through false credit and at the same time they shut down Angela’s studies through a prison and no money policy. This is cowardly, it’s cheating and it’s also betrayal.


For all their fakery and prison, the British are in no position to dictate anything concerning Angela as the Italian Lady’s authority overrules theirs whether in Italy or in Britain. If they want to know more, their investigators can go to Chivasso. But unable to find there what they’re looking for, they’ll come to learn that locking up in a prison in order to steal what is not theirs can come back to them in an unexpected manner.

All I can say to them now is I don’t know what you are trying to tell me. War is War, and I am not in the position of the Italiana or of the German Lady to determine how prisoners are kept. What I can say is, Britannia didn’t surrender, and after having lost the Rhine Scroll in Mexico to the German Mother, she went to take the Italian Scroll in Italy with the intention of bringing it to England. Neither side had surrendered to the other and so a battle broke out. The Italiana won.

Surrendering was not an option, it applies to Ladies In High as it does to Angela and to her brother the Hun, each recounting their own experience in their own way. War is hard!

Here is today’s Party song.

A Day’s Work

At the end of a working day, Angela’s research will be signed off with her own name and dedicated to Holy Mother and Child of a nation, it won’t bear her brother’s name or that of any impostor trying to take as their own that which never came from them.


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