If It's Not in Angela’s Interests
Unless it’s in the best interests of my sister Angela, it’s not going to happen!
Warriors Are Not Slaves
Warriors, as is known, fight for their own interests and for those of the people dear to them. Mädel had to choose between England and her Hun, and, on realising he wasn’t going to fight one step more for England, she deemed it better to go to Germany and fight for her Hun’s interests.
Choosing between slavery and serving the German Holy Mother did not require rocket science, and the Serbian Lady had made very clear shortly after our return from Serbia that Angela will be moving to Germany. The details have been explained at The Party and needn’t be repeated here.
All I needed was for Mädel to make a work offer and be turned down in England so I could get her over to Germany. In 2017 she made the offer and was turned down, my part of the pact I kept, so when she tried a second time in England following Angela Hun’s move to Mexico, I considered this unfair and made sure she failed by changing the default. This I achieved when opening the Trojan Horse and disabling her English restaurant.
That restaurant, I had reassured myself, is not in Schwester Hunnin’s interests!
Here is today’s Party song.
Interlinked Chain Reaction
Everything else happened by reaction. The Rhine Scroll, by way of the Mexicans, passed from England to Germany owing to the spiritual military campaign launched by the German Lady. The Fair Lady of Britannia made a move on Italy to take the founding Script of the Italian Church and, succeeding, then remained stranded in Chivasso where the script was taken back.
Going by the date when this happened, which was the 10th February 2022, we can see that it was made possible because several months earlier, in the autumn of 2021, the German Mother had already obtained the Jerusalem Scroll of the Rhine.
Thanks to the German spiritual military operation against England, the Italiana managed to regain in Italy the script she was about to lose. Otherwise the British, who called Angela a liar, going by their track record would have cancelled the Italian Church. The Italiana’s point was, if Britannia can’t stand up for the English Church, how would she be able to care for the Italian?
Should it be any surprise that, later, the Italian Mother made another point, namely of demanding the Italian State agencies be exposed for betraying the Italian Church that Angela was working for? Here, as we can easily determine, for the Italian Lady Angela’s best interests are at heart, and this was also the overriding thought in my mind when unlocking the Italian vehicles that were in place on the cart.
Gold, Silver and Hard Work
Which brings us back to Mädel. As we sat at table facing each other, she holding a sheet of paper in her hand and her blue eyes gazing at me intently, I declared There, see for yourself, they demanded of me £1,800, and to think that my sister researched the foundations of the English Church and I funded her with gold, silver and my hard-earned savings!
Angela was already in Mexico, but I had written down what they claimed I owed them, detracted the sum from my remaining five pounds, and come to -1,795 pounds, which is what would have been left for me.
Filling her glass with some more Hungarian wine, and adding a tot of brandy to my own, I continued Instead, I’ll cut and run and leave them the five pounds.
The Sun Rises Again
A smile appeared on her melancholic expression, she lowered her eyes, and I noted a silent sense of disgust as Freundin briefly shed one more glance at the sheet of paper she was holding, then laying it upside down on the table. She understood it wasn’t in Angela’s interests to come back to England and also that her own dreams of opening up shop here were done and dusted.
But the sun will rise again, I assured her, quietly remembering the pledge I had made in Aachen, and added you will see the world through a new horizon.
I also recall the twinkle in Mädel’s eyes when recounting to her how, several days after the diabolic one launched his attack, in communion I saw a repetition of the episode whereby he instantly turned upside down and descended in a fiery ball just as he was about to make the angry opening move through the door entrance.
While Mädel had been present at the time, Angela wasn’t, but his hate had been directed primarily at Angela, who he called a liar.
It wasn’t in Angela’s best interests to come back to England, so she’ll be going to Germany instead.
I also told Mädel how in a successive communion revelation, I saw him driving a truck to Italy, when suddenly the cabin turned around, coming to a stop against the semi-trailer it had been pulling.
You see, I exclaimed with joy, he only wanted to traffic your work over to others and get paid for it while you would never have seen one customer at your tables!
Her eyes stared at me, a certain sensation dawning on her as she realised how they had abused of her kindness and generosity.
In Germany
Instead of the British trafficking her recipes over to the founding fathers of Europe, Freundin is now in Germany giving classes in a private school on the need to be done with the EU and with NATO too, as these two parallel organizations have nothing to do with sovereignty or with democracy.
She’s doing this right under the nose of the German government, fully aware that unless Germany makes a move in the direction of change, neither Angela nor I will ever be able to go back there. I instructed her to keep in mind that the people running the European Union are very much the same as those running NATO and that they consider Angela as their enemy number one. Shutting her down is their order of the day, it hasn’t changed, and it is the reason I spent my last silver Reichsmark on her studies only to be then declared dead by the uk. That the uk wasn’t alone in sending HM Revenues I easily imagined, they were too spineless to do that on their own.
Anyway, Mädel is among the Germans since July last year working to bring down the EU, Wolfgang is making sure she cannot be identified, and I’m sitting here waiting to see how things pan out while taunting the British. I did promise them: She’s not for you, Tommy!
I wrote this in my will after dying in England, and I also left them my last five pounds. The Swiss francs I kept for myself.
Here is tonight’s Party song.
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