A Church That Will Prevail Against Hell

When the chickens come home to roost, everyone will know who did it.

Two Empty Flags For a Return Ticket

On leaving her homeland in the Rhine region at the very start of her travels, Angela had the open return-ticket from England* to Germany I had given her as a token of good will, but she understood it had no real efficacy attached to it.

When we arrived again in England and British agents claimed she had never done anything in Italy, Angela, already aware of the fallacy behind all their actions towards her, immediately decided to leave two frames of the union flag empty. This was her guarantee for an open return-ticket back home, and it turned out to be the only way she could confront the British and their interference in her affairs both here and abroad.

One Dirty Hand Washes the Other

When we returned to England, she had in the meantime been to Serbia and had lived in Italy, but now it was a case of doing research here in England with no contract and no guarantee and the entire enterprise depending on her brother funding it. Owing to the treacherous sell-off for Thirty Silver Pieces the Italian Mother has testified to, it also implied she had ‘never achieved anything’ in Italy, which was a blatant lie.

The Italian State that had opened the gates to the Antichrist had clearly given the British agents in England the permission to build their castle on the above-mentioned lie. As a result, when Angela presented the English Church, the British State called her a liar and stated publicly in writing on a local government forum that ‘the English Church is irrelevant’.


When they sent the Thug to launch a stab in the back, those who did it were sure of themselves and believed to have their own back covered. That was a result of receiving permission from the Italian secret agency to call my sister a liar. So as we can see, British and Italian agents were working together to try and destroy all that Angela did, whether here or there, patting each other on the back and congratulating themselves while riding up and down on their see-saw … until the Italian spiritual Mother came and openly denounced the Italian State for betrayal of the worst kind: Thirty Pounds intended as of Judas Iscariot.

Falling in Their Own Snare

The British had hoped to lay their hands on written or verbal work on the Welsh and the Irish, then they would lock my sister in a prison and glorify their own monarchy. But die Hunnin was always some steps in front of them and never gave them anything that could fill in those two blank spaces. And when they came for her in 2019 brandishing a pair of handcuffs, Alexandra had already warned her beforehand, saying Herod’s police are coming for you, you must go! When they arrived, Angela was up and gone. She went to Mexico.

You missed her! I said, adding I have duty of care towards my sister, not you!

Rounding off, I told them No-one gets to trading my sister no matter what you promised them, they never had my permission nor will they ever get it!

Unable at the time to obtain a work contract with Germany where someone sat in silence and deliberately ignored her, and having been betrayed by the Italian State, Angela would have been cornered but for Alexandra procuring the means for her departure.


In a previous Party edition I have explained that after the matter concerning the Antichrist in Italy, the Italians In High made a case in the heavenly Tribunal and in communion I was shown the papers relating to the case. On my part I too have publicly testified to what happened and it corresponds to what the Italian Mother has exposed.

Lei non ha mentito, ha detto la verità.

As it stands, she has made testimony against the British who have no right to prevent my sister from completing her research in Italy. She wants Angela back together with her brother and showed me that I need a contract whereby the Italian secret service is not treacherously operating for the British.


Her alliance is with the German Mother and has never been with the British. Consequently and for clarity, whatever pact some people in Germany had with them concerning Angela is equally null and void and, being predicated upon a fallacy, is as detrimental to Italy as it is to Germany owing to the presumption that the British have powers to imprison and confine the Spirit. The Child of a nation should not be sacrificed and it doesn’t matter what the British offered somebody in Germany!

In fact, on this matter the Italian State needs to think only of Angela’s research in Italy and not get involved in the German matter which will solve itself in due course. It’s for the German People to decide whether they will allow somebody to try selling off their spiritual Mother.

The Contract

The Italian government needs to take the double agents off the case who tried sacrificing Angela to the Antichrist. These people have been secretly operating for a foreign power that has tried bringing spiritual ruination upon the rightful Holy Mother of the Italian nation and Her Church.

The Italian government needs to distinguish itself from the previous ones which weaponised money & no-money and used cheating means to commit betrayal in the name of Thirty Silver Pieces. A special decision has to be made to allow her brother to return to Italy solely on account of Angela and this must include an Italian document for her brother, funding and a signed contract.

Or Spiritual Ruination

Failing this, I have to repeat the one certainty: Beelzebub and Moloch with whom the Italian secret agency has been dealing by way of the British Intelligence will not give Italy anything they falsely promised through bugging operations, prison and a no-money & no-response strategy. Equally they will not give the Welsh and the Irish so much as one jot of Angela’s two empty frames, both of which are hanging in limbo in Germany out of reach, this being within the context of the War between the British on one side and the German Lady on the other, none of which, however, is of any concern to Italy.

Thirty Pound Stamp Posted High Over Britain

Should the Italian secret agents want to persist in calling the Italian spiritual Mother a liar and continue hiding in silence, my duty has been to make the case public for the present and future generations to know why the Italian Church could not be researched and presented and who was behind it. The case has as much to do with those who received the thirty silver pieces as with those who paid them.

There is one particular law in Angela’s vocabulary that resonates: Do not put up for sale Holy Mother and Child of a nation! Do not try imprisoning them!

There is only one Mother of the Italian nation, the One the Italian State tried selling to the British. Angela and her brother had been happy persons caring for her needs, until one day they opened the doors of Hell and let the Antichrist in… and then presumed to have forever sold Her off.

Here is today’s Party presentation.

*It was to Calais and back, the closest I could get without actually having a ticket from Germany to England.

Public print No. 427 at The Party, March 2023.


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