The Italian National Church: Hiding in Crevices

A True Mother

Based on the recent conditions laid down by the spiritual Mother of the Italian Church, we can see that She is not the kind of person who would lock Angela and her brother in a prison and try possessing the national Church of another, holding it to ransom or indeed preventing it from being researched and presented at all.

Going by the Chivasso alliance, it’s clear that, once her work is accomplished in Italy, sister Hun and her brother will be free to move on to German Land – providing there is first a binding work contract with the Germans. Under no circumstance will we be moving west to England. Threatening Angela with crucifixion is never going to happen again!

According to the Italian Mother, Angela did all the studying and presenting she needed to do in England and there is no reason for the British to hold her brother in a prison.

Hiding in Silence

Clearly the Italian State needs to unblock what the rogue agency has carried through, they cannot be simply left to hide away pretending nothing has happened and that they never brought about the sabotage that is at the root of the controversy. Angela is irreplaceable and the many agents and State actors they employed will have to be taken out of my sister’s pathway instead of being used to block her.

While these operate for their employers who in turn work for themselves and their human empire-building projects, she works with the Spirit and will not be locked up in a prison and have her research stolen, falsified and given over to others to hide away, dissect, scribble over and somehow use to crown themselves with.

Failed EU

Communist in all its ugly identity, the EU uses a financial structure that depends on the creation of fake credit in the European Central Bank in order to delay its natural demise which otherwise would have come about through bankruptcy – something identical to how the ‘uk’ and its economy functions. This is forgery on a systemic scale, and the very people who run this colossal scam at State level have tried selling the Italian Holy Mother and her Church to the Temple Bar in the City and the followers of a foreign monarchy of human origin.

Mädel is in Germany seeing to it that this Communist empire is shut down. Contrary to the people employed in the offices of the European Union or receiving golden pensions for their past participation in this failed dream, the Hun cannot invent money out of thin air to use it to fund his sister, and therefore the financial solution offered by the Italian Mother is the only way forward: otherwise the British win on a five-pound-note policy in return for climbing a ladder and falling down.

I should not fail to add here the Thirty Pound policy they used to try and purchase the Italian Holy Mother, her Church and Angela.

Cathedral and Dome

In our 25th December 2022 page In Communion In and Out of England, I wrote: to the east appeared a cathedral with a dome which I immediately identified as being Italian and located in Italy, and as I moved some steps away, this church was no longer in view and instead another cathedral with a dome appeared in my sight, a lot closer, but still to the east, and neither of the two was in England”.

Here we can see that while the Rhine Church appeared closer, the Italian Church came into view first. If the Germans can make an agreement with the British to investigate and hand over to Germany all that Angela was supposed to do, they are free to try, but it will never be from Angela and it will never be based upon the Rhine Scroll which is spiritual and beyond their comprehension. It will simply mean they made a contract with someone else. On her part, die Hunnin will personally make sure not to hand over as much as one word to help them, just as with the two empty frames.

The Contract

All I need to reiterate is the need for the Italian State to make a contract with me and my sister Angela, and not with someone else whose only purpose is to shut Angela down while somehow trying to bring about the theft of her research.

I will not accept an intermediary who looks at someone else or speaks to the wall and expects me to understand the message. You either contact me on account of Angela, or you remain opposed to the Italian Santa Madre! There is no third person, intermediary or foreign agency that must be involved. I just need to be able to walk out of England with a valid Italian travel document and a signed contract.

Here is today’s Party music.


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