Non Angela Sed Anglia

In order to open a Wirtschaft in German Land, Mädel first has to shut down the EU and clear out the mess.

When Mädel Went to Germany

In today’s edition, we’ll be looking at the detail concerning the German Holy Mother who went East along the road between England and the Rhine, all of which has been presented here on Party space as it happened in communion.

When She and I entered the English restaurant as Mädel’s first and only customers, after a dispute the German Lady walked away, I with her, and she was pushing a pram with Child. Alexandra quickly came and said we all had to turn back, which happened immediately.

A few days later, as described in our 11th March 2022 publication Mädel’s Wirtschaft and the German Mother, the German Lady came again, but to an ante-room* directly between the restaurant and the road East. There, as she and I were seated almost facing each other, but she more to my right and near the door leading out to the road to Germany, I was given a meal to eat. On finishing I looked at the German Mother and said I thought I was waiting for you, to which, patiently watching me, she responded I was waiting for you. She then rose and went through the door East, I following her.

Great Danger

On various occasions I have explained that Alexandra told me to write down all the exact phases of these communion events and not to leave any particular jot out of the narrative as the clue is often found in the detail – even in a later period of time.

Today we will come to the point as to what happened in early January 2022, which is the month when the communion events mentioned in the above-linked page took place.

Following the first visit to the English restaurant a few days earlier, the German Mother, after what appeared to be a dispute with Feundin, had intended going back to Germany with me in order that Angela could then arrive too and start working for the German Church, to which the Child in the pram made clear reference.

However, Alexandra prevented this owing to an acute danger to both Mother and Child, and this meant that Angela was still not supposed to move to Germany, for she is the one who is needed in order for the research to be made into the Church Under the Full Moon, as well as Alexandra herself.

Mädel Among You Means Babylon Must Go!

A few days later, in the second restaurant communion that followed, we see that Mädel had changed her mind and agreed to relocate to Germany – hence the meal I was given not in the English restaurant but next to it further east in the adjacent room leading directly to the road to the Rhine. The German Mother and I then left and went East along that road.

This explains why both Mädel and Alexandra moved to Germany some months later in July 2022, which corresponds with Prosperity going East and Freundin preparing to open the Wirtschaft there, whereas Angela remained in Mexico. It will also explain why I remained in England, because I can only leave once there is a binding work contract along with travel documents. However, what counts with regards to Prosperity going East, is that Mädel went to the Land of the Rhine.

In the meantime we have found out, as presented on Party space, that Angela needs to move from Mexico to Italy, and only later from Italy to German Land together with her brother as in accordance with the Chivasso directives.

They Still Worshipped Babylon the Whore

The logical conclusion is that the German State was not at that time prepared to give up on the dreams of an EU empire and had decided that the Church can wait – perhaps delegated over to the British!

Here is today’s first Party presentation.

This would amply explain why the German Child was in danger and why Angela at that point in time was unable to get a work contract from the German State.

Instead of this, however, we have Freundin working in Germany under the nose of the German government teaching that the communist domination by way of the European Union has no place in German land. She does not get involved in politics and does not allow any secret service to get anywhere near her economic policies.

The end of Communism and consequently of EU domination is the premise for her future work on Prosperity, as we by now know. With the German government mired in the failed EU empire and unwilling to untangle itself from a dream that ended in state bankruptcy and mass unemployment among many countries, as well as personal poverty and house-price speculation and a progressive decrease in the native population, we can better understand the situation: they chose to cling on to doom!

Dennoch, die Heilige Mutter des Volkes wird nicht verkauft, das Kind wird nicht an anderen übergeben!

Here is today’s second Party presentation.

*Waiting room


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