Corso Imperatrice and Angela

When Angela says No!, that means No!

Angela Said No!

In our last page It All Started in Serbia I put to writing: “In an upcoming print, I will explain here at The Party why the Russians In High are essential in saving the Italian Church, and not only, but every national Church!”

And I went on to state: “the Communion event in relation to this was shown me in Italy after the Italian State turned rogue and betrayed Angela”.

Well Angela contacted me and said that what I know about the communion I was party to is not as much as she knows and therefore not to write anything at all about it unless we are back in Italy where we were at the time of the events.

Britishes inches* on fence say did investigated and gave to Russia!, was her alarmed statement, and I think she meant they sit on a fence knowing nothing and then claim that all this came from their investigations and they got this out of a prison.

*Her way of using the Italian word pollici in plural, a unit of measurement.

Left on a Fence

In our video discussion, we agreed that if Angela were ever to take out her magnifying glass and do her own investigations into the Russian Church, its origins and its status, this would have to be in Italy, and that we should leave the British investigators sitting on the fence in the dark.

This has got nothing to do with them, and as the Italian Mother offered hospitality to the Russian Church it’s also fair that Her generosity and good will are not taken and abused by the one we all know about who makes certain claims.

Angela also says we need to be careful how we go about making statements in regards to the Russian Church lest someone should try exchanging heavenly Zion for the Byzantine Empire and creating a man-made situation whereby a human holy father claims to be the first among many equal holy fathers ‘including God himself’.

Read into that what you will but my sister knows what she’s saying and she contends that there is only One Holy Father and only one Saviour: His Son of Resurrection.

A Day Out With Angela

On that day, my sister had prepared the food for a picnic in a small basket which I placed in my rucksack along with a small bottle of red wine, and she told me we’d be going to Sanremo to see a place of which I knew nothing.

After enjoying our sandwiches and Mediterranean stone-baked dough, we later proceeded west along Corso Imperatrice, the sun high and directly above the street we were walking along, thus illuminating the entire avenue. Suddenly Angela turned right, and lo and behold in front of us stood the Russian Church!

Only a few days earlier, in a vision the Serbian Mother had come to me, She then went and the Russian Lady appeared. So as we stood there in front of the building, I told Angela about this. Looking back at me she replied in Italian, as that was the language we were conversing in, Siamo tornati in Serbia a Pasqua, andammo a Valjevo e quando siamo arrivati là vedemmo la luna piena direttamente davanti a noi sopra la strada che conduceva al nostro alloggio accanto alla chiesa Presveta Bogorodica!

A Treasure From God

Having Angela as my sister came unto me as a blessing from High, and what she strives for has always been superior and better than anything I could pull out of my own sack of grain. And as she said those words, the memories of Serbia came back and I knew that with Angela, no Lady In High to whom she has dedicated herself will lose.

When the British later went on to declare her a liar in England and made me die for it, I never forgave them, and we all know who the man is behind it, he and those following him, the one who goes from house to house at Halloween.

I couldn’t forgive them on account of what they said about my sister and how they tried treating her, attempting to throw her in a prison and chain her to the wrack to force her to hand over to them information that they would use for the glory of their own human monarchy and for the vainglory of Bletchley Park.

The Day Went on …

Here we departed, Angela going to the Russian Church and I for a further walk, and we agreed to meet later at the same place within a few hours. So I proceeded on my own, and shortly thereafter, turning right, a casino appeared in view. Here I won a handsome sum of money, and content with the day’s earnings, I came out and returned to our rendezvous where I saw Angela coming out of the church’s courtyard. The sun was still high and we ambled back east again, later stopping over for a light meal, my favourite dish in such cases being a focaccia or a tomato and herb pizza with a glass of wine, whereas Angela would habitually have a glass of mineral water with her dish.

Not Long Thereafter

It wouldn’t take long, and within days Angela was researching the origins of the Italian Church. Taking out her set of bibles and some papyrus script, her crayons on the table next to her and magnifying glass nearby, she sat there doing her research, and I was a happy man, content to be offering accommodation and all expenses to the person for whom, later, I willingly entered a prison to take her place.

So no! The man who appears at Halloween will not have access to the communion revelation that later came to me after my sister had presented the fruit of her initial studies to an address in Rome and following the detraction of another set of written papers by Italian agents in the street.

From a Prison? No!

For all that the Russians In High feature prominently in the above-mentioned spiritual communication, in our recent video connection Angela has decided that this is nothing for the known investigator to eavesdrop on, it’s not something that should be extrapolated inside a prison to his investigations. Rather, we will need to be back in Italy, for the information in that vision concerns the Jews, the Russians and the Italians. This is nothing for the known vulture sitting on a fence to stoop down on and grasp!

Return to Imperia in Italia

Angela and her brother’s return to Italy is for the Italian State to see to now, they need to get their act in order and admit that their agency turned rogue back then and committed sabotage. They know what they did and they need to rectify the error. They know where I am and how to find me.

Currently the Italian State has a contract with Halloween-Man, Beelzebub and Moloch, the Befana and Winston Churchill’s people, not with Angela and her brother. As time goes on, it’s going to get ever harder to hide this away!

I recall once saying I’d rather march with the Turks to the Nile than go back to the Swamp and be crucified. Angela, who knew how to return to Valjevo at Easter following the Full Moon, marched along Corso Imperatrice following the Sun with her brother at her side and reached the Russian Church!

Here is today’s Party march.


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