Angela Is Out There Waiting

Being a cheerful person by nature, Angela sought to protect herself from the very start.

To England and Back!

When we moved from Germany to England, Angela, who at the time was very young and spoke German, insisted on taking a return-ticket with her, the intention being to return to her homeland.

Being die Hunnin's brother and having duty of care towards her, I recalled her very first words: heute ist Karfreitag!, and having believed this to be a prophetic sentence, I went with her to the train station where I purchased a ticket to England and back, asking for the nearest English destination, which was Dover.

From Calais Back Home

The closest location I could get with the German Bahn was to Calais in France, from where it was said England could be seen on a clear day. Taking the ticket, I handed it to her with a smile, and looking up at me with hope in her eyes, Angela took the printed card and carefully placed it in her coat pocket.

In the January 26th 2023 Party edition Love Is Stranger Than Hate, under the chapter A Good Friend, I wrote: “This is where Freundin comes in again. When I shut her English restaurant down, I knew she had a reason to be dismayed, but I did it out of love for the German Holy Mother and Child.”

But I also did it for Angela, who by now had fled England for Mexico and refused to come back. Reflecting on the destiny of the German Folk, I thought Without die Hunnin, there will be no German Holy Church and no German Holy Child, only darkness, hell and torment.

Speech Impediment

There were two occasions when Angela lost all capability of expressing herself in words. The first time was in Italy, where, after our return from Serbia, she had always been conversing with me in Italian. But one day she had been to spiritual communion and received information that we needed to go back to England. 

When my sister told me this, she then just stopped speaking altogether and remained silent for many days, and her expression changed to sadness. It had been not long before, in a vision, that I had seen her being knocked down by the Antichrist!

The other time she lost her speech was in England when, one day, at the public presentation of her studies into the English Church, a pot of paint came flying at the picture she had presented along with her pages. This was a painting she had made under which was written This like portrait of English Mother and Child!

Standing there, she said nothing. The term shocked is an underestimation of what she felt, and standing next to her I looked in wonderment and thought: If you rebuilt the house following the same plan, they would come and destroy it again in the same way!

She did eventually recover, I had wiped the tears from her eyes and was sorry for having exposed her sincerity to ruthless people – I should have known better.

The English Church

The English Child seated in his pram was turned the opposite way from the light tower church and arrived at the cornerstone in Folkestone, from where he made it to Germany, and eventually from there to the heavenly House.

The official British version is that Angela has never worked in England! This, however, does not present a personal problem because she did and her work was published long ago on her brother’s website, hence the evidence is out there. We’ll let posterity decide who told the truth and who lied.

One day when the Germans have decided to contact brother Hun in England in a favourable manner – if he hasn’t gone to Italy through different contacts from the Italian State – Angela will return to her homeland and take up her work in the service of the German Holy Mother.

Hiring Pages – Much Work!

Before leaving for Mexico, sister Hun left a pair of empty frames in her union flag and these are currently in Germany too – where they will remain in the care of the German Lady. Should She remain abandoned by people sitting there quietly pretending they don’t know anything, then so too will the two empty spaces quietly hang there in Limbo.

The other day, Angela spoke with me by video, and with a smile on her face said: Brother, not forget visa for Calais! Catch train and go Belgium, then he say Aachen and turn east. When reach Rhine, must wait till sister come, she carry many pens, brother buy house and many pages to carry ink.

Here is tonight’s Party song.


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