The Russian Church and Angela

Her brother may be who he is, not a likeable person perhaps, but Angela needs to do her work and will not be placed in a prison!

In His Own Image

We have seen that Angela in Italy also had the intention of looking into the Russian Church, her spiritual contacts enabling her to do so, and that this was in relation to her previous contact with the Serbian Mother and was connected to her studies into the Italian Church.

Whereas in the Swamp they stole her Serbian manuscript, in Italy they hid away her Italian research, and this brings us back to the Thirty Pound postage stamp the Italian Lady handed the British following their attempt at locking Her up in a British prison. The Battle of Chivasso is proof that the British lost at every level, whether human or spiritual, because neither Germany nor Italy should be made to submit to the man who peddles Halloween pumpkins crafted in his own image.

Oath of Allegiance

Armed with an oath to the person he swears his allegiance to, he’s been going from doorstep to doorstep with a pumpkin with which he wants to exchange the Lady In High of one or other nation. The German Mother refused to surrender to him, the Italiana returned the thirty silver pieces in high over Britain, and I cannot see the Russian Empress agreeing to a pumpkin being placed at the doorstep of the Russian Church in Corso Imperatrice in place of Angela who once stood there explaining to me how we had approached the church of Presveta Bogorodica in Serbia following the Full Moon.

I’m Still Here”

At The Party we have already made clear how the Serbian Mother came back after our last exit from the Swamp showing that She had not been sold no matter what they claimed. Back then, the Italian State was intent on spreading EU expansion all over eastern Europe, and where they go, NATO always arrives with them arm in arm.

It doesn’t take much to understand that Churchill’s people are behind all this while proclaiming the word of ‘liberation’ in the name of City banking. This is why many countries inherited one bankrupt banking scam after another starting in 2008.

But contrary to these people who circulate fake money and credit out of thin air, Angela’s brother used up his last gold coin, his last silver Reichsmark and his last hard-earned savings to fund Angela only to be declared dead by someone trying to place a pumpkin in front of everyone’s doorstep. 

Here is today's Party presentation.


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