Angela and the Spirit
Human bread and spiritual bread are not the same: one is from mankind, the other from God.
In Valjevo
Our first journey to Serbia brought us directly to Valjevo where we set up our logistics base next to the church dedicated to Presveta Bogorodica. Here Angela initiated her research into the Serbian Church from aspects both historical and spiritual.
All Angela’s written work was achieved in Valjevo and in the Serbian language, it was funded by her brother, and the only agreement she had was with the Serbian Holy Mother, who also gave her the spiritual church calendar.
Oily Ink and Mouldy Dough
My sister got me to compile some pages written in thick ink and place these in a visible area of her satchel where they stood out accompanied by the odour of her brother’s pipe-tobacco. This version of written pages got stolen some time later by people bearing resentment towards Valjevo in Serbia. But I have mentioned elsewhere in Party prints that she took away a secret script of her studies which later became the blueprint of all her future work on national churches.
Those who presumed to take what they could see with their eyes and smell with their nose couldn’t steal this hidden version – after all it was hers and of spiritual origin.
Angela has never been baptised by human hand or word and never went to the priests for communion, her law being loaf not can fish Spirit in old crust (her way of saying that a human cannot mix the Spirit in mouldy old bread), and has never had a contract with those who imagined they could rob her.
You’re Going to Germany!
Shortly after we returned from Serbia to Italy the last time, the Serbian spiritual Mother, who had given Angela the spiritual calendar that had enabled us to return to Serbia one more time at Easter, informed Angela that she will be eventually going to her homeland Germany, that her two best friends would be there too, and, of-course, her German brother.
In communion I received confirmation of this from the same Serbian Lady, but, as noted in previous prints, we first had to travel to England for a while where sister Hun had to do research into the English and Scottish church origins respectively – and only!
In Italy
After our first attempt in England, where I failed to obtain a work contract for die Hunnin’s research, we returned to Italy and there sister took up contact with the Italian spiritual Mother for whom she then worked as mentioned on Party pages.
Then we went to England a second time, she carried out her intended work and I funded her all the way with my own hard-worked-for savings and my silver Reichsmarks. The rest we know: she could not get a decent reply from Germany where they pretended not to understand and so Angela fled to Mexico, whereas I died in England, made my will and left the British five pounds only, keeping the Swiss francs and finding myself in prison too.
Of-course, Angela knows what would await her if she returned here, she would be declared dead and locked up in a prison and then bugged, reason for which she’s not coming back and the English-Mexican alliance broke down.
Signing Documents
Before leaving England, a deadline was approaching for Angela to sign some papers whereby she would have to claim to speak fluent English and to have been regularly working here for five years, or three years (I can’t remember) in order to avoid an expulsion on account of Brexit.
What they think want become Britishes?, she said, sister want go back home!
She wanted to return to Germany, but not having received a reply and invitation from the German State, her only available option to freedom was to Mexico, and this is because she had contacts con la Santa Madre Mexicana, and Alexandra gave her a generous donation.
So there we have it! Angela speaks fluent Italian and therefore speaking Mexican wasn’t going to be a problem. Her English is what it is … but forcing her to stay here?!
Then they came for me! By jove, I gave it them when they tried that one out, a Hun who served in Normandy surrendering to the British!
So no, I signed no such document and to this day refuse to sign any. What else could I say to them: Niet, Churchill!
No Can Understand
Hermana, who has contacts with the German spiritual Mother, does not comprehend why the Germans don’t want her to come back home to start her research into German Church foundations. Perhaps some people are angry that she doesn’t work for human holy fathers, or even worse, someone across the sea from Italy is angry and made false claims concerning the Holy Spirit.
My personal take on this matter is, if the British policeman wants to get from her work on the Irish and the Welsh, why doesn’t he go to some holy fathers instead of trying to bug my sister? And why all the secrecy about it?
On a more personal note, what makes him think I’m going to climb a ladder and fall down and break my neck for five pounds while he gets her work and then walks off? What would become of her?
Not a Chance in the Underworld!
That’s not the future I envisage for my sister, and she herself said, quite plainly, she isn’t going to fill in those two empty spaces. She cannot understand what makes them think she’s coming back here to then be called a liar, locked up and thrown down a swamp while the policeman walks away with her research.
She doesn’t work with him and he never funded her studies or cared for her. He’s only out to steal the fruit of her studies while at the same time preventing her from carrying them out. He went to War against the German Holy Mother who he’s trying to get rid of, and because of him Angela isn’t coming back here. He has no right to lock her up or steal from her. She has no contract with him and he’s a delusional man!
On Choosing
In our last Party edition Key to German Church, Key to Italian Church, I styled in writing: “The State cannot be above the national Church, nor should any foreign state be allowed to shut down the sovereign Church of the folk.”
Mädel had to chose between the English and her Hun. I said quite clearly to her It’s your choice and of your own free will, and if you stay, we’ll depart as friends! I had shut down her restaurant in England and she chose to stay with her Hun because the German Mother had offered her a place in the Wirtschaft, and so Freundin left for Germany and is awaiting my return there.
I had told her that the Thug was only out to traffic her work over to others, to the self-proclaimed founding fathers of Europe and to cash in on her skills while she’d have ended up in the street. Mädel believed me and understood that I have her best interests at heart.
I knew the German Mother had left the door open for Angela and her brother, showing us the road east back home to the Land of the Rhine. All I needed was for Mädel to fail in England.
Here is today's Party presentation.
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