The Chivasso Axis

South East to Italy, then no return west but North East to Germany.

The German Rainbow

Readers at The Party will have gathered that the British establishment, which is of Norman origin and descended from the Tanner’s son, attempted to purchase the Rainbow of the German Holy Mother. Here is our 19th January 2022 publication God’s Rainbow in Heaven.

Sorry, But No!

It wasn’t in Angela’s best interests for me to believe the German State would ever make it possible for her brother to return from England to Germany and thereby also enable her return as should have been according to the link Serbia-Germany.

I assumed the absence of a positive reply meant trying to uproot her original presence in Valjevo to exchange this for the institution she refused to surrender to. The essence of the controversy is the dispute between the One Holy Father and the many human ‘holy fathers’ claiming possession of the Spirit from High.

Similarly, Angela also refused to surrender to Buckingham palace and perhaps this also distressed some people in Germany making decisions, which is too bad! They might have had an agreement with the British, but they never had one with Angela and her brother. That means they had a bogus agreement with the likes of Mr. Government Bond who couldn’t keep his word.

Our last Party publication Angela by Video From Mexico, under the chapter Knighted With Oats and Honours, states: “talking of the studies that need to be carried out in Italy and in Germany for two different national Churches, there is nothing the British can secretly give these two nations”.

On my part, the fraternal obligation was upon me to respect Angela’s lasts words before leaving Germany for England: Ich kehre wieder! So there had to be another way.

To Become What?

In England she point blank refused to become British and rather left two empty spaces in the union flag to prove the point, saying: Not will!

The puzzle I could not piece together was how some people in Germany could think I would try sacrificing her into an identity that she simply refused to have foisted upon her. At the time before departing from Germany for England, in order to wipe the tears from her eyes I went with her to the train station and purchased an open return-ticket that would bring her from England back home to Germany, although the closest I could get was from Calais in France and back.

Exspectans Redemptionem

Angela’s very first words had been Heute ist Karfreitag!, the sentence followed by a shudder. As she looked expectantly up at me at the counter in the train station, I explained to her that England is visible from the Pas de Calais on a sunny day and therefore the opposite is also true. The British, going the long way round, will land in Normandy again, I assured her, and we’ll go the fastest way out of England and land in Calais.

Trusting in her brother’s reassuring words, Angela bravely took the return-ticket in her hand and placed it in her jacket pocket, and, with hope in her eyes, held my hand as we trotted out of the train station.

Here is today’s first Party tune.

Whatever made anyone in Germany think she’d be able to help the Germans by being locked up in a British prison goes beyond me. It’s the reason she fled England!

She’s Not British”

These were the only truthful words the British ever said to me, and they were directed at Angela who stood there grinning at them in approval. They had tried offering her a place at a two week course for learning English and she had responded by placing a thumb to her nose with all the four fingers spread out.

Being responsible for funding her education, I pointed out to them that it wasn’t in her interests to be subjected to trauma as I would never have got her on the train in Germany unless with the return-ticket and the promise she’ll be back in German land again one day.

Five Pounds in Return for a Rainbow

In Liguria, Angela’s fluent knowledge of Italian ensured that I picked up the language sufficiently well to get around, and later, when back in England, Mädel was quite impressed, for she too speaks Italian. As we know, she wrote a manual in that very language and took it with her when we went on holiday to Italy. The story of Mädel’s Italian manual has been narrated here at The Party, so I won’t need to repeat it here.

When, in the course of time, I transferred Prosperity by way of the English Rainbow away from England and over to Italy and to Germany, I considered this act to have been for the greater good of Mankind. Having already made out my will posthumously and left - five pounds only - to the British, I considered this sufficient: I had left them everything! Only my Swiss francs I kept.

Here is today’s second Party presentation.

It Was Destiny

The destiny of the English Rainbow was decided by me the Hun in 2021 when I transferred it over, as mentioned, and this was valid owing to Prosperity over Belgium going East should it fail West in England – which it did.

The idea however that someone in Germany could transfer the German Lady’s Rainbows to the British was not in the cards, they had no authority to try it out!

I left the British everything I had for the English Rainbow: five full pounds, it was valid, it was the thought that counted, not just the sum. I died in order to achieve this! It was my will that they got my last remaining British money, and in return I shut down Freundin’s English restaurant and sent her on to Germany!

Only You!

In our 14th February 2022 page Mädel Waiting at the Lantern, we see that the German Mother again sent the Rainbow, but the British wrongly claimed to have purchased this one too. In fact, having been offered the place in the Wirtschaft by the German Mother, Freundin is in Germany operating to bring an end to the European Union, an important precondition for her future enterprise.

At the time when I had told her that the transfer of Prosperity out of England was irrevocable, Mädel had seemed quite impressed as she sat there looking back at me, summing up the situation and gazing at me with renewed interest.

After all, I had told her, this is for you, I did all this for you!

Mädel’s Confession at Communion

The intention being to give her a meaningful present, Freundin wasn’t supposed to find out beforehand, for I had wanted to surprise her. She had placed her trust in me, and my credibility in her eyes now pivoted on the realization she had lost everything in England but had been offered all she could have hoped for – in Germany.

When I told Mädel of the communion with the German Mother at which she herself had been present, she not only believed, but gladly cherished her new status, later departing east to where the Rhine flows.

There is only one person who can achieve this, I had assured her, and that person is you!

Mädel is preparing the way for Angela’s return to Germany, I’ll be going with her and we’ll be departing from Italy – most probably Chivasso.

The Latvians Said No!

Whatever it was the British offered in return for the two German Rainbows, it was null and void, because in the autumn of 2021, several months before the two Signs from Heaven appeared, the Rhine Scroll had already been assigned back to Germany in Mexico, as hermana Angela testified to and informed us of. And therewith Spiritual Jerusalem was with the Rhine Church Under the Full Moon.

It was the Latvians who came in communion to me and explained that the British had failed, because had they got their way, Latvia would have been sacrificed to war. This is what they showed me in no uncertain terms.

Here is our 22nd June 2022 edition on the Latvians in the page The Latvians Visit the Hun.

What can I say? Njet Churchill!

Here is today’s third Party presentation.


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